each [iːtʃ] a. 各,每
pron. 各自,每个
【习惯用语】①each and all每人都,个个,全部;人人;全体 ②each and every每个③each other互相,彼此
eager ['iːɡə(r)] a. 热切的,渴望的
【同】anxious, longing
【习惯用语】①be eager for [about, after] 渴望,渴求,争取 ②be eager to do急欲,渴望做
【派】eagerness, eagerly
【考题精解】He was_____for work, for he could not imagine life without it.
A. worried
B. proud
C. eager
D. keen
【答案】C。eager a. 渴望得到的,热切希望的(句型:eager for news/success/quick profits;eager to+动词原形/for sb. to+动词原形;eager that sb. do)。worried about/over为……发愁,为……着急(后面不跟for)。proud (of) a. 自豪的,得意的。keen (on) a. 热心的,渴望的(句型:keen on sb./sth.;keen to+动词原形/on+动词ing形式;keen that sb. do从句谓语用虚拟语气)。
eagle ['iːɡl] n. 鹰
ear [iə(r)] n. ①耳朵;听觉;穗
He tried to give a sympathetic ear to the patient.
She has a good ear for music. 她很会欣赏音乐。
【习惯用语】①be all ears专心倾听Tell me your experience, I'm all ears. 请告诉我你的经历,我将洗耳恭听。②go in one ear and out the other当作耳旁风;左耳进右耳出③play by ear不用乐谱(演奏或演唱)
early ['əːli] a. 早的;初期的,早日的
ad. 早;在初期
【同】primitive, beginning
【习惯用语】①as early as早在 ②bright and early一大早 ③earlier [early] on稍早的时候,刚才
earn [əːn] vt. 挣得;获得
【同】gain, obtain, acquire, get
【反】lose, waste
earnest ['əːnist] a. 诚挚的,认真的,热心的
【同】serious, eager, sincere
【反】insincere, jesting
【习惯用语】in earnest认真地He was in earnest when he said he was leaving Beijing. 他真的说了他要离开北京。
【派】earnestly, earnestness
earth [əːθ] n. ①地球;土地(壤);陆地
【同】globe, world, ground, land, soil, dust, dirt, mud
【习惯用语】①come back to earth回到现实中When she discovered he was married she came back to earth. 发现他已经结婚了,她才回到现实中来。②on earth究竟,到底how on earth究竟为什么
earthquake ['əːθkweik] n. 地震
ease [iːz] n. 容易;舒适,安心
【同】easiness, comfort, relaxation, peace
【反】difficulty, uneasiness, unrest
v. 减轻,缓和,放松
【同】relieve, relax
【习惯用语】①ill at ease不安;心神不宁②(stand) at ease稍息
【派】easy, easily, disease, uneasy
easily ['iːzəli] ad. ①容易地,舒适地
【同】effortlessly, smoothly, freely, readily
He is easily the highest in the class.
east [iːst] n. 东方,东部
a. 东方的,东部的
ad. 在东方,向东方
【习惯用语】to the east(常与of连用)……以东He lives to the east of Los Angeles. 他住在洛杉矶以东。
Easter ['iːstə(r)] n. 复活节
eastern ['iːstən] a. 东方的,东部的
easy ['iːzi] a. 容易的;舒适的
【同】simple, painless, light, comfortable, leisurely, peaceful, relaxed
【反】hard, difficult, uneasy, tense
【习惯用语】①I'm easy. 我听从你的。(非正式)我毫不介意。②on easy terms分期付款
eat [iːt] v. ①吃;喝;吃饭
【同】dine, take in, consume
Tigers eat meat. 老虎吃肉。
③(与away, at, into连用)侵蚀,蛀蚀,腐蚀Acids eat into metals. 酸会腐蚀金属。
【习惯用语】①be eaten up with沉湎于 ②eat one's words收回前言;认错
【派】eater, eatable, eatables
ebb [eb] n. 退潮,落潮
v. ①退潮,落潮
【同】fade, diminish, recede
eccentric [ik'sentrik] a./n. ①古怪的(人)
【同】odd, unconventional, unusual, peculiar, strange, weird
echo ['ekəu] n. 回声,反响
【同】resound, reply, repeat, copy
v. 发出回声;共鸣
【同】response/respond, resonance
【习惯用语】①applaud [cheer] sb. [sth.] to the echo对某人[某事物]大声喝彩,掌声雷动 ②find an echo in one's heart在某人心中引起共鸣
【真题链接】According to_________across the relevant research community, the published attack represents an extreme position in its demands for proof.(2009年北京航空航天大学考博试题)
A. soundings
B. echoes
C. sonar systems
D. reflections
【答案】B。四个选项的意思分别是:soundings声响,意见调查;echoes回声,反响;sonar systems声呐系统;reflections反射,见解。根据句子意思可知,正确答案是B选项。如:Echo found her inspiration from the vast Sahara desert.(三毛从茫茫的撒哈拉沙漠中找到了灵感。)
eclipse [i'klips] n. 日(月)蚀
v. ①遮掩
【同】hide, conceal, cover, screen, veil
【同】overshadow, surpass, overwhelm
【真题链接】The criticism from the pubic has_____this novel. (2010年北京航空航天大学考博试题)
A. eclipsed
B. avenged
C. baffled
D. broadened
ecology [i'kɔlədʒi] n. 生态学(biology)
economic ['iːkə'nɔmik] a. ①经济的,经济学的
【同】financial, commercial
She let her house at an economic rent.
【长难例句】For the new country to survive, let alone for its people to enjoy prosperity, new economic policies will be required.
【考题精解】Although not an economist himself, Dr. Smith has long been a severe critic of the government’s_____policies.
A. economic
B. economical
C. economy
D. economics
【答案】A。economic a. 经济的;经济学的。economical (of) a. 节约的,节俭的。economy n. 经济(与政治相对);节约,节省。economics n. 经济学:(国家的)经济状况,经济因素。
【真题链接】Tom doesn't think that the_____situation here is as good as his hometown’s. (2007年中国人民大学考博试题)
A. economics
B. economic
C. economy
D. economical
economical ['iːkə'nɔmikl] a. 节约的,节俭的
【同】thrifty, inexpensive, reasonable
【反】wasteful, luxurious
【考题精解】She has to be very_____because
she hasn't much money.
A. economic
B. economical
C. sparing
D. careful
【答案】B。economical (of) a. 节约的,节俭的 (an economical housekeeper;economical of one's time;an economical arrangement.)。economic a. 经济的,经济学的。sparing (with) a. 节约的,吝惜的(后面多跟with限定成分,如:be sparing with one's money; sparing of one's energy;sparing in one's praise.)。careful (of) a. 小心的,仔细的。
edge [edʒ] n. 边,边缘;刀口
【同】border, margin, rim, blade, sharpness
【反】center, interior
v. 侧身移动,挤进
【习惯用语】①have the edge on比……强②on edge紧张不安 ③set sb.'s teeth on edge使生气
【考题精解】We couldn't cut the string because the_____of the knife was not sharp enough.
A. blade
B. edge
C. side
D. front
【答案】B。edge n. 刀口,刃;边缘,棱。blade n. 刀片,刀刃。
【真题链接】The long wait for news of my exam results has already set my nerves_____.(2013年3月中国科学院考博试题)
A. on fire
B. on edge
C. on earth
D. on impulse
【答案】B。A项“on fire”意为“起火,着火”;B项“on edge”意为“竖着、直立着,紧张不安、烦躁”;C项“on earth”意为“世界上,人世间”;D项“on impulse”意为“一时冲动,心血来潮”,由句意可知,“漫长的等待已经让我心烦意乱”,因此选择B项。
edible ['edəbl] a. 可以吃的,食用的
【同】eatable, comestible
edit ['edit] vt. ①编辑
【同】revise, proofread, rewrite, compile
【同】correct, check, rewrite, revise
【派】edition, editor, editorial
【考题精解】The author has_____out all references to his own family.
A. deleted
B. omitted
C. edited
D. excluded
【答案】C。edit vt. 编辑,校订;剪辑;主编(如:I am editing a volume of Fairy Tales for children. The news has been edited to bolster morale. edit sth. out删掉。)。delete vt. 删除(注意后面不跟out)。omit vt. 省略,删节;遗漏,疏忽(注意后面不跟out)。exclude vt. 把……排除在外;排斥(注意:后面不跟out)。
edition [i'diʃn] n. 版,版次;版本
【同】copy, volume
editor ['editə(r)] n. 编辑,编者
editorial ['edi'tɔːriəl] n. 社论
【同】essay, article, commentary
【考题精解】The editor made a lot of_____changes in the book.
A. sophisticated
B. editorial
C. eloquent
D. effective
【答案】B。editorial a. 编辑的,主笔的,编者的;社论的,社论式的(editorial work;the editorial office)。sophisticated a. 老练的,富有经验的;(仪器)精密的,尖端的。eloquent a. 雄辩的,有说服力的;口才流利的。effective a.(工作)有效的,效果好的;(法规)有效的,生效的。
educate ['edʒukeit] v. 教育,培养
【同】teach, instruct, tutor, discipline, train
【派】educator, educated, educational
【长难例句】One reason for the successes of Asian immigrants in the U.S. is that they have taken great pains to educate their children.
education ['edʒu'keiʃn] n. 教育,培养;教育学
【同】teaching, instruction, discipline, training
【长难例句】An education that aims at getting a student a certain kind of job is a technical education, justified for reasons radically different from why education is universally required by law.
educator ['edʒuːkeitə(r)] n. 教育工作者
effect [i'fekt] n. ①结果,效果;作用,影响
【同】consequence, result, outcome, influence,impact
③(pl.) 私人财产
vt. 产生,招致,完成
【同】cause, create, bring about, lead to
【习惯用语】①in effect正在实行The old system is still in effect. 旧制度仍有效。实际上He is, in effect, my rival. 实际上他是我的竞争对手。②take effect开始实行;开始生效
【考题精解】Though the long-term_____cannot be predicted, the project has been approved by the committee.
A. affect
B. effect
C. effort
D. afford
【答案】B。effect n. 结果;效果;作用,影响(注意:与effect搭配的有以下几个有用的短语:have [no] effect on sb. / sth.对……有/没有影响;be of no effect(表语)没有作用;without effect〈状语〉没有作用;to no effect〈状语〉不起作用;to that effect〈后置定语或状语〉那个意思的〈话〉,如:She called him a coward or words to that effect. When I leave I'll write you to that effect. to the effect that…〈后置定语,实际引导一个同位语从句〉意思是,如:He has made a declaration to the effect that all fighting must cease at once.)。affect vt. 影响;(在感情方面)打动(某人)。effort n. 努力;艰难的尝试。afford vt. 买得起,花得起;担负得起(本题主要测试几个拼法相近的易混词)。
effective [i'fektiv] a. 有效的,有影响的
【同】efficient, useful
【反】ineffective, useless
【习惯用语】①be effective on对……有效应,对……起作用②become effective(法律、决议、协定等)生效 ③be far from effective很不得力
【长难例句】In education there should be a good balance among the branches of knowledge that contribute to effective thinking and wise judgment.
【考题精解】They took_____measures to prevent poisonous gases from escaping.
A. efficient
B. beneficial
C. valid
D. effective
【答案】D。effective a. 有效的,效果好的,得力的;(法律、规章等)生效的。efficient a. 效率高的,有能力的。beneficial (to/for) a. 有利的,有益的,有好处的。valid a. 有效的,有法律效力的;有根据的,有理的。
efficiency [i'fiʃnsi] n. ①效率;功效
【同】performance, capability, effectiveness
【长难例句】The change met the technical requirements of the new age by engaging a large professional element and prevented the decline in efficiency that so commonly spoiled the fortunes of family firms in the second and third generation after the energetic founders.
【考题精解】These machines have raised_____many times.
