As a reclaim of emerging research field, minority political development research is not only required for the reality development of nation-state but also subject to the needs of the development of minority politics. To promote the orderly and normative advance of the study of minority political development, we need to construct a theoretical system of minority political development. This book is the efforts and attempts to construct the theoretical system. It is made of preface and five chapters.
The preface makes the theoretical logic and practical basis of minority political development as the starting point. Then, it leads to construct minority political developmental theory system problems.
The first chapter discusses the theory origin problems of minority political development. These theories include Marxist national theory, the theory of political development of Western nationalism theory, the theory of multiculturalism and ethnic political theory, and so on.
The second chapter is for the development of minority political connotation. It includes the concept define of the minority political development, the basic content and substance and three minority politic developmental models.
In Chapter Three it presents the development of the nation politic system. The nation politic system is the carrier of the minority political development,and its development includes the development of the nation-state political system, the development of the minority local political system, and non-state form of minority political system development.
The fourth chapter is for a minority community development. Minority community is the main body of the minority political development; its development is individual into two levels: Individual development and the ethnic group's development.
In Chapter Five, it proposes how to harmonize the political relations of minority and state, if it intends minority political development, still must coordinate political relevance in minority and state. These relations include the minority interests and minority interests, minority identity and state identity, nation-building and state-building, and so on.