Now we must go back in our story to the time when the men whom the king's daughter Ingegerd and Hjalte had sent from the east came to Earl Ragnvald.They relate their errand to the earl and his wife Ingebjorg, and tell how the king's daughter had oft spoken to the Swedish king about a peace between him and King Olaf the Thick, and that she was a great friend of King Olaf; but that the Swedish king flew into a passion every time she named Olaf, so that she had no hopes of any peace.The Earl told Bjorn the news he had received from the east; but Bjorn gave the same reply, that he would not turn back until he had met the Swedish king, and said the earl had promised to go with him.Now the winter was passing fast, and immediately after Yule the earl made himself ready to travel with sixty men, among whom where the marshal Bjorn and his companions.The earl proceeded eastward all the way to Svithjod; but when he came a little way into the country he sent his men before him to Upsala with a message to Ingegerd the king's daughter to come out to meet him at Ullaraker, where she had a large farm.When the king's daughter got the earl's message she made herself ready immediately to travel with a large attendance, and Hjalte accompanied her.But before he took his departure he went to King Olaf, and said, "Continue always to be the most fortunate of monarchs! Such splendour as I have seen about thee I have in truth never witnessed elsewhere, and wheresoever I come it shall not be concealed.Now, king, may I entreat thy favour and friendship in time to come?"The king replies, "Why art thou in so great a haste, and where art thou going?"Hjalte replies, "I am to ride out to Ullaraker with Ingegerd thy daughter."The king says, "Farewell, then: a man thou art of understanding and politeness, and well suited to live with people of rank."Thereupon Hjalte withdrew.
The king's daughter Ingegerd rode to her farm in Ullaraker, and ordered a great feast to be prepared for the earl.When the earl arrived he was welcomed with gladness, and he remained there several days.The earl and the king's daughter talked much, and of many things, but most about the Swedish and Norwegian kings;and she told the earl that in her opinion there was no hope of peace between them.
Then said the earl, "How wouldst thou like it, my cousin, if Olaf king of Norway were to pay his addresses to thee? It appears to us that it would contribute most towards a settled peace if there was relationship established between the kings; but I would not support such a matter if it were against thy inclination."She replies, "My father disposes of my hand; but among all my other relations thou art he whose advice I would rather follow in weighty affairs.Dost thou think it would be advisable?" The earl recommended it to her strongly, and reckoned up many excellent achievements of King Olaf's.He told her, in particular, about what had lately been done; that King Olaf in an hours time one morning had taken five kings prisoners, deprived them all of their governments, and laid their kingdoms and properties under his own power.Much they talked about the business, and in all their conversations they perfectly agreed with each other.When the earl was ready he took leave, and proceeded on his way, taking Hjalte with him.
Earl Ragnvald came towards evening one day to the house of Lagman Thorgny.It was a great and stately mansion, and many people stood outside, who received the earl kindly, and took care of the horses and baggage.The earl went into the room, where there was a number of people.In the high-seat sat an old man; and never had Bjorn or his companions seen a man so stout.His beard was so long that it lay upon his knee, and was spread over his whole breast; and the man, moreover, was handsome and stately in appearance.The earl went forward and saluted him.Thorgny received him joyfully and kindly, and bade him go to the seat he was accustomed to take.The earl seated himself on the other side, opposite Thorgny.They remained there some days before the earl disclosed his errand, and then he asked Thorgny to go with him into the conversing room.Bjorn and his followers went there with the earl.Then the earl began, and told how Olaf king of Norway had sent these men hither to conclude a peaceful agreement.He showed at great length what injury it was of to the West Gautland people, that there was hostility between their country and Norway.He further related that Olaf the king of Norway had sent ambassadors, who were here present, and to whom he had promised he would attend them to the Swedish king; but he added, "The Swedish king takes the matter so grievously, that he has uttered menaces against those who entertain it.Now so it is, my foster-father, that I do not trust to myself in this matter; but am come on a visit to thee to get good counsel and help from thee in the matter."Now when the earl had done speaking Thorgny sat silent for a while, and then took up the word."Ye have curious dispositions who are so ambitious of honour and renown, and yet have no prudence or counsel in you when you get into any mischief.Why did you not consider, before you gave your promise to this adventure, that you had no power to stand against King Olaf? In my opinion it is not a less honourable condition to be in the number of bondes and have one's words free, and be able to say what one will, even if the king be present.But I must go to the Upsala Thing, and give thee such help that without fear thou canst speak before the king what thou findest good."The earl thanked him for the promise, remained with Thorgny, and rode with him to the Upsala Thing.There was a great assemblage of people at the Thing, and King Olaf was there with his court.