A. proficiency
B. frequency
C. efficiency
D. effect
【答案】C。efficiency n.效率;功效(如:to increase efficiency. She admired his efficiency.)。proficiency n. 熟练,精通。frequency n. 次数,频繁;频率,出现率。effect n. 结果;效果,作用,影响。
【真题链接】The town planning commission said that their financial outlook for the next year was optimistic. They expect increased tax_____.(2013年北京航空大学考博试题)
A. efficiency
B. revenues
C. privileges
D. validity
【答案】A。本题考查单词词义。A项意为“效率”;B项意为“收入”;C项意为“特权”;D项意为“发展,新阶段”。本句意为既然已经发现了问题,他们必须商定合适的行动方案。course of action意为“行动方针”, A项符合题意。
efficient [i'fiʃnt] a. 效率高的;有能力的
【同】effective, capable, competent
【反】inefficient, unable, incapable
【长难例句】At the same time these computers record which hours are busiest and which employees are the most efficient, allowing personnel and staffing assignments to be made accordingly.
【考题精解】You should hire a more_____manager than the one you currently have.
A. sufficient
B. effective
C. respective
D. efficient
【答案】D。efficient a. 效率高的,有能力的。sufficient a. 足够的,充分的。effective a. 有效的,效力高的;(规章)生效的。respective a.各自的,各个的,分别的。
effort ['efət] n. ①努力;尽力
【同】struggle, attempt, try
Finishing the work in one day was a good effort.
【派】effortless, effortlessly
【考题精解】You can do it if you want to, but in my opinion it's not worth the_____it involves.
A. force
B. trial
C. attempt
D. effort
【答案】D。effort n. 努力,尽力,艰难的尝试。force n. 力(量),力气;暴力,武力。trial n. 试验,试用;审判,审讯。attempt n. 企图,试图(区分:effort强调作出的努力;attempt着眼于“试图做某事”,但不一定能成功)。
egg [eɡ] n. 蛋,卵,鸡蛋
【习惯用语】①a bad egg坏人,坏蛋 ②with egg on one's face显得愚笨
ego ['iːɡəu] n. 自我,自己,自尊
【同】self image, self-worth, self-esteem
eight [eit] num. 八
eighteen ['ei'tiːn] num. 十八
eighth [eitθ] num. ①第八
eighty ['eiti] num. 八十
either ['aiðə(r)] pron. ①(两者中)任何一个②每个的
on either side of the river在河的每一边
【长难例句】When it comes to the slowing economy, Ellen Spero isn't hiring her nails just yet. But the 47-year-old manicurist isn't cutting, filing or polishing as many nails as she’d like to, either.
eject [i'dʒekt] vt. ①驱逐,逐出
【同】expel, throw out, drive out
elaborate [i'læbərət] v. ①详细说明,阐述②精心制作
a. ①详尽的,复杂的,精心制作的
【同】complicated, labored, painstaking
【反】simple, effortless
【同】flowery, ornate, overelaborate
【长难例句】Russians have a deep love for their own language and carry chunks of memorized poetry in their heads, while Italian politicians tend to elaborate speech that would seem old-fashioned to most English speakers.
【考题精解】The reporter asked the general to_____on his statement.
A. detail
B. elaborate
C. touch
D. comment
【答案】B。elaborate (on) v. 详尽阐述,作详细说明(如:Please elaborate (on) your proposal a little. Just tell us the facts and don't elaborate on them.)。detail vt. 详述,详细说明。touch on谈及,提及。comment on评论。
【真题链接】The engineers in this lab spent several weeks_____their plans for the new bicycle.(2011年南京师范大学考博试题)
A. counting
B. stripping
C. elaborating
D. casting
【答案】C。句子的大意为:工程师在这个实验室里花费了数周时间来详细制作他们关于新型自行车的计划。A项count“v. 数,计算,认为,有价值 n. 计数,计算”;B项strip“vt. 剥,剥去;n. 条,带”;C项elaborate“adj. 精心制作的,详细阐述的;vt. 精心制作,详细阐述;v. 详细描述”;D项cast“n. 投掷,铸件,脱落物,演员表;v. 投,抛,派(角色)”。
elapse [i'læps] vi.(时间)消逝,过去
elastic [i'læstik] n. 松紧带,橡皮圈
a. ①灵活的
【同】flexible, adaptable, changeable
【反】inflexible, rigid
【考题精解】People with_____dispositions recover quickly from disappointment.
A. soft
B. elastic
C. gentle
D. kind
【答案】B。elastic a. 灵活的;有弹性的(如:My plans are fairly elastic. With his elastic character he will soon be cheerful again. Rubber is elastic.)。soft a. 软的;温柔的。gentle a. 和蔼的,温和的。kind (to) a. 和蔼的,仁慈的;友好的,亲切的。
elbow ['elbəu] n. 肘
v. 用肘推,挤进
【考题精解】The ambulance-men had to_____their way through the huge crowd standing round the crashed cars.
A. find
B. wedge
C. elbow
D. make
【答案】C。elbow vt. 用肘推,用肘挤(如:I tried to stop him,but he elbowed me out of the way. He elbowed his way over to where we stood.)。find one's way to/into/out不知不觉地就到了……。wedge vt. 把……楔牢,塞入。make one's way to/into/out (of) 到某地去,向某地走去。
elder ['eldə(r)] a. 年长的
【同】senior, older, aged
【反】younger, junior
n. 长者,长辈
【长难例句】Tight-lipped elders used to say,“It's not what you want in this world, but what you get.”
elderly ['eldəli] a. 上了年纪的,垂老的
【同】old, aged
【考题精解】An_____woman came to consult the doctor about her throat.
A. elder
B. elderly
C. old
D. older
【答案】B。elderly a. 较老的,年长的;老式的,过时的;the elderly上了年纪的人(如:The mayor is an elderly man.)。elder a.(兄弟姐妹当中)年龄较大的,年长的。old a.(年龄)老的。older a. 较老的;较旧的。
elect [i'lekt] vt. ①选举,推选
【同】choose, pick out, vote
He elected to become a doctor. 他决定当医生。
【派】election, elective (ly), elector
election [i'lekʃn] n. 选举,推选
【同】voting, selection
electric [i'lektrik] a. ①电的,电动的
an electric eloquence惊人的口才
【派】electrify, electrification, electronic, electronics
electrical [i'lektrikl] a. ①电的,电气科学的
The cooker isn't working because of an electrical fault.
electrical apparatus电器
electrician [i'lek'triʃn] n. 电工,电气技师
electricity [i'lek'trisəti] n. 电,电流;电学
electron [i'lektrɔn] n. 电子
electronic [i'lek'trɔnik] a. ①电子的;电子学的 ②电子仪器的
【长难例句】Most electronic devices of this kind,as are manufactured for such purposes, are tightly packed.
electronics [i'lek'trɔniks] n. ①电子学
elegant ['eliɡənt] a. ①优雅的,高雅的,漂亮的
【同】graceful, delicate, beautiful, charming
【反】inelegant, rough
【同】refined, pure, traditional
【考题精解】The lady dressed in the latest Paris fashion is_____in her appearance but rude in her speech.
A. elaborate
B. excessive
C. elegant
D. exaggerated
【答案】C。elegant a.(举止、风度)优美的,文雅的;(衣着)讲究的;(艺术品)雅致的;(文体)简练的,简洁的 (an elegant lady in elegant manners;an elegant lace cloth;elegant writing)。elaborate a.(情节、结构、设计等)复杂的;(计划)详尽的;(艺术品、饭菜)精心制作的。excessive a. 过多的,过分的,极度的。exaggerated a. 被夸大了的,夸张的。
element ['elimənt] n. ①元素;要素,成分
【同】component, factor, article, item
There is an element of truth in what you say.
【习惯用语】①alien class elements阶级异己分子 ②an element of一点点;少许 ③be in one's element处于适宜的环境,如鱼得水,在行
【长难例句】Hydrogen is the fundamental element of the universe in that it provides the building blocks from which the other elements are produced.
【考题精解】Carbon is a(n)_____while carbon dioxide is a compound.
A. material
B. substance
C. agent
D. element
【答案】D。element n.(化学)元素;成分,要素material n. 材料,原料;素材,资料。substance n. 物质;实质;要旨,基本内容;根据,理由。agent n. 代理人,代理商;(化学)剂。
elementary ['eli'mentri] a. ①基本的;初级的,初等的
【同】simple, easy, uncomplicated, basic, essential, fundamental, primary
【反】complex, complicated, difficult, advanced②容易回答的(问题)
【长难例句】Among the many shaping factors, I would single out the country's excellent elementary schools;a labor force that welcomed the new technology;the practice of giving premiums to inventors;and above all the American genius for nonverbal, “spatial” thinking about things technological.
elephant ['elifənt] n. 象
【习惯用语】①as thick skinned as an elephant不听人劝;感觉迟钝 ②rogue elephant离群的凶猛野象 ③see [get a look at] the elephant [美俚]见世面;开眼界;经世故
elevate ['eliveit] vt. ①举起,抬高,提高
【同】raise, lift up
【同】promote, advance, further, raise, improve
【反】worsen, deteriorate
【派】elevation, elevator
elevator ['eliveitə(r)] n. ①电梯;升降机
【同】lift, escalator
eleven [i'levn] num. 十一
eleventh [i'levnθ] num. 第十一
eligible ['elidʒəbl] a. ①有资格的
【同】fitted, suited
eliminate [i'limineit] vt. 消灭,消除
【同】remove, wipe out, exclude, do away with,discharge
【反】include, maintain, keep
【派】elimination, eliminator
【考题精解】She once again went through her composition carefully to_____all spelling mistakes from it.
A. eliminate
B. withdraw
C. diminish
D. delete
【答案】A。eliminate vt. 消灭,消除,排除。withdraw (from) vt. 收回,撤销,撤退。diminish v. 减小,减少,降低。delete vt. 删除,划掉。
elimination [i'limi'neiʃn] n. ①消除,排除
elite [ei'liːt] n. 精华,名流
【同】celebrities, stars, choice, best
eloquent ['eləkwənt] a. 雄辩的,有口才的,有说服力的
【同】fluent, meaningful, expressive, well-spoken
else [els] ad. 另外,其他
【同】other, different
【习惯用语】or else否则,要不然He must pay$100 or else go to prison. 他得付100美元,否则要坐牢。
elsewhere [els'wɛə] ad. 在别处
e-mail ['iːmeil] n. 电子邮件
embargo [im'bɑːɡəu] vt. 禁止(船舶进入港口或贸易)
【同】restrict, prohibit, ban
n. ①封港令
embark [im'bɑːk] v. ①乘船,上船,搭载
【同】come/go on board
embarrass [im'bærəs] vt. ①使尴尬,使为难
【同】confuse, annoy, distress
【反】encourage, cheer
He was embarrassed by debts.
【派】embarrassment, embarrassing (ly), embarrassed
【考题精解】It is rather_____that we still do not know how many species there are in the world today.
A. misleading
B. bewildering
C. boring
D. embarrassing
【答案】D。embarrass vt. 使窘迫,使为难,使尴尬(如:This request would embarrass Mr. Robin. He was embarrassed at such a request/by the question/with offers of assistance. He wore an embarrassed expression.)。embarrassing a. 令人尴尬的,使人窘迫的(如:She found herself in an embarrassing position. Don't ask embarrassing questions.)。misleading a. 把人引入歧途的,使人误解的。bewildering a. 令人困惑的,使人迷惑不解的。boring a. 使人厌烦的。
embassy ['embəsi] n. 大使馆,大使馆全体工作人员
【考题精解】The brutal bombing by the U. S.and its NATO allies of the Chinese_____in Belgrade evoked great indignation of all China.
