I thought I stood in Heaven before God's throne, and God asked me what Ihad come for.I said I had come to arraign my brother, Man.
God said, "What has he done?"
I said, "He has taken my sister, Woman, and has stricken her, and wounded her, and thrust her out into the streets; she lies there prostrate.His hands are red with blood.I am here to arraign him; that the kingdom be taken from him, because he is not worthy, and given unto me.My hands are pure."I showed them.
God said, "Thy hands are pure.--Lift up thy robe."I raised it; my feet were red, blood-red, as if I had trodden in wine.
God said, "How is this?"
I said, "Dear Lord, the streets on earth are full of mire.If I should walk straight on in them my outer robe might be bespotted, you see how white it is! Therefore I pick my way."God said, "On what?"
I was silent, and I let my robe fall.I wrapped my mantle about my head.
I went out softly.I was afraid that the angels would see me.
Once more I stood at the gate of Heaven, I and another.We held fast by one another; we were very tired.We looked up at the great gates; the angels opened them, and we went in.The mud was on our garments.We walked across the marble floor, and up to the great throne.Then the angels divided us.Her, they set upon the top step, but me, upon the bottom; for, they said, "Last time this woman came here she left red foot-marks on the floor; we had to wash them out with our tears.Let her not go up."Then she, with whom I came, looked back, and stretched out her hand to me;and I went and stood beside her.And the angels, they, the shining ones who never sinned and never suffered, walked by us to and fro and up and down; I think we should have felt a little lonely there if it had not been for one another, the angels were so bright.
God asked me what I had come for; and I drew my sister forward a little that he might see her.
God said, "How is it you are here together today?"I said, "She was upon the ground in the street, and they passed over her; Ilay down by her, and she put her arms around my neck, and so I lifted her, and we two rose together."God said, "Whom are you now come to accuse before me?"I said, "We are come to accuse no man."
And God bent, and said, "My children--what is it that ye seek?"And she beside me drew my hand that I should speak for both.
I said, "We have come to ask that thou shouldst speak to Man, our brother, and give us a message for him that he might understand, and that he might--"God said, "Go, take the message down to him!"I said, "But what is the message?"
God said, "Upon your hearts it is written; take it down to him."And we turned to go; the angels went with us to the door.They looked at us.
And one said--"Ai! but their dresses are beautiful!"And the other said, "I thought it was mire when they came in, but see, it is all golden!"But another said, "Hush, it is the light from their faces!"And we went down to him.
Alassio, Italy.