As the people of the town were coming from matins the last day of Marymas (September 8th), Eirik came up to Nikolas, and said, "Here are some fishermen come from the sea, who report that some long-ships are sailing into the fjord; and people conjecture that these may be the Birkebeins.It would be advisable to call the townspeople together with the war-horns, to meet under arms out on Eyrar."Nikolas replies, "I don't go after fishermen's reports; but Ishall send out spies to the fjord, and in the meantime hold a Thing to-day."Eirik went home; but when they were ringing to high mass, and Nikolas was going to church, Eirik came to hint again, and said, "I believe the news to be true; for here are men who say they saw them under sail; and I think it would be most advisable to ride out of town, and gather men with arms; for it appears to me the townspeople will be too few."Nikolas replies, "Thou art mixing everything together; let us first hear mass, and then take our resolution."Nikolas then went into the church.When the mass was over Eirik went to Nikolas, and said, "My horses are saddled; I will ride away."Nikolas replies, "Farewell, then: we will hold a Thing to-day on the Eyrar, and examine what force of men there may be in the town."Eirik rode away, and Nikolas went to his house, and then to dinner.
The meat was scarcely put on the table, when a man came into the house to tell Nikolas that the Birkebeins were roving up the river.Then Nikolas called to his men to take their weapons.
When they were armed Nikolas ordered them to go up into the loft.
But that was a most imprudent step; for if they had remained in the yard, the townspeople might have come to their assistance;but now the Birkebeins filled the whole yard, and from thence scrambled from all sides up to the loft.They called to Nikolas, and offered him quarter, but he refused it.Then they attacked the loft.Nikolas and his men defended themselves with bow-shot, hand-shot, and stones of the chimney; but the Birkebeins hewed down the houses, broke up the loft, and returned shot for shot from bow or hand.Nikolas had a red shield in which were gilt nails, and about it was a border of stars.The Birkebeins shot so that the arrows went in up to the arrow feather.Then said Nikolas, "My shield deceives me." Nikolas and a number of his people fell, and his death was greatly lamented.The Birkebeins gave all the towns-people their lives.
Eystein was then proclaimed king, and all the people submitted to him.He stayed a while in the town, and then went into the interior of the Throndhjem land, where many joined him, and among them Thorfin Svarte of Snos with a troop of people.When the Birkebeins, in the beginning of winter (A.D.1177), came again into the town, the sons of Gudrun from Saltnes, Jon Ketling, Sigurd, and William, joined them; and when they proceeded afterwards from Nidaros up Orkadal, they could number nearly 2000men.They afterwards went to the Uplands, and on to Thoten and Hadaland, and from thence to Ringerike, and subdued the country wheresover they came.
King Magnus went eastward to Viken in autumn with a part of his men and with him Orm, the king's brother; but Earl Erling remained behind in Bergen to meet the Berkebeins in case they took the sea route.King Magnus went to Tunsberg, where he and Orm held their Yule (A.D.1177).When King Magnus heard that the Birkebeins were up in Re, the king and Orm proceeded thither with their men.There was much snow, and it was dreadfully cold.