A. Embassy
B. Commission
C. Consulate
D. Corps
【答案】A。embassy n. 大使馆。commission n.(负责处理某项事务的)委员会。consulate n. 领事馆。corps n.(从事同类专业工作的)团,队。
embed [im'bed] vt. ①把……嵌入(或埋入、插入),扎牢
【同】implant, set in, insert, drive in, push in
【同】impress facts embedded in one's memory
【真题链接】Religious freedom and democratic choice were strongly_____again at this international human rights conference.(2006年厦门大学考博试题)
A. embedded
B. asserted
C. sequenced
D. impressed
【答案】A。本题是说此次国际人权会议上,宗教自由和民主选择再次深入人心。四个选项中, A项embedded的意思是“使插入,使嵌入,深入,嵌入”,B项asserted的意思是“断言,声称”, C项sequenced的意思是“把……按顺序排好”, D项impressed的意思是“印,盖印,留下印象”。根据题意,A项为正确答案。
embody [im'bɔdi] vt. ①表达,体现
【同】exemplify, represent
【同】include, comprise, contain, consist of
v. 代表,作为……的象征
embrace [im'breis] v./n. ①拥抱
【同】hold, hug
【同】contain, include, comprise, inclusion
【考题精解】When the hero returned home,his wife held out her arms and_____him warmly.
A. embraced
B. grasped
C. seized
D. gripped
【答案】A。embrace vt. 拥抱;包括,包含;包围,环绕(如:She embraced her son tenderly. The study embraced all aspects of the housing problem.)。grasp vt. 抓紧,抓牢;理解,领会。seize vt. 抓住,捉住;夺取,占据。grip vt. 抓牢,握紧。
【真题链接】Horseback riding_____both the skill of handling a horse and the mastery of diverse riding styles.(2004年中国科学院考博试题)
A. embraces
B. encourages
C. exaggerates
D. elaborate
【答案】A。本题是说骑马既包含驾驭马匹的技巧又包含对不同马术的掌握。A项“embrace包括、包含”符合题意,如:The article embraces many important points of the government reconstruction plan.(文章中包括政府重建计划的许多要点。)其他三项“encourage鼓励;exaggerate夸张,夸大;elaborate详细阐述”都不正确。
emerge [i'məːdʒ] vi. 出现;显露,产生
【同】appear, come out, rise, spring, dawn
【派】emergence, emergent, emergency
emergency [i'məːdʒənsi] n. 紧急情况,突然事件
【同】crisis, accident
【习惯用语】①in an emergency (=in case of emergency) 遇到紧急情况,在紧急关头②rise to the emergency [occasion] 能够应付紧急事变
【考题精解】An ambulance must have priority as it usually has to deal with some kind of_____.
A. urgency
B. danger
C. emergency
D. crisis
【答案】C。emergency n. 紧急情况,不测事件(常用搭配:in an emergency;in case of emergency/emergencies;declare the country in a state of emergency宣布国家处于紧急状态)。urgency n. 紧急,迫切,紧迫性。danger n. 危险。crisis n. (pl. crises) 危机,危急关头,决定性时刻。
emigrate ['emiɡreit] vi. 移居外国,移民
【派】emigration, emigrant
eminent ['eminənt] a. 卓越的,显赫的
【同】well known, distinguished, famous, prominent
【派】eminence, eminently
【真题链接】The_____British theoretical physicist Stephen Hawking once said in an interview that heaven is a fairy story for people afraid of the dark.(2013年北京大学考博试题)
A. imposing
B. lofty
C. prominent
D. eminent
emission [i'miʃn] n. ①散发,发射
【同】radiation, ejection, eruption, discharge, transmission
emit [i'mit] vt. 发出,放射
【同】discharge, issue
【反】inject, absorb
【考题精解】Why does the rocket_____those long streams of flame and smoke?
A. throw
B. omit
C. emit
D. transmit
【答案】C。emit vt. 散发,发射(如:Boiling water emits steam. Fireflies emit light but not heat.)。throw vt. 扔,抛,投。omit vt. 省略,删节;遗漏,疏忽。transmit vt. 播送,发射;传送,传递,输送。
emotion [i'məuʃn] n. ①感情,情感,情绪
【同】passion, excitement
【反】indifference, calmness
His voice shook with emotion.
【派】emotional (ly), emotionless, emotionalize
emotional [i'məuʃənl] a. ①感情上的,情绪上的
She was very emotional;she cried even when her husband left for another city on business.
emperor ['empərə(r)] n. 皇帝
【习惯用语】Yellow Emperor(中国)黄帝
emphasis ['emfəsis] n. 强调,重点
【习惯用语】①give emphasis to着重,强调②lay [place, put] emphasis on [upon] 注重,着重于,强调,加强(语气),重读
【长难例句】As the children become financially independent of the family, the emphasis on family financial security will shift from protection to save for the retirement years.
【考题精解】Allen placed too much_____on sports and not enough on his studies.
A. importance
B. emphasis
C. interest
D. worth
【答案】B。emphasis (on) n. 强调,重点(put/lay/place emphasis on/upon sth.;give emphasis to sth.)。importance n. 重要性(attach importance to重视;be of importance重要的)。interest (in) n. 兴趣。worth n. 价值(后三个名词不与place…on搭配)。
emphasize/-ise ['emfəsaiz] vt. 强调,着重,突出
【同】stress, underline, intensify
【派】emphasis, emphatic, emphatically
empire ['empaiə(r)] n. ①帝国
【同】kingdom, monarchy
②(the Empire)大英帝国
【习惯用语】①First Empire【史】(法兰西)第一帝国(1804-1815)②Holy Roman Empire【史】神圣罗马帝国(962-1806)③Invisible Empire [废] 无形帝国(美国三K党在活动初期的别称)
empirical [im'pirikl] a. 经验主义的
employer [im'plɔiə(r)] n. 雇主
【同】boss, capitalist
empty ['empti] a. 空的,空洞的
【同】hollow, vacant, blank, expressionless, idle
vt. 倒空,弄空;饿的
【同】discharge, dump
【习惯用语】①be empty of毫无,没有,缺乏②come away empty空手而回 ③feel empty [口] 觉得饿
enable [i'neibl] vt. ①使……能够,使……可以
The rights protection law for the consumers enables any impaired consumers to claim money from the company. 保护消费者权益法使任何受损害的消费者有向公司索赔的权利。
【习惯用语】enable sb. to (do) 使人能(做)……
【长难例句】Telecommunications developments enable the sending of messages via television, radio,and very shortly, electronic mail to bombard people with multitudes of messages.
【考题精解】This bird's large wings_____it to fly very fast.
A. make
B. cause
C. ensure
D. enable
【答案】D。enable (sb. to+动词原形) vt. 使……能够(做某事)。make (sb. do sth.) vt. 使……做。cause (sb. to+动词原形) vt. 使……做。ensure vt. 保证,担保(句型:ensure sb. sth.;ensure that…;ensure sb. against loss/danger)。
enclose [in'kləuz] vt. ①围住,圈起
【同】surround, shut
【同】envelop, attach
v. ①封锁
【同】clasp, hug, embrace, grasp, enclose
【同】include, comprise, incorporate
enclosure [in'kləuʒə(r)] n. ①附件(随函)
There's a special enclosure where you can look at the horses before the race starts.
encounter [in'kauntə(r)] vt./n. ①遇上,遭遇到
【同】meet, confront, run into, meeting, confrontation
encourage [in'kʌridʒ] vt. 鼓励,促进
【同】urge, assure, advance
【反】discourage, dishearten
【派】encouragement, encouraging (ly)
encouragement [in'kʌridʒmənt] n. ①鼓励②赞助,促进,助长
encourage sb. to do sth. 鼓励某人(做某事)
encyclop(a)edia [in'saiklə'piːdiə] n. 百科全书
end [end] n. 尖,尾,末端;目标
【同】point, aim, goal, objective, target
v. 结束,终止
【同】finish, close, complete, conclude
【习惯用语】①at a loose end无所事事 ②at an end完成 ③end on两端相撞
【派】ending, endless
endanger [in'deindʒə(r)] vt. 危及,危害
【同】harm, menace, hazard
endeavo(u)r [in'devə(r)] vi./n. 努力,尽力
【同】try, attempt, make an effort / effort, undertaking
ending ['endiŋ] n. 结尾,结局
endless ['endləs] a. ①无止境的,无限的
【同】everlasting, perpetual, boundless, eternal
endow [in'dau] vt. ①捐赠,资助②赋予
【同】give, invest, bequeath, provide
v. 改进
endurance [in'djuərəns] n. ①忍耐(力)
【同】patience, persistence
【同】perseverance, persistence
endure [in'djuə(r)] v. ①忍受,忍耐;持续
【同】bear, stand, put up with, tolerate
They can not endure much longer.
【派】endurable (ly), endurance, enduring
【词义辨析】endure, abide和tolerate
【考题精解】Humidity is so intense in some parts of the tropics that Europeans find they are unable to_____it.
A. maintain
B. endure
C. persist
D. sustain
【答案】B。endure vt. 忍受,忍耐,容忍;vi. 持久,持续。maintain vt. 保持,维持;保养,维修。persist (in) vi. 坚持不懈,执意;持续,存留。sustain vt. 保持,使持续不息;供养,维持(生命)。
enemy ['enəmi] n. 敌人;危害
【同】rival, opponent, hazard, danger
【反】friend, associate, companion
【习惯用语】①an enemy worthy of sb.'s steel值得某人与之交锋的劲敌,强敌 ②be an enemy to厌恶,仇视,极力反对,是……的大敌 ③be no enemy to喜欢(He is no enemy to wine. 他爱喝酒。)
energetic ['enə'dʒetik] a. 精力充沛的,有力气的
【同】vigorous, spirited, dynamic
【反】inactive, lazy
energy ['enədʒi] n. ①精力,活力;能量
【同】vigor, strength, power, vitality
atomic energy原子能
【习惯用语】①apply [devote, direct] one's energies to致力于 ②brace one's energies [heart] 振作精神,鼓足勇气,鼓起干劲③concentrate one's energy on集中精力在……上
【派】energetic, energetically, energize
enforce [in'fɔːs] vt. ①实施,实行;强制执行
【同】impose, urge, oblige, effect, implement
【派】enforcement, enforceable, enforcer
engage [in'ɡeidʒ] v. ①使从事;聘用;订婚
【同】keep busy, activate, occupy, hire, employ, involve, participate
【反】dismiss, discharge
This wheel engages with that wheel.
They engaged the enemy. 他们与敌人交战。
【习惯用语】①be engaged by为……所吸引②be engaged [engage oneself] to与……订婚③in engaged正做着,正忙着
【考题精解】At this moment he was_____in a very violent argument with someone.
A. busy
B. absorbed
C. engaged
D. fascinated
【答案】C。be engaged in从事,忙于(如:He was busily engaged in writing letters.)。busy a. 忙的,繁忙的(句型:be busy with/at/about/over sth.;be busy+动词ing形式)。absorbed in被……吸引住,专注于,聚精会神(干……)。fascinate vt. 强烈地吸引住,迷住(应说be fascinated by/with sth.,不说fascinated in)。
engagement [in'ɡeidʒmənt] n. ①订婚,婚约 ②约会,约定
【同】encounter, confrontation
engine ['endʒin] n. ①发动机;机车
engineer ['endʒi'niə(r)] n. 工程师;技师
【习惯用语】①engineer in charge主管工程师②engineer in chief总工程师 ③engineer into设计 [制造] 成为
engineering ['endʒi'niəriŋ] n. ①工程学
the engineering of the new railway新铁路的设计
England ['iŋɡlənd] n. 英格兰
English ['iŋɡliʃ] a. 英格兰的,英国的;英格兰人的,英国人的;英语的
【习惯用语】the Queen's English (=the King's English) 纯正的英语 n. 英格兰人,英国人;英语
Englishman ['iŋɡliʃmən] n. 英国人
enhance [in'hɑːns] n. 人口;入学,提高,增强
【同】improve, heighten, promote, intensify, strengthen
【考题精解】The republication of the poet's most recent works will certainly_____his national reputation.
