Part IV Translation (30 minutes)
Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to translate a passage from Chinese into English. You should write your answer on Answer Sheet 2.
饺子(Jiaozi),是一种以面为皮(dough skin)的充馅食物,在中国北方是比较传统的食物之一。中国北方人过春节,饺子是必不可少的。饺子相传是由中国古代著名的中医张仲景首先发明的,深受汉族人民的喜爱。饺子的历史很悠久,其发展经历了渐进的过程。由于春节标志着农历新年的开始,人们选择吃“饺子”来表达他们对新年的美好祝愿和对美好生活的向往。尽管时代变了,但是这一传统却保留了下来。饺子在中国人的饮食文化中占有重要的地位。
As is depicted in the picture, a woman talks to a man, complaining of the weak points of apps. The thought-provoking picture intends to warn that apps should be treated appropriately and people should not be overly dependent on them.
Just as every coin has two sides, there is no exception for mobile apps. On the one hand, it is convenient for smart phone users to have so many apps. They can do numerous things when their mobile phones are connected to the Internet: go shopping, chat with their friends, receive emails, have video conference, read e-books, watch films, etc. On the other hand, the negative effects caused by apps can't be overlooked. Firstly, some apps may lead to message leakage, which is dangerous for the users. Secondly, overuse of smart phones can be harmful to one's physical and mental health. Last but not least, over-reliance on apps may make people indulge in the virtual world, isolating people from the outside world, and leading people to ignore everything around them.
To conclude, mobile apps should be utilized in a wise way. While enjoying the convenience of apps we should stay awake and avoid being caught in the virtual world.
complain 抱怨;控诉
thought-provoking 引人深思的
intend 意在,想要
appropriately 适当地
be dependent on 依赖于
overlook 忽略
leakage 泄露
over-reliance 过度依赖
indulge in 沉溺于
virtual 虚拟的;事实上的
isolate 使隔离;使孤立
be caught in 陷入
1.As is depicted in the picture, a woman talks to a man, complaining of the weak points of apps.
2.The thought-provoking picture intends to warn that apps should be treated appropriately and people should not be overly dependent on them.
3.On the one hand, it is convenient...On the other hand, the negative effects caused by...be overlooked.Firstly, ...Secondly, ...Last but not least, ...
4.To conclude, mobile apps should be utilized in a wise way.
to conclude是下结论和总结全文的常用表达,意为“总之”,相当于to sum up, in a word或in summary等。在文章的最后,进一步归纳和深化主题能使论证更完整。