All this was the work of a moment; the various degrees of amazement, produced by the sudden appearance of Harry, on some individuals of the group of spectators, the surprise of others at the strong emotions betrayed by the young couple had not subsided, when an exclamation from Hazlehurst himself again fixed their attention entirely on Elinor.
"She has fainted!" he cried, and carried her to the sofa.
But joy is life to the heart and spirits; Elinor lost her consciousness for a moment only. She raised her eyes and fixed them upon Hazlehurst, who still held one of her hands.
"It is Harry!" she exclaimed, and burst into tears. She felt that he was safe, that he was by her side; she already felt that he loved her, that they understood each other; and yet she was still quite incapable of giving anything like a reason for what had passed. It was all confusion in her mind, all indistinct but the blessed truth that Harry was safe, accompanied by a hope she had not dared to cherish for years. She was still feeble and agitated, her colour varying with every beat of her heart; her face now covered with a deep natural blush at the sound of Harry's voice, at the expression of his eye; now deadly pale again as she caught some allusion to the Petrel.
The doctor recommended that she should be left alone with Miss Wyllys. Her grandfather kissed her tenderly and left the room, as well as the rest of the party; with one exception, however--Hazlehurst lingered behind.
Having reached the adjoining room, explanations were exchanged between the friends. Mr. Wyllys learned that Elinor and the Van Hornes had supposed Harry lost, from the paper, and the first hurried note of de Vaux. When they arrived at Wyllys-Roof, there was no one there to give them any later information; Mammy Sarah, the nurse, knew no more than themselves; she had heard the Broadlawn story, after having seen young de Vaux leave the house with Miss Agnes, when they first went to the Hubbards'.
Hazlehurst had not accompanied his friend, for he had seen Mr. Wyllys in a neighbouring field, and went there to give him the information; and thence they had both gone to the cottage, where they remained until Mrs. Clapp and Mr. Joseph Hubbard arrived from Longbridge. Neither Mr. Wyllys nor Miss Agnes had received the least intimation of the accident, until they heard a correct account from de Vaux, and Harry himself; consequently they had not felt the same alarm for Hazlehurst.
Dr. and Mrs. Van Horne were much gratified by hearing, that Hazlehurst's restoration was owing to the devoted perseverance of their son; for it was only after every one else had given up the hope of reviving him, after long and ceaseless exertions, that signs of life were discovered. They also now learned the circumstances of the accident, the fact that two instead of four persons were lost, and they found that it was in endeavouring to save Charlie that Harry had so nearly lost his own life. But we leave them together to express their natural feelings of gratitude for those who had escaped, sympathy with the sufferers, their surprise at Harry's appearance, and all the varying emotions of such a moment.
While this conversation was passing in one room, Elinor was in some measure recovering from the first sudden shock of the morning in the other. Harry seemed fully determined to maintain his post at her side, and still kept possession of her hand; in fact, the solemn, anxious moment, hallowed by grief, at which the disclosure of their mutual feelings had been made, seemed to banish all common, petty embarrassments. Miss Agnes and Harry required but a word and a look to explain matters; the aunt already understood it all.
"Poor Charlie!" exclaimed Elinor, with a half-inquiring look, as if with a faint hope that he too might have returned, like Harry.
"Our friend is gone, dearest!" said Harry, his eyes moistened with tears as he spoke.
Elinor wept, and a silence of a minute ensued. "His poor mother, and his sister!" she exclaimed at length.
"His two mothers, rather," said Harry, with a faltering voice.
After another silence, Elinor turned to Hazlehurst with an anxious look, saying:
"And your other friends?"
"All safe; love."
"The crew too?"
"One of the crew is lost; Black Bob, a sailor from Longbridge."
"I remember him; he had no family I believe, Aunt," she said.
"None, my child, that I have ever heard of."
"The heaviest blow has fallen upon the Hubbards," said Harry.
After a pause, in which aunt and niece had prayed for the mourners, Elinor again made some inquiries.
"Were all in the Petrel at the time?" asked Elinor.
"Smith and our poor Charlie, the negro and a boy were crossing a bay in the Petrel, when she capsized, by the bad management of the negro, who had been drinking. The rest of us were on shore."
"You were not in any danger then?" said Elinor, as if relieved that he had not even been exposed to past peril.
"I owe my life to my friend Van Horne," he replied.
Elinor shuddered, and turned deadly pale again. Harry threw his arms about her and embraced her fervently, until Elinor, who had now partially recovered the common current of her ideas, made a gentle struggle to release herself.
"But you were not in the Petrel?" she said again, as if anxious to understand all that related to him.
"We all went to our friends as soon as we saw the schooner capsize," said Harry.
"Hubert de Vaux told me that Harry swam some distance, with the hope of saving poor Charles, who could not swim himself," said Miss Agnes. "It was in that way, my child, that he was exposed."
"To save Charlie!--that was like you," said Elinor, with a glow on her cheek.
"There was no danger--no merit whatever in doing so--I have often swum farther," said Harry; "the only difficulty was caused by my becoming entangled in some ropes, which drew me under water."
"But where was the boat?"
"It was not at hand at the moment; they brought it as soon as possible."
"Did Charlie speak?" asked Elinor, sadly.
"My poor friend was insensible when I reached him."