A. magnify
B. strengthen
C. enlarge
D. enhance
【答案】D。enhance vt. 提高(价值、质量、名声、吸引力等);增加,增强,增进(如:The moonlight enhanced the beauty of the scene. The growth of a city enhances the value of land close to it.)。magnify vt. 放大,扩大;夸大,夸张。strengthen vt. 加强,巩固。enlarge vt. 放大,扩大。
enjoy [in'dʒɔi] vt. 欣赏;享有……的乐趣
【同】appreciate, delight in, benefit, have
【习惯用语】enjoy oneself过得快乐Did you enjoy yourself of the party? 你在聚会上愉快吗?
【派】enjoyment, enjoyable, enjoyably
enjoyable [in'dʒɔiəbl] a. 愉快的,有趣的
【同】pleasant, delightful
【反】boring, dull
enjoyment [in'dʒɔimənt] n. ①享受
I get a lot of enjoyment from my job.
【习惯用语】①be in the enjoyment of享受,过着 ②take enjoyment in喜欢,享受,欣赏
enlarge [in'lɑːdʒ] vt. ①扩大;放大
【同】increase, expand
【习惯用语】enlarge on [upon] 进一步详述
【派】enlarger, enlargement
【考题精解】We are going to_____our house by building another room on to it.
A. develop
B. enlarge
C. spread
D. stretch
【答案】B。enlarge vt. 扩大;放大。develop v. 发展;成长,发育;开发,研制;逐渐显现出。spread v. 摊开,伸开;散布,传播。stretch v. 拉长,延,伸。
enlighten [in'laitn] vt. 启发,开导
【同】inform, tell, make clear to
【真题链接】My students found the book_____:it provided them with an abundance of information on the subject.(2006年财政部财政研究所考博试题)
A. enlightening
B. confusing
C. distracting
D. amusing
enormous [i'nɔːməs] a. 巨大的,庞大的
【同】great, gigantic, immense, huge, tremendous
【反】little, minute, tiny
enough [i'nʌf] a. 足够的,充足的
【同】sufficient, adequate
【反】insufficient, inadequate
n. 足够,充分
【同】plenty, adequacy, sufficiency
【反】inadequacy, insufficiency
【习惯用语】①fair enough还公道 ②sure enough果真;确实He said he would come, and sure enough he come. 他说要来,果然来了。
ensure [in'ʃuə(r)] vt. 保证,确保
【同】assure, promise, pledge, insure, guarantee, secure
【考题精解】We must_____that the experiment is controlled as rigidly as possible.
A. assure
B. secure
C. ensure
D. issue
【答案】C。ensure vt.保证,担保(句型:ensure sb. sth.;ensures sth. to sb. 确保某人得到;ensure sb. against使不受;ensure+动词ing形式/that保证)。assure vt. 向……保证,肯定地说;使确信,使放心(句型:assure sth.;assure sb. sth.;assure sb. of sth.;assure sb. that…)。secure vt. 获得,争得,争取到(很难得到的东西);缚牢;使得到安全(句型:secure sth.;secure the door/locks;secure sb./a place against/from danger;后面不跟从句)。issue v. 发行,颁布;出版;(使)流出,发出(后面不跟从句)。
entail [in'teil] vt. 蕴涵;必须;使承担
【同】involve, need, demand, require
【真题链接】It is true that Matviyenko's heading of the campaign would_____certain staffing shuffles in the leadership, and now only a few members of the company were in the know. (2004年厦门大学考博试题)
A. concur
B. convoke
C. entail
D. alternate
【答案】C。本题空格处是说Matviyenko领导这场战役将会需要一定的人员变动。C项“entail使蒙受,需要”符合题意,如:Producing a series TV play entails a lot of work.(拍摄一部电视连续剧需要做大量的工作。)其他三项“concur同时发生;convoke召集;alternate轮换,交替”都不正确。
entertain ['entə'tein] v. ①款待;娱乐
【同】amuse, charm, cheer, delight, enliven,please, receive, treat
【同】bear, hold
【派】entertainment, entertaining, entertainer
entertainment ['entə'teinmənt] n. ①娱乐,文娱节目,表演会
【考题精解】The city offers all kinds of_____for young and old:music, games and dancing.
A. sports
B. arts
C. engagements
D. entertainment
【答案】D。entertainment n. 娱乐活动;文娱节目(如:A cinema is a place of entertainment. Dramatic entertainments were given two or three times a year.)。sport n. 体育运动。art n. 艺术。engagement n. 约会,预约;订婚,婚约。
【真题链接】We have many holidays from the end of March till the beginning of April. They are the best days for_____.(2003年西南财经大学考博试题)
A. blade
B. coincidence
C. balcony
D. entertainment
【答案】D。本题空格处是说这些假期是娱乐的最好时期。D项的“entertainment娱乐”符合题意。如:A cinema is a place of entertainment. (电影院是公众娱乐场所。)其他三项“blade刀片;coincidence一致,同时发生的事;balcony阳台,包厢”都不正确。
enthusiasm [in'θjuːziæzəm] n. 热心,热情;积极性;爱好
【同】passion, eagerness, craze
【习惯用语】①arouse enthusiasm in sb. 引起某人的兴趣 ②arouse the enthusiasm of激发……的积极性 ③be full of enthusiasm about热衷于
【派】(un) enthusiastic, enthusiastically, enthusiast
enthusiastic [in'θjuːzi'æstik] a. 热心的,热情的
【同】passionate, eager, keen
entire [in'taiə(r)] a. 全部的,完整的
【同】whole, complete, full
entitle [in'taitl] vt. 给……权利;给……定名
【同】name, empower, permit, qualify, authorize
【习惯用语】①be entitled叫作,称为,题目是(The novel is entitled“Pride and Prejudice”那本小说名为《傲慢与偏见》)②be entitled to [to do] sth. 对……享有权利,值得;有(做某事)的资格[权利]
【考题精解】This ticket_____you to a free meal in our new restaurant.
A. gives
B. entitles
C. grants
D. credits
【答案】B。entitle vt. 给……权利,给……资格(句型:entitle sb. to sth.;entitle sb. to+动词原形)。give vt. 给予(跟双宾语)。grant vt. 授予,同意,准予(跟双宾语)。credit vt. 信任,相信(credit sth.;credit sth. to sb./sth.)。
【真题链接】Everyone should be_____to a decent standard of living and an opportunity to be educated.(厦门大学2011年试题)
A. attributed
B. entitled
C. identified
D. justified
entity ['entəti] n. 存在,实体
【同】being, existence, object, reality
【长难例句】It is well-known that the retired workers in our country are entitled to free medical care.
entrance ['entrəns] n. ①入口
【同】entry, access
【同】admission, entry
【同】appearance, advent, coming
v. ①使狂喜
【同】appearance, advent, coming
【同】hypnotize, spellbind
【同】express, say, utter, air
entrepreneur ['ɔntrəprə'nəː(r)] n. 企业家
envelope ['envələup] n. 信封
environment [in'vaiərənmənt] n.①周围环境
【同】surroundings, circumstances
to prevent the pollution of the environment
The rural environment lent itself to the restoration of his health. 农村环境有助于他恢复健康。
【长难例句1】Stressful environments lead to unhealthy behaviors such as poor eating habits, which in turn increase the risk of heart disease.
【长难例句2】But the environment must also have a profound effect, since if competition is important to the parents, it is likely to become a major factor in the lives of their children.
envisage [in'vizidʒ] vt. 想象,设想
envy ['envi] vt./n. 妒忌,羡慕
【习惯用语】①better be envied than pitied宁可让人妒忌,不要让人怜悯 ②green with envy妒忌得面色发青,非常妒忌 ③lost in envy非常嫉妒
【派】envious (ly)
【考题精解】His magnificent house is the_____of all his friends.
A. object
B. appreciation
C. jealousy
D. envy
【答案】D。(the) envy (of) n. 羡慕(的目标);妒忌(的对象)(如:She was the envy of the younger girls in the school. Our garden was the envy of the neighbourhood.)。object n.目的,目标;对象;实物,物体。appreciation n. 欣赏;理解;感谢。jealousy n. 妒忌情绪,妒忌心;妒忌行为(话语)。
epidemic ['epi'demik] n. ①流行病,传染病
【同】contagion, infection
a. ①传染的
【同】catching, contagious, infectious
【同】infectious, widespread, prevalent
episode ['episəud] n. 插曲,片段
【同】interlude, occurrence, event
【考题精解】The little boy asking for“more”is one of the most famous_____in Dickens's Oliver Twist.
A. episodes
B. adventures
C. plots
D. stories
【答案】A。episode n.(剧本、小说中的)插曲,片断;(连续剧中的)一集(如:This novel deals with the romantic episodes of her early life. one of the funniest episodes in my life )。adventure n. 冒险,冒险活动;奇遇。plot n.(故事)情节。story n. 故事。
epoch ['iːpɔk] n. 时代,纪元
【同】era, period, age
equal ['iːkwəl] a. 相等的;平等的;胜任的
【同】same, uniform equivalent, qualified, competent
【反】unequal, different, unequal
【同】counterpart, correspondent, peer
vt. 等于;比得上,敌得过
【同】match, amount to
【习惯用语】on equal terms平等相处
【派】equalize, equalization, equity, equivalent, unequal
【考题精解】He knows so much about the stars that I am sure it would be impossible to find his_____.
A. rival
B. equal
C. partner
D. equivalent
【答案】B。equal n.(地位、能力等)相等的人,匹敌者(如:Women are equals of men;Is he your equal in strength? The French Minister of Foreign Affairs is the equal of the American Secretary of State.)。rival n.(共同争夺某物的)竞争对手,敌手。partner n. 伙伴,合伙人;搭档;舞伴。equivalent n. 相等物。
equality [iː'kwɔləti] n. 平等,同等
【同】equivalence, on equal footing, balance, equation
【习惯用语】be on an equality (with) 与……平等
equally ['iːkwəli] ad. ①同样地,相同程度地
equation [i'kweiʒn] n. 方程(式),等式
equator [i'kweitə(r)] n. 赤道
equip [i'kwip] vt. 装备,配备
【同】provide, supply, furnish
【习惯用语】①be equipped for准备好,对……有准备 ②be equipped with装 [配] 备;安装③equip for为……装备;为……作准备
【真题链接 1】A knowledge of history_____us to deal with the vast range of problems confronting the contemporary world.(2004年中国科学院考博试题)
A. equips
B. provides
C. offers
D. satisfies
【答案】A。本题空格处是说历史知识提供给我们处理多方面问题的信息。A项的equip可用于equip somebody to do something,表示“给某人做某事所需的信息或技能”,符合题意。其他三项中,provide、satisfy和offer三个动词之后都不跟动词不定式。
【真题链接 2】All the rooms on the second floor have nicely_____carpets, which are included in the price of the house.(2007年中南大学考博试题)
A. suited
B. fitted
C. adapted
D. equipped
【答案】D。形容词辨析题。句子的意思是二楼房间的地板都有固定的地毯,这些成本都包括在房价里。suited意为“合适的,合身的”;fitted意为“装好的”;adapted意为“适应的”, equipped意为“装配的”。根据句意,选项D为正确答案。
【真题链接 3】A knowledge of history_____us to deal with the vast range of problems confronting the contemporary world.(2007年中国人民大学考博试题)
A. equips
B. provides
C. offers
D. satisfies
equipment [i'kwipmənt] n. 装备,设备,器材
【同】tools, apparatus, machinery
equivalent [i'kwivələnt] a. ①相等的
【同】equal, same
n. ①同等物,等价物,对等
【同】counterpart, correspondent, match
【同】equal, peer, counterpart, fellow
【考题精解】The State's Department of Commerce in the U.S. is_____to our Bureau of Economic Development.
