1.2 抱、背宝宝
1.2.1 抱孩子
Don’t cry.(别哭了。)
What’s wrong with you? (你怎么了?)
carry you(抱你)
pick you up(抱你)
Come on, my dear boy. Don't cry.(来吧,亲爱的宝宝。别哭了。)
You just ate something. You are not hungry. Why are you crying? (你刚吃过了。应该不饿。为什么哭呢?)
What's wrong with you? (你怎么了?)
Do you want someone to carry you? (你想要人抱吗?)
Do you want Daddy to pick you up?(你想让爸爸抱你吗?)
OK, let me carry you in my arms. (好的,我来把你抱在怀里。)
You are my darling. Ⅰ love you. Your Daddy loves you ,too.(你是我的宝宝。我爱你。你爸爸也爱你。)
Everyone in our family loves you. Don't cry. Be a good boy.(家里每个人都爱你。别哭了。做个乖宝宝。)
carry you,或hold you,或pick you up,或take you (都是“抱你”的意思)
hum a tune(哼着小曲)
dance with him around the room(与他在屋子里翩翩起舞)
cradle him in my arms(把他抱在我怀中)
grab my hair(抓我的头发)
shake your toy(搖一搖你的玩具)
Let me hold you.(让我抱你。)
Honey, give me a hug.(宝宝让我抱抱。)
Let me carry you downstairs.(让我抱你下楼。)
Ⅰ can carry you in the elevator.(我可以抱你上电梯。)
Ⅰ just want to hold you.(我只想抱着你。)
Would you mind taking (holding) the baby for a moment?(你能抱一会儿孩子吗?)
Do you know the woman with the baby in her arms ?(你认识手里抱着小孩的那个妇女吗?)
Mom always cradles him in her arms and rocks for a moment.(妈妈总是把他抱在怀里,并会摇一会儿。)
When ⅩiaoYi was very little, Ⅰ would pick him up, hum a tune and dance with him around the room.(当小熠很小的时候,我就抱着他,哼着小曲,在屋子里翩翩起舞。)
Don’t grab my glasses!(不要抓我的眼镜!)
Don’t grab my hair!(不要抓我的头发!)
Ooh! That hurts!(哦,好痛!)
Yes, shake your toy. One, two, three.(对,摇一摇你的玩具,一、二、三。)
1.2.2 背孩子、骑在肩上
piggyback (形容词或副词,在背上、在肩上)
a piggyback ride(在背上背,或在肩上骑)
Give me a piggyback ride.(背我。)
carry a child(抱着一个孩子)
Carry the baby on the back.(让宝宝骑在背上。)
Carry the baby on the shoulders.(让宝宝骑在肩上。)
Do you want a piggyback ride?(要我背你吗?)
Ⅰ'll give you a piggyback ride.(我来背你。)
Let me carry you on my back.(让我背你。)
Let the child sit on my shoulders.(让孩子骑在我肩上。)