第41章 DOWNING STREET.[April 1,1850.](9)
Abler men in Downing Street,abler men to govern us:yes,that,sure egh,would gradually remove the dung-mountains,however high they are;that would be the way,is there any other way,to remedy whatsoever has gone wrong in Downing Street and in the wide regions,spiritual and temporal,which Downing Street presides over!For the Able Man,meet him where you may,is definable as the born enemy of Falsity and Anarchy,and the born soldier of Truth and Order:into what absurdest element soever you put him,he is there to make it a little less absurd,to fight continually with it till it become a little sane and human again.Peace on other terms he,for his part,can make with it;he,while he continues able ,or possessed of real intellect and imaginary.There is but one man fraught with blessings for this world,fated to diminish and successively abolish the curses of the world;and it is he.For him make search,him reverence and follow;k that to find him or miss him,means victory or defeat for you,in all Downing Streets,and establishments and enterprises here below.--I leave your Lordship to judge whether this has been our practice hitherto;and would humbly inquire what your Lordship thinks is likely to be the consequence of continuing to neglect this.It ought to have been our practice;ought,in all places and all times,to be the practice in this world;so says the fixed law of things forevermore:--and it must cease to be the practice,your Lordship;and can too speedily do so I think!--Much has been done in the way of reforming Parliament in late years;but that of itself seems to avail hing,or almost less.
The men that sit in Downing Street,governing us,are abler men since the Reform Bill than were those before it.Precisely the same kind of men;obedient formerly to Tory traditions,obedient to Whig ditto and popular clamors.Respectable men of office:respectably commonplace in facility,--while the situation is becoming terribly original!Rendering their outlooks,and ours,more omis every day.
Indisputably egh the meaning of all reform-movement,electing and electioneering,of popular agitation,parliamentary eloquence,and all political effort whatsoever,is that you may get the ten Ablest Men in England put to preside over your ten principal departments of affairs.To sift and riddle the Nation,so that you might extricate and sift out the true ten gold grains,or ablest men,and of these make your Govers or Public Officers;leaving the dross and common sandy or silty material safely aside,as the thing to be governed,to govern;certainly all ballot-boxes,caucuses,Kennington-Common meetings,Parliamentary debatings,Red Republics,Russian Despotisms,and constitutional or unconstitutional methods of society among mankind,are intended to achieve this one end;and some of them,it will be owned,achieve it very ill!--If you have got your gold grains,if the men you have got are actually the ablest,then rejoice;with whatever astonishment,accept your Ten,and thank the gods;under this Ten your destruction will at least be milder than under aher.But if you have got them,if you are very far from having got them,then do rejoice at all,then lament very much;then admit that your sublime political constitutions and contrivances do prove themselves sublime,but ridiculous and contemptible;that your world's wonder of a political mill,the envy of surrounding nations,does yield you real meal;yields you only powder of millstones (called Hansard Debatings),and a detestable brown substance unlike the grindings of dried horse-dung or prepared street-mud,which though sold under royal patent,and much recommended by the trade,is quite unfit for culinary purposes!--But the disease at least is mysterious,whatever the remedy be.Our disease,--alas,is it clear as the sun,that we suffer under what is the disease of all the miserable in this world,want of wisdom ;that in the Head there is vision,and that thereby all the members are dark and in bonds?vision in the head;heroism,faith,devout insight to discern what is needful,le courage to do it,greatly defective there:seeing eyes there,but spectacles constitutionally ground,which,to the unwary,seem to see.A quite fatal circumstance,had you never so many Parliaments!How is your ship to be steered by a Pilot with eyes but a pair of glass ones got from the constitutional optician?He must steer by the ear ,I think,rather than by the eye;by the shoutings he catches from the shore,or from the Parliamentary benches nearer hand:--one of the frightfulest objects to see steering in a difficult sea!
Reformed Parliaments in that case,reform-leagues,outer agitations and excitements in never such abundance,can profit:all this is but the writhing,and painful blind convulsion of the limbs that are in bonds,that are all in dark misery till the head be delivered,till the pressure on the brain be removed.
Or perhaps there is heroic wisdom left in England;England,once the land of heroes,is itself sunk to a dim owlery,and habitation of doleful creatures,intent only on money-making and other forms of catching mice,for whom the proper gospel is the gospel of M'Croudy,and all ler impulses and insights are forbidden henceforth?Perhaps these present agreeable Occupants of Downing Street,such as the parliamentary mill has yielded them,are the best the miserable soil had grown?The most Herculean Ten Men that could be found among the English Twenty-seven Millions,are these?There are ,in any place,under any figure,ten diviner men among us?Well;in that case,the riddling and searching of the twenty-seven millions has been successful .Here are our ten divinest men;with these,unhappily divine egh,we must even content ourselves and die in peace;what help is there?help,hope,in that case.