A. alike
B. equivalent
C. same
D. approximate
【答案】B。equivalent (to) a. 相等的,相当的;等量的,等值的;n. 相等物(如:What is $ 5 equivalent to in French francs? His behavior was equivalent to treason. He earns the equivalent of$50 a month.)。alike a. 同样的,相像的。same a.(必须与the连用)相同的,一样的。approximate (to) a. 近似的,大约的。
【真题链接】To compensate for the substantial decline in the availability of fossil fuels in future years, we will have to provide at least_____alternative energy source.(2014年北京航空航天大学考博试题)
A. an anticipated
B. an official
C. an equivalent
D. a redundant
era ['iərə] n. 纪元,时代
【同】epoch, age, times
erase [i'reiz] vt. 擦掉,抹掉
【同】remove, wipeout
erect [i'rekt] a. 直立的
【同】upright, vertical, straight
vt. ①使直立
【同】build, construct, make rise
【考题精解】The town_____a monument to the memory of its heroes who had lost their lives during the war.
A. installed
B. erected
C. made
D. set
【答案】B。erect vt. 建造,建立;竖立(如:The builder is going to erect a block of flats here. to erect a statue to somebody;to erect a house)。instal(1) vt. 安装,设置(不能说make a monument;应说set up a monument)。
erosion [i'rəuʒn] n. ①腐蚀,侵蚀,磨损
【真题链接】Turning cultivated land back into forests or pasture is a fundamental way to stem soil_____and desertification in the long run.(2003年中国人民大学考博试题)
A. erosion
B. depletion
C. violation
D. delusion
erroneous [i'rəuniəs] a. 错误的,不正确的
error ['erə(r)] n. 谬误,错误,过失
【同】mistake, difference
【习惯用语】①be [stand] in error弄错了②by error错误地 ③fall into an error误入歧途,犯错误
【派】erroneous(ly), errorless
【长难例句】They have built robots that can recognize the error of a machine panel by a fraction of a millimeter in a controlled factory environment.
erupt [i'rʌpt] vi.(火山等)迸发,爆发
【同】eject, emit, explode, blast
【派】eruption, eruptive
【真题链接】While we plan our railway buildings with a life span of 100 years, we also know that a quake measuring over seven on the Richter scale might_____once in 120 years, though we never expected it to happen so soon.(2006年厦门大学考博试题)
A. appear
B. develop
C. erupt
D. emerge
escalate ['eskəleit] v.(使)逐步增长(或发展), (使)逐步升级
escape [i'skeip] v./n. ①逃跑;逃避
【同】flee, avoid, run away, flight
【同】leak, leave out, miss
gas escaping from the pipe从管中漏出的煤气
escaped death免于一死
【习惯用语】①have an escape逃走 ②have one's escape cut off被切断逃路 ③make (good) one's escape(顺利)逃脱
【长难例句】At the time the alphabetically disadvantaged may think they have had a lucky escape.
escort [i'skɔːt] vt. 护送,护卫,陪同
【同】accompany, conduct
['eskɔːt] n. ①警卫,护送者
【同】protector, defender, custodian
especially [i'speʃəli] ad. ①特别,尤其,格外
【同】particularly, specially, extraordinarily
This crown was made especially for the King.
【长难例句】If the tradition of ambition is to have vitality, it must be widely shared; and it especially must be highly regarded by people who are themselves admired, the educated not least among them.
essay ['esei] ①随笔;文章
【同】composition, article
She wrote an essay on My Family.
She made her first essays at cooking.
essence ['esns] n. ①本质,实质
【同】essentials, nature, basis
【同】spirit, core
【派】essential (ly), essentiality
【真题链接】The concept of a loyal opposition—the_____of modern democracy —rarely prevails and, much more frequently, opposition is equated with treason and ruthlessly suppressed. (2004年四川大学考博试题)
A. loop
B. essence
C. equivalent
D. velocity
essential [i'senʃl] a. ①必不可少的;本质的
【同】basic, fundamental, principal, important,significant, necessary, indispensable
essential oils香精油
【同】nature, essence
【长难例句1】It's essential that people be psychologically able to resist the impact brought about by the transition from planned economy to market economy.
【长难例句2】We must pour out a large stream of essential words, unhampered by stops, or qualifying adjectives, of finite verbs.
【词义辨析】essential, indispensable和necessary essential:表示这种内在需要对于事物的本质或目的来说是“必不可少的”,但需要的急迫性不如indispensable语气那么强烈,常与介词to, for连用。indispensable:含有最强烈的、急迫的含义,尤其强调要达到某个目的或对于某事、某人的存在是绝对需要的。necessary:无法避免的或相当迫切的需要,但并不指它绝对必不可少。
【考题精解】Railways are_____to the economic prosperity of the country.
A. essential
B. useful
C. reliable
D. preferable
【答案】A。essential (to) a.(定语或表语)必要的,必不可少的,非常重要的(如:Water is essential to the growth of crops. Food is essential to life. Exercise and fresh air are essential for the preservation of health. It is essential for him to be prepared for this/that he be prepared for this.) (注意在这个句式中从句谓语需用虚拟式)。useful (to) a. 有用的,有益的。reliable a.(表语或定语)可靠的。preferable (to) a. 更好的,更可取的,更合意的(注意:比较的对象前面要用介词to)。
establish [i'stæbliʃ] vt. ①建立,创办;确立
【同】set up, found, institute, install
He established his son in business.
【同】ascertain, verify, determine
to establish the truth of a story证实故事的真实性
【习惯用语】①establish oneself in定居于,在……落户 ②establish sb. as任命[派]某人担任
【派】established, establishment
【长难例句】The remarkable variety of life on the Galapagos Islands inspired Charles Darwin to establish his theory of evolution.
【考题精解】The new president hoped to_____new procedures to save money.
A. take
B. establish
C. make
D. observe
【答案】B。establish vt.建立,创办,设立;确立,使确认(to establish a business/school/hospital/diplomatic relations;to establish a claim to sth.;to establish sb's guilt/a theory)(procedure与动词establish/introduce/follow相搭配,不与take/make/observe搭配)。
establishment [i'stæbliʃmənt] n. ①建立,创办,设立;(建立的)机构、组织
②(前面与the连用)[Establishment] 当权派;权力机构
estate [i'steit] n. 财产,房地产
【同】property, possessions, assets
【考题精解】In his will he left a(n)_____of over one million dollars to be divided among his children.
A. inheritance
B. abundance
C. wealth
D. estate
【答案】D。estate n. 财产,遗产;地产(如:Even as he lay dying,they argued over his estate.)。inheritance n. 继承;继承来的东西。abundance n. 大量,丰富,充足(an abundance of大量的)。wealth n. 财富,财产;丰富,大量(a wealth of大量的,很多的)。
esteem [i'stiːm] n. 尊敬
【同】deference, regard, respect
vt. ①尊重
【同】respect, treasure, value
【反】disregard, contempt
【同】think, consider, judge, regard
estimate ['estimeit] vt./['estimət] n. 估计;评价
【同】judge, value, appreciate, assess, evaluation, appreciation, judgment
【习惯用语】①at a rough estimate据粗略估计②by estimate照估计 ③form [make] an estimate of给……作一估计;评价
【派】estimation, estimator, estimable, underestimate
【考题精解】Before he started work, I asked the builder to give me an_____of the cost of repairing the roof.
A. assessment
B. announcement
C. estimate
D. evaluation
【答案】C。estimate n. /vt. 估计,估价。assessment n. 估价,评价,评估,看法。announcement n. 宣布,宣告。evaluation n. 评价,估价(注:assessment多用于对财产进行估价以便纳税;evaluation多指对客观的形势进行评估,如评估一个人的表现或能力,评估谈判结果,评估政治形势等)。
eternal [i'təːnl] a. 永久的,不朽的
【同】everlasting, perpetual, permanent, endless, interminable
【真题链接】Because a circle has no beginning or end, the wedding ring is a symbol of_____love.(2002年厦门大学考博试题)
A. extravagant
B. prominent
C. prescient
D. eternal
【答案】D。本题空格处是说结婚戒指是永恒爱情的象征。D项“eternal永恒的”符合题意,如:Eternal life to the revolutionary martyrs!(革命先烈永垂不朽!)其他三项“extravagant奢侈的,浪费的;prominent卓越的,显著的;prescient预见的,先知的”都不正确。
ethnic ['eθnik] a. 种族的,人种的
【真题链接】The term “New Australians”came into vogue in the 50s and 60s, which implied that the goal of immigration was assimilation and that migrants would place their new-found Australian identity ahead of the_____context from which they had come.(2003年北京大学考博试题)
A. athletic
B. ethic
C. aesthetic
D. ethnic
ethos ['iːθɔs] n. 民族精神,社会思潮,风气
【派】ethnology, ethnological, ethnologist
Europe ['juərəp] n. 欧洲
European ['juərə'piːən] a. 欧洲的n. 欧洲人
evacuate [i'vækjueit] v. ①疏散,撤走
【同】send away, remove from
【同】renounce, resign, give up, relinquish
【真题链接】In the war many children were_____from the cities to the countryside.(2004年湖北省考博试题)
A. evacuated
B. imparted
C. withdrawn
D. elicited
【答案】A。本题意为“战争期间,许多孩子由城市往农村撤离”。A项的“evacuate疏散,撤离”符合题意,如:The village was evacuated because of the danger of a flood.(由于洪水的威胁,村里人都已撤走了。)其他三项“impart给予,传递;withdraw收回,取回,提取;elicit引起,诱出(回答等)”都不正确。
evade [i'veid] vt. ①逃避,回避
【真题链接】Since any answer was likely to cause embarrassment to his party, the politician tried to_____the question.(2002年厦门大学考博试题)
A. evade
B. delude
C. seclude
D. invade
【答案】A。本题空格处是说这位政治家尽量回避这个问题。A项“evade逃避,躲避”符合题意,如:The released criminal always tries to evade the police.(释放犯总想不要碰上警察。)其他三项“delude迷惑,蛊惑;seclude隔离;invade侵略,侵袭”都不正确。
eve [iːv] n. 前夕
【习惯用语】①on St. Tib's Eve永远不,决不会(St.Tib为虚构的圣徒名)②on the eve of在……前夕 ③Saint Agnes's Eve【宗】元月二十日夜(相传少女此夜履行某种宗教仪式,就可以得到有关未来夫婿的启示)
even ['iːvn] ad. 甚至,连……都;同等的
a. 平坦的;均匀的;偶数的
【同】smooth, flat, regular, uniform, equal, odd
They had even shares of the money.
He won the first game and I won the second, so we’re even.
【习惯用语】①break even [口]打成平局,不盈不亏,得失相当 ②get [be] even with sb. 与某人扯平,跟某人算账,向某人报复③make even(排字中)使最后一行排足;平衡(账目)
【考题精解】His_____breathing showed that he had got over his excitement.
A. smooth
B. average
C. even
D. flat
【答案】C。even a. 均匀的;平坦的;均等的;偶数的(如:She spoke with an even voice. The boy has an even temper. The two boxers were even in strength and skill. Her teeth were white and even. even numbers偶数。get even with sb.报复)。smooth a. 平滑的,光滑的;平稳的;流畅的。average a. 平均的;平常的,普通的。flat a. 平坦的;平展的;单调的。
evening ['iːvniŋ] n. ①傍晚,晚上
a music evening音乐晚会
【习惯用语】①In the evening one may praise the day. [谚] 称誉白日须待夜来时;对尚未成功之事不可誉之过早。②make an evening of it玩个通宵,痛痛快快玩一晚上 ③of an evening往往在晚上
event [i'vent] n. 事件,事变;比赛项目
【同】affair, case
【习惯用语】①at all events无论怎样 ②in any event无论如何 ③in the event of万一;若In the event of rain, the game will be postponed.要是下雨,球赛就延期。
【词义辨析】event, incident
eventually [i'ventʃuəli] ad. 最后,终于
【同】at last, finally, in the end, at length
【考题精解】We shall have to pay the bill_____,so let's do it at once.
A. recently
B. naturally
C. eventually
D. lately
【答案】C。eventually ad. 最后,最终,终于。recently ad. 最近,新近,不久前。naturallyad. 当然地,自然地;天然地,天生地。lately ad. 最近,不久前。
【真题链接】Experts suggest that speech stages are reached in fixed sequence and at a constant age, but there are cases where speech has started late in a child who_____turns out to be of high IQ.(2007年中国矿业大学考博试题)
A. eventually
B. automatically
C. decidedly
D. inversely
ever ['evə(r)] ad. ①曾经,在任何时候
【同】always, forever, anytime, exactly
faster than ever比以前更快
It was the best result they’ve ever had.
I pulled as hard as ever I could. 我使劲地拉。
【习惯用语】for ever永远
everlasting ['evə'lɑːstiŋ] a. 永久的,不朽的
【同】eternal, permanent, immortal
every ['evri] a. 每,每个的,一切的
【习惯用语】①every other每隔……的Take this medicine with warm water every other day.这药每隔一天用温水服一次。②every other所有其他的人(或物) He was absent, but every other man was present and contributed their shares.只有他缺席,所有其他的人都到了并贡献了他们自己的一份力量。
everybody ['evribɔdi] pron. 每人,人人
【同】every person
everyday ['evridei] a. 日常的,每日的
everyone ['evriwʌn] pron. 每人,人人
everything ['evriθiŋ] pron. 每件事,一切,凡事
【习惯用语】①and everything等等 ②be everything to sb. 在某人看来最重要 ③To know everything is to know nothing. [谚] 样样皆通,样样稀松。
everywhere ['evriwɛə(r)] ad. 到处,处处
evidence ['evidəns] n. 证据;根据
【同】proof, testimony, documentation, indication, sign
【习惯用语】①in evidence明显的,显而易见的 ②Mrs. Jones was much in evidence at the party. 琼斯夫人在晚会上很突出。③turn Queen's evidence (=turn King's evidence) 作检举同案犯的证人
【派】evident, evidently, self-evident
【长难例句1】The judge ruled that the evidence was inadmissible on the grounds that it was irrelevant to the issue at hand.
【长难例句2】The trouble is that part of the recent acceleration is due to the usual rebound that occurs at this point in a business cycle, and so is not conclusive evidence of a revival in the underlying trend.
【考题精解】He was tried for theft but got off because there wasn't sufficient_____against him.
A. evidence
B. reason
C. excuse
D. justification
【答案】A。evidence n. 根据,证据(如:no evidence to support the allegation / for this statement. The suspect's fingerprints were the main evidence against him. The student presented evidence that his theory was based on original research.)。reason n. 理由,原因。excuse n. 借口,理由。justification n. 道理,理由,证明(做某事)是有理由的。
evident ['evidənt] a. 明显的,显而易见的
【同】apparent, clear, distinct, visible
【反】doubtful, uncertain
evidently ['evidəntli] a. 明显地,显而易见
evil ['iːvl] a. 坏的,邪恶的,罪恶的
【同】sinful, cruel, bad
n. 恶行,邪恶;祸害
【同】disaster, misfortune
【习惯用语】①crying evil亟待矫正的弊病②do evil作恶 ③Of two evils choose the less [least]. [谚] 两害相权取其轻。
evoke [i'vəuk] vt. 引起,唤起
【同】remind, stir up
【派】evocative, evocation
【真题链接】Autobiographical advertising can_____consumers’ past memories about the Product or brand.(2013年10月中国科学院考博试题)
A. exaggerate
B. excavate
C. extract
D. evoke
evolution ['iːvə'luːʃn] n. ①进化;演变
【同】growth, change, increase
【同】progress, development
the evolution of the modern car近代汽车的发展
【长难例句1】“Scientific”creationism, which is being pushed by some for “equal time” in the classrooms whenever the scientific accounts of evolution are evil, is based on religion, not science.
evolve [i'vɔlv] v.(使)发展,(使)进化
【同】evolution, evolutionist
【考题精解】The British political system has_____over several centuries into its present state.
A. changed
B. evolved
C. expanded
D. survived
【答案】B。evolve (into) v.(使)进化,(使)演化;(使)发展,(使)演变(如:They evolved a new plan. The simple plan evolved into a complicated scheme.)。change v. 改变,变更。expand v. 扩大,膨胀,扩张。survive vi. 存活下来,幸存。
exact [iɡ'zækt] a. 精确的,确切的
【同】precise, accurate
【反】inexact, inaccurate, imprecise
【习惯用语】be more exact更精密些;确切地说
exactly [iɡ'zæktli] ad. ①正确地,精确地
【同】correctly, precisely, accurately
【同】strictly, sharply
【同】just, precisely
exaggerate [iɡ'zædʒəreit] v. ①夸张,夸大
【同】overestimate, overstate, magnify
【考题精解】If you always_____, people won't believe what you say.
A. exaggerate
B. expand
C. maximize
D. enlarge
【答案】A。exaggerate vt. 夸大,夸张 (to exaggerate one's difficulties / one's own importance / the seriousness of a problem /another person's faults)。expand vt. 扩大,膨胀,扩张。maximize vt. 把……增加(或扩大)到最大限度;充分重视。enlarge vt. 扩大,放大。
exam [iɡ'zæm] (=examination) n. 考试
【同】test, quiz, inspection, analysis
【长难例句】The merits of competition by examination are somewhat questionable, but competition in the certain knowledge of failure is positively harmful.
examination [iɡ'zæmi'neiʃn] n. 考试;检查,审查
【同】test, quiz, exam, inspection, research, investigation
【习惯用语】①go in [up] for one's examination应考,应试 ②make an examination of检查③on examination检验,察看
examine [iɡ'zæmin] vt. ①检查,细查;考试
【同】check, inspect, question, test
【习惯用语】①examine in考(某人)在某一学科上所具有的知识 ②examine on考(某人)在某一问题上所具有的知识
【派】examinable, examinant, examinee, examiner【真题链接】How to evaluate the performance of students is still a problem that troubles many professors.(2004年电子科技大学考博试题)
A. examine and judge
B. assist in
C. enhance
D. account for
【答案】A。本题中,evaluate的意思是“评价,估计,求……的值”。四个选项中,examine and judge的意思是“评估,检测”;assist in的意思是“帮助”;enhance的意思是“加强”;account for的意思是“说明,解决”。只有A项符合题意。
example [iɡ'zɑːmpl] n. 例子,实例;榜样
【同】instance, model, pattern
【习惯用语】make an example of sb. 惩一儆百
exasperate [iɡ'zæspəreit] v. 使恼怒,激怒
【同】anger, annoy, irritate, madden
exceed [ik'siːd] vt. 超过;胜过
【同】surpass, excel, overtake
【派】exceeding, exceedingly excess, excessive (ly)
【考题精解】Unfortunately, the rate of his expenditures_____his income.
A. precedes
B. dominates
C. exceeds
D. prevails
【答案】C。exceed vt. 越出,超过,胜过(如:The cost will not exceed$50. to exceed the speed limit/one's strength/one's expectation/one's authority)。precede vt.(位置、顺序、时间等)在……之前,先于。dominate vt. 在……中占首要地位;支配,统治,控制;耸立于,俯视。prevail (over) vi. 流行,盛行;战胜,占……的优势。
【真题链接】In some African countries,the cost of treating an AIDS patient may_____his or her entire annual income.(2013年3月中国科学院考博试题)
A. exploit
B. expel
C. expire
D. exceed
exceedingly [ik'siːdiŋli] ad. 非常,极其
【考题精解】Your advice would be_____valuable to him, who is at present at his wit's end.
A. exclusively
B. extensively
C. excessively
D. exceedingly
【答案】D。exceedingly ad. 极端地,非常。exclusively ad. 专门地,排除其他地。extensively ad. 广泛地。excessively ad. 过分地,过度地。
excel [ik'sel] vi. (at, in) 突出,擅长
vt. 胜过,优于
【真题链接】Why are some of us good at math,or writing, while others_____at art or basketball?(2002年上海交通大学考博试题)
A. work
B. gaze
C. aim
D. excel
【答案】D。本题的后半句是说,而其他人在艺术或篮球方面胜过他人。D项的“excel优秀,胜过他人”符合题意。如:Francis excels as a long-distance runner.(弗朗西斯是个出色的长跑选手。)其他三项都不正确,work工作;gaze凝视;aim瞄准。
excellent ['eksələnt] a. 优秀的,杰出的,卓越的
【同】superior, outstanding, brilliant, exceptional, distinguished
【派】excellence, Excellency
except [ik'sept] prep. 除……之外
【习惯用语】①except for除……之外,只是②except that除了,只是
【派】exception, exceptional
exception [ik'sepʃn] n. 例外,除外
【习惯用语】①take exception(常与to连用)生气 ②with the exception of除……之外
【考题精解】Language has always been—as the phrase goes—the mirror to society. English is no_____.
A. explanation
B. excuse
C. exception
D. expectation
【答案】C。exception n. 除外,例外(如:This case is an exception to the rule这是个例外情况。There is no general rule without some exception. 凡规律总有例外。You must all take the examination. I can make no exceptions. without exception毫无例外地;with the exception of除去)。explanation n. 解释,说明。excuse n. 借口,理由。expectation n. 期望,期待,预期。
exceptional [ik'sepʃənl] a. ①例外的,特别的,异常的
【同】irregular, unusual, strange
【同】excellent, superior, brilliant, prominent, outstanding, distinguished
③不正常的(=odd, strange, singular, peculiar)
excerpt ['eksəːpt] n. 摘录;选录,节录
excess [ik'ses] n. ①超越,超过,超额量(=extra, overflow)
【同】overflow, surplus, extra, additional, spare
【同】extravagance, luxury, intemperance
【同】gain, surplus, bottom, line
['ekses] a. 过量的,额外的,附加的(additional, extra)
【考题精解】The money they took with them was considerably in_____of what they needed.
A. short
B. lack
C. favour
D. excess
【答案】D。excess n. 超越,超过;过量,过剩,过度(如:the excess of losses over profits/of imports over exports;have an excess of energy;Expenditure is $ 100 in excess of income. She is generous to excess.)。in favour of赞成,支持(不能说in short of/in lack of)。
excessive [ik'sesiv] a. 过多的,过分的,过度的
【同】extreme, immoderate
【考题精解】_____spending can lead to bankruptcy.
A. Extra
B. Excessive
C. Frugal
D. Unimportant
【答案】B。excessive a. 过多的,过分的,极度的(如:The prices at this hotel are excessive. She takes an excessive interest in clothes.)。extra a. 额外的,外加的。frugal a. 节省的,节俭的;费钱少的。unimportant a. 不重要的。
excite [ik'sait] vt. ①使兴奋,使激动;激发
【同】affect, move, thrill, animate, arouse, inspire, stir, stimulate
Strong coffee excites your nerves.
【习惯用语】become [get] excited at [by, about, over, with] 因……而激动 [兴奋]
【派】exciter, excitable, excited (ly), excitement
excited [ik'saitid] a. 兴奋的
【同】stimulated, wild, thrilled, eager
excitement [ik'saitmənt] n. 刺激,兴奋(状态)
【同】thrill, stimulation
exciting [ik'saitiŋ] a. 令人兴奋的
【同】thrilling, stimulating
exclaim [ik'skleim] v. 呼喊,惊叫,大声说
【同】cry, shout
【习惯用语】①exclaim against指责②exclaim at [on, upon] 抗议 ③exclaim over感叹
exclude [ik'skluːd] vt. ①把……除外,不包括
【同】except, dismiss, eliminate
【反】include, allow
They excluded people under 18 from joining the club.
【习惯用语】exclude sb. from不准进,把……赶出;撤销(职位),拒绝(某人入会等)
【派】exclusion, exclusionary, exclusionist
【真题链接】All draughts must be_____the room.(2008年四川大学考博试题)
A. ejected
B. expelled
C. excluded
D. exiled
【答案】C。eject放逐,驱逐;expel驱逐,开除;exclude拒绝,排除;exile意为放逐,流放。其中,exclude from可以表示使不能进入。故正确答案为C。
exclusive [ik'skluːsiv] a. ①排外的,排斥的
【同】excluding, barring
【考题精解】This school is_____;only very bright children are admitted.
A. exclusive
B. unique
C. prominent
D. reputable
【答案】A。exclusive (of) a. 排斥的,排外的;(新闻、报刊文章等)独家的(如:an exclusive circle of friends;The actress granted the reporter an exclusive interview. The hotel charges $ 50 a day,exclusive of meals.)。unique a. 唯一的,独特的,独一无二的。prominent a. 突出的,杰出的。reputable a. 声誉好的,可尊敬的。
【真题链接 1】These areas rely on agriculture almost_____, having few mineral recourses and a minimum of industrial development.(2005年电子科技大学考博试题)
A. respectively
B. extraordinarily
C. incredibly
D. exclusively
【答案】D。本题空格处是说这些地区几乎只依靠农业。D项“exclusively排外地,专有地”符合题意,如:Most importantly, if all of us get news and information exclusively from television, there will be a decline in general literacy.(最重要的是,如果我们只从电视里获取新闻和信息,那么我们的读写能力就会普遍下降。)其他三项“respectively分别地,各个地;extraordinarily格外地;incredibly不能相信地”都不正确。
【真题链接 2】The report managed to get an_____interview with the Prime Minister.(2002年武汉大学考博试题)
A. extinct
B. excluding
C. excessive
D. exclusive
【答案】D。本题意为“这名记者设法对首相进行独家采访”。D项的“exclusive唯一的,独一的,排他的”符合题意。如:exclusive publishing rights (独家版权)。其他三项“extinct(火、希望等)熄灭了的;excluding排除在外的;excessive过分的,过多的”都不正确。
【真题链接 3】In general, matters which lie entirely within state borders are the_____concern of state governments.(2013年北京航空大学考博试题)
A. extinct
B. excluding
C. excessive
D. exclusive
【真题链接 4】Up until that time, his interest had focused almost_____on fully mastering the skills and techniques of his craft. (2015年北京航空航天大学考博试题)
A. restrictively
B. radically
C. inclusively
D. exclusively
excursion [ik'skəːʃn] n. 远足,短途旅行
【同】tour, expedition, journey
【真题链接】The travel agency has a full program of_____, if tourists wish to visit local places of interest.(2003年上海交通大学考博试题)
A. expeditions
B. excursions
C. explorations
D. propositions
excuse [ik'skjuːz] v. 原谅,宽恕
【同】pardon, forgive, free, spare, relieve, release [ik'skjuːs] n. ①借口,托词
【同】reason, apology
Can I be excused from football practice?
【习惯用语】①in excuse of为……辩解②lame excuse [apology] 理由不足的辩解;漏洞百出的借口③make [offer] excuses for找借口,推诿
【词义辨析】excuse, pardon, forgive和sorry
【考题精解】Some commanders found_____for not carrying out their orders.
A. causes
B. excuses
C. descriptions
D. exceptions
【答案】B。excuse n. 借口,理由(have an/no excuse to+动词原形;make an excuse to+动词原形;如:His headache is only an excuse for not gardening. In excuse of his failure,he said he had been ill.)。cause n. 原因;理由(如:There's no cause for complaint. Don't complain without cause.)。description n. 描写,形容;说法;种类。exception n. 除外,例外。
execute ['eksikjuːt] vt. ①执行;处决
【同】put to death, kill, finish
【同】carry out, implement, perform
He asked his nephew to execute his will.
【习惯用语】be summarily executed就地正法,当场处决
【派】execution, executor, executive
executive [iɡ'zekjətiv] a. ①执行的,行政的
【同】administrative, leading, directing
n. 执行者,行政官;经理
【同】administration, administrator
exemplify [iɡ'zemplifai] vt. ①是(或作为)……的典型(或榜样)
exercise ['eksəsaiz] n. 练习;锻炼,运动
【同】training, drill, discipline, practice, assignment, application, performance
v. 锻炼;运动;行使(权力)
【同】train, drill, discipline, practise, apply, perform, put into practice
【词义辨析】exercise, sport和athletics
【考题精解】We cannot_____our influence unless we have an organ.
A. execute
B. apply
C. play
D. exercise
【答案】D。exercise vt.运用,行使(to exercise care/caution/restraint/patience;to exercise one's in fluence/intelligence/strength)。execute vt. 实施,执行;处死,处决。apply vt. 应用,运用。play vt. 扮演,演出。
exert [iɡ'zəːt] vt. ①尽(力)
【同】do one's best, spare no efforts
【同】use, employ, utilize, put forth
【考题精解】Jim had to_____all his strength to pull the man out of the river.
A. exercise
B. dispose
C. exert
D. exhaust
【答案】C。exert vt. 使出(力气等);运用(影响,权力),施加(压力)(to exert oneself/all one's strength to+动词原形;exert authority /power;exert one's influence/pressure on sb.)。exercise vt. 运用(克制、谨慎、耐心、影响);行使(权力、权利)。dispose v. 安排,处理;去掉,丢掉,销毁。exhaust vt. 用尽,耗尽;使筋疲力尽。
【真题链接】The slogan “scientific truth is a matter of social authority”has become dogma to many academic interest groups who have been_____themselves to substitute their authority for that of the practicing scientists.(2006年中国社会科学院考博试题)
A. grudging
B. exerting
C. swarming
D. detesting
【答案】B。本题中空白处的意思是这些组织一直竭尽全力要替代前沿领域的科学家们的权威。grudger的意思是“不给予”;exert的意思是“尽(力),施加(压力等),努力,exert oneself (to do sth.) 的意思是“努力,尽力”;swarm的意思是“涌往,挤满,密集”;detest的意思是“厌恶,憎恨”。四个选项中,只有B项符合题意要求。
exhaust [iɡ'zɔːst] vt. ①耗尽;使筋疲力尽
【同】use up, consume, drain, empty, tire/wear out
n. 排气装置;废气
【同】discharge, fumes
【习惯用语】①be exhausted by [with] 因……而疲劳 ②feel exhausted感到疲劳
【派】exhaustible, inexhaustible, exhausting (ly), exhaustion, exhaustive (ly)
【考题精解】After a long walk on a hot day, one often feels_____.
A. exhaust
B. exhausting
C. exhaustive
D. exhausted
【答案】D。(注:该答案先从exhaust解释起) exhaust vt. 用尽,耗尽;(引申)使筋疲力尽(to exhaust oneself/one's strength by hard work“勤奋工作使自己筋疲力尽”)。be exhausted a. 筋疲力尽的(如:He was completely exhausted after a day's hard work.)。exhausting a. 令人疲劳的。exhaustive a. 彻底的,寻根究底的,无遗漏的。
exhausted [iɡ'zɔːstid] a. ①耗尽的
【同】consumed, depleted
【同】worn, tired, wearied
exhibit [iɡ'zibit] vt. 展览,陈列;展示
【同】display, indicate, present, manifest, expose, demonstrate, display
【反】conceal, hide
n. 展品
【同】showcase, exposition, demonstration, presentation, manifestation
【派】exhibition, exhibitor
【考题精解】The_____include paintings and photos showing the life of the people.
A. exhibits
B. exhibitions
C. displays
D. shows
【答案】A。exhibit n. 展品。exhibition n. 展览(会)。display n./vt. 陈列,展览。show n.展览(会)。
exhibition ['eksi'biʃn] n. 展览,展览会
【同】presentation, display, fair, show
exile ['eksail] n. ①流放,放逐,充军
【同】exclusion, outlaw, refugee, expeller
【同】quarantine, solitude, loneliness
vt. 流放,放逐,把……充军
【同】expel, drive out
exist [iɡ'zist] vi. 存在,生存
【同】be, live
【习惯用语】①exist as作为……而存在,以……形态存在 ②exist in存在于……中③exist on靠……生活 [生存]
【派】existent, existence, existing, coexist
existence [iɡ'zistəns] n. 存在,生存
【同】being, living
【反】non-existence, death
【习惯用语】①bear [have, lead] a charmed existence [life] 有护身符;生命似有魔法保护②call [bring] into existence [being] 创造,使产生 ③cat-and-dog existence [life] 像猫狗一样不和的生活;经常争吵的生活;鸡犬不宁的日子
【长难例句】Many species can communicate an amazing amount of information via sound, information on which both the life of an individual and the continued existence of the species may depend.
【考题精解】Many species of animals which once lived on the earth are no longer in_____.
A. existence
B. survival
C. life
D. reality
【答案】A。existence n. 存在( be in existence存在;come into existence开始存在;go out of existence不复存在)。survival n. 幸存,继续生存;幸存者,残存物。in reality实际上。
existing [iɡ'zistiŋ] a. 现存的,目前的
【同】current, present, living
exit ['eksit] n. 出口,太平门;退场
【同】entrance, outlet, departure, withdrawal
vi. 退场,退出
【同】depart, leave, retire
【习惯用语】①make one's exit退场,退出,离开;死,去世 ②take one's exit退场 [出];离开
exotic [iɡ'zɔtik] a. ①奇异的,异乎寻常的,异国情调的
【同】foreign, alien, strange
【反】native, local
expand [ik'spænd] v. ①扩大;扩张;膨胀
【同】extend, enlarge, develop
【习惯用语】①expand in [into] 把……扩展[发展,膨胀] ②expand on细说,阐述
【派】expanse, expansible, expansionism
【真题链接】A tyre_____when you pump air into it;it shrinks when the air is gone.(2014年厦门大学考博试题)
A. explores
B. expands
C. exploit
D. exposes
expansion [ik'spænʃn] n. 扩大,扩张;膨胀;发展
【同】extension, enlargement, swelling
expect [ik'spekt] vt. ①期待,盼望;预期
【同】await, wait for, anticipate
【同】think, count on
‘Who broke that cup?’I expect it was the cat.
【习惯用语】be expecting怀孕His wife was expecting. 他的妻子当时正怀孕。
【派】expectance=expectancy, expectant, expectation, unexpected
expectation ['ekspek'teiʃn] n. 期待,期望;预期;前程
【习惯用语】①against all expectation(s) 出乎预料 ②beyond expectation料想不到 ③in expectation of期待;指望
expedition ['ekspə'diʃn] n. ①远征(队),探险(队),考察(队)
【同】journey, trek
【同】speed, promptness, swiftness, haste
expel [ik'spel] vt. ①赶出,驱逐,开除
【同】dismiss, fire, drive out, force out, eject
【同】discharge, send out, shoot out, shoot up
【真题链接】We’ ve just installed a fan to_____cooking smells from the kitchen.(2006年中南大学考博试题)
A. exile
B. expel
C. eject
D. exclude
expend [ik'spend] vt. 消费,花费
【同】spend, consume, exhaust, waste
expensive [ik'spensiv] a. 费钱的,昂贵的,高价的
【同】costly, luxurious
【反】inexpensive, cheap, economical
experience [ik'spiəriəns] n. 经验;经历
【同】practice, undergoing, knowledge, wisdom
vt. 经验,体验;遭受
【同】undergo, taste, feel, sense
【习惯用语】①as a matter of experience根据经验 ②by [from] experience凭经验;从经验中 ③draw upon past experience to… 凭借过去的经验去做……
【派】(in) experienced
【长难例句】In this process, the journey never really ends; there are always new ways to experience the world, new ideas to try, new challenges to accept.
【词义辨析】experience, suffer和sustain
experiment [ik'sperimənt] n./v.试验,实验
【同】trial, test, venture, attempt
【习惯用语】①make [carry out, do, perform, try] an experiment on [upon, in, with] 做……实验,对……做实验 ②prove by experiment实验证明
【派】experimentalist, experimentation
experimental [ik'speri'mentl] a. 实验(性)的,试验(性)的
【同】test, trial
expert ['ekspəːt] n. 内行,专家,能手
【同】master, specialist
a. 内行的,有经验的
【同】experienced, trained
【习惯用语】be expert in [at]… 在……方面是专家
【长难例句】Experts say walking is one of the best ways for a person to stay healthy.
【词义辨析】expert, proficient, skilled和skillful expert:意为“熟练的”,用于形容技能的卓越或有特殊的才能。proficient:意为“精通的,熟练的”,指经过训练而能力超群。skilled:意为“熟练的”,指对某一行或某种手工艺的全部细节非常精通,也指具有某种艺术或专业的技巧。skillful:意为“灵巧的,熟练的”,指在操作或做某事时灵巧而熟练。
expertise ['ekspə'tiːz] n. ①专门知识,专长
【同】command, craft, aptitude
【长难例句】Expertise can be shared worldwide through teleconferencing, and problems in dispute can be settled without the participants leaving their homes and/or jobs to travel to a distant conference site.
【真题链接】Human choice,not the intrinsic content of science, determines the outcome and scientists, as human beings, therefore have a special responsibility to provide council rooted in_____.(2009年北京航空航天大学考博试题)
A. expiration
B. explanation
C. expertise
D. expenditure
【答案】C。四个选项的意思分别是:expiration期满,到期;explanation解释,说明;expertise专家意见,专门技术;expenditure支出,消耗,根据句子意思可知,正确答案是C选项。如:His field of expertise was steroids.(他的专业领域是甾族化合物。)
expire [ik'spair] vi. ①到期 ②呼气 vt. 呼出(空气)
explain [ik'splein] v. 解释,说明
【同】illustrate, demonstrate, interpret, clarify, justify
【习惯用语】①explain away(把过失、怀疑等)搪塞[巧辩]过去 ②explain oneself说明自己的意思[动机] ;为自己的行为辩解③explain…as… 把……解释为……
【派】explanation, explanatory
explanation ['eksplə'neiʃn] n. 解释,说明
【同】illustration, demonstration, interpretation
【习惯用语】①come to an explanation with sb. 与人交谈后消除了误会②in explanation of解释
【长难例句】The new experiments, such as these described for the first time at a recent meeting of the Society for Sleep Research in Minneapolis, suggest fascinating explanations for the purpose of non-REM sleep.
explicit [ik'splisit] a. 明晰的,清楚的
【同】precise, exact, specific, definite, frank, open, plain, unambiguous
【反】vague, implicit
【真题链接】The professor gave_____instruction to the whole class so as to make every student understand how to conduct the experiment in the lab.(2004年武汉大学考博试题)
A. explicit
B. afflictive
C. authoritative
D. oblivious
explode [ik'spləud] v. ①爆炸,爆发
【同】blast, blow up, burst, erupt
to explode with anger勃然大怒
【派】exploiter, exploitable, exploitation
【词义辨析】explode, burst和erupt
exploit [ik'splɔit] vt. 剥削;利用;开发
【考题精解】You must_____every opportunity to learn new things.
A. exercise
B. execute
C. exert
D. exploit
【答案】D。exploit vt. 利用;开拓,开发;剥削(to exploit an opportunity / an issue;The capitalists exploit the workers;to exploit oil under the sea)。exercise vt. 运用,行使(权力、影响、耐心、谨慎等)。execute vt. 实施,执行。exert vt. 使出(力气);运用(权力);施加(影响)。
exploitation ['eksplɔi'teiʃn] n. ①利用,剥削
【同】utility, employment, abuse
explore [ik'splɔː(r)] vt. 勘探;探险;仔细察看
【同】search for, probe investigate, inspect
【派】exploration, explorative, explorer
【考题精解】Many Europeans_____the Continent of Africa in the 19th century.
A. explored
B. probed
C. searched
D. toured
【答案】A。explore vt. 探险,勘探;探索,探究。probe v. 探索,探查,探测(句型:probe sth.;probe for sth.;probe into sth.)。search (for) vt. 搜,寻找,探查。tour v. 旅行,游历。
【真题链接】In her new novel,“Annabel”, reviewed this week in the magazine, Kathleen Winter_____the nature-nurture divide.(2013年10月中国科学院考博试题)
A. outgrows
B. explores
C. perceives
D. contends
explosion [ik'spləuʒn] n. 爆炸,爆发;激增
【同】blast, burst, outburst
explosive [ik'spləusiv] a. ①爆炸性的,易爆炸的
The question of race today is an explosive one.
expose [ik'spəuz] vt. ①暴露,揭露
【同】confront, reveal, disclose, uncover, unmask
【反】cover, conceal
【考题精解】Is it advisable to_____our body to the sunlight?
A. reveal
B. display
C. expose
D. show
【答案】C。expose (to) vt. 暴露;揭露;使处于……的作用(或影响)下(如:Don't expose the film to light. to expose a spy/a conspiracy. expose sb. to danger)。reveal vt. 揭露,泄露,让人知道;展现,显示。display vt. 陈列,展览;显示。show vt. 显示,出示;表明,证明;vi. 显现,露面。
【真题链接】Children are often_____sports at an early age. As they get older and start school they participate in sports as a way both to make new friends and be active. (2010年中国人民大学考博试题)
A. exposed to
B. spoiled by
C. indulged in
D. worried about
【答案】A 本题考查词组辨析。句意为:儿童在早期经常接触到体育。随着他们长大,并开始上学,他们经常参加体育活动,以此来交新朋友且让自己变得活跃。A:接触,暴露于;B:被宠坏;C:沉湎于,沉溺于;D:为……担心;分析各个选项可知,只有A选项符合语境,因此本题选A。
exposure [ik'spəuʒə(r)] n. ①暴露,面临
【同】disclosure, revelation, betrayal
【考题精解】Too much_____to X-rays can cause skin burns, cancer or other damage to the body.
A. disclosure
B. exhibition
C. contact
D. exposure
【答案】D。exposure (to) n. 暴露于;曝光;揭露。disclosure (of) n. 透露,显。exhibition (of) n. 展览(会)。contact (with) n. 接触,联系。
【真题链接】_____both in working life and everyday living to different sets of values, and expectations places a severe strain on the individual.(2002年3月中国科学院考博试题)
A. Recreation
B. Transaction
C. Disclosure
D. Exposure
【答案】D。本题是说无论是在工作还是日常生活中,对于不同的价值观念和期待都会使个体很紧张。D项的“Exposure暴露,置身于”符合题意,如:He nearly died of exposure on the cold mountain.(他在寒冷的高山上差一点没有冻死。)其他三项“Disclosure揭发、泄漏;Transaction处理、执行;Recreation消遣、娱乐”都不正确。
express [ik'spres] vt. ①表达,表示
【同】show, explain
juice expressed from oranges橘子挤出来的汁
a. 特快的,快速的
n. 快车;快递
【同】fast train
【习惯用语】①by the shoe leather express [美俚]乘11号快车(意指“用两条腿走”)②limited express [美]一种豪华舒适、取费高昂的特别快车 ③express oneself表达自己的思想[感情,意见]
【派】expressionless, expressive, expressible
expression [ik'spreʃn] n. ①表达;措辞,词句;表情
【同】conveyance, narration, statement, phrase, word, look, appearance
read with expression有感情地朗读
【习惯用语】①beyond [past] expression无法形容,难以表达 ②find expression in表现为,在……中表现出来,用……表示 ③find an expression for为……找出一种表达方式;设法表达出
【长难例句】And it is in the public schools that we find the full expression of society's understanding—the knowledge, hopes, and fears that are passed on to the next generation.
【考题精解】I could tell he was surprised from the_____on his face.
A. appearance
B. sight
C. expression
D. feature
【答案】C。expression n.(面部)表情,脸色。appearance n. 外貌,外观;出现,露面。sight n. 视力,视觉;情景,奇观;(pl.) 风景,名胜。feature n. 特征,特色;(pl.) 面貌,相貌。
exquisite [ik'skwizit] a. ①精美的,精致的
【同】beautiful, fine, delicate
【同】discriminating, tasteful
【同】intense, acute
extend [ik'stend] v. ①延长,延伸;扩大;给予
【同】stretch, lengthen, enlarge, expand, give, grant, offer
【同】stretch, spread, continue, expand
He extended his arms in front of him as if he were praying to God.
【习惯用语】①extend for延续……(距离)②extend from从……伸出来 ③extend from…into… 从……延伸 [插] 到……里
【派】extensible, extensive (ly), extent
extension [ik'stenʃn] n. ①伸展(部分),延伸(部分),扩大(部分)
【同】expansion, enlargement, stretch
【同】section, branch
【同】accessory, fitting, fixture
extensive [ik'stensiv] a. ①广泛的,广阔的
【同】comprehensive, wide, spacious, expansive, broad
extensive damage重大损害
【考题精解】On a small farm in a dry climate one should not grow crops that need_____space and a lot of water to ripen.
A. considerable
B. significant
C. extensive
D. quantitative
【答案】C。extensive a. 广阔的,广泛的。considerable a.(数量或规模上)相当大的,相当多的。significant a. 相当数量的;重要的,意义重大的;意味深长的。quantitative a.(数)量的,定量的。
【真题链接】The primary objective of Basic Econometric, is to provide an elementary but a comprehensive introduction to the art and science of econometrics.(2003年电子科技大学考博试题)
A. brief
B. precise
C. simplified
D. extensive
【答案】D。本题中,comprehensive的意思是“全面的,广泛的”。extensive的意思是“广大的,广阔的”,如:The school has extensive playing fields.(这个学校有宽阔的活动场地)。brief的意思是“简短的,短暂的”;precise的意思是“精确的,准确的”;simplified的意思是“单一的,简单的”。只有D项符合题意。
extent [ik'stent] n. 程度;广度;范围
【同】degree, range, scope
【习惯用语】①to a certain extent在一定程度上,有几分,部分地 ②to a great extent很大程度上,非常 ③to some extent某种程度上,(多少)有一点
【真题链接】Sport was integral to the national and local press, TV and, to a diminishing_____,to radio.(中国科学院2011年3月试题)
A. extent
B. scope
C. scale
D. range
exterior [ik'stiəriə(r)] a. 外部的,外面的,外表的
【同】outside, outer
n. 外部,外面,外表
【同】appearance, outside
external [ik'stəːnl] a. ①额外的,外加的,超额的
【同】exterior, outside, outer
【反】internal, inner, interior
external trade国外贸易
This local newspaper doesn't pay much attention to external affairs.
【长难例句】Interest in historical methods has arisen less through external challenge to the validity of history as an intellectual discipline and more from internal quarrels among historians themselves.
extinct [ik'stiŋkt] n. ①绝种的,灭绝的
【同】lost, gone, extinguished
【反】living, burning
extinguish [ik'stiŋɡwiʃ] vt. ①熄灭,扑灭
【同】smother, destroy
【反】light, protect
extra ['ekstrə] a. 额外的,外加的
【同】spare, additional
ad. 特别地
【同】uncommonly, unusually, extraordinarily
【反】commonly, usually
n. ①额外的事物,另外的收费
【同】advantage, benefit, plus, perk
extract [ik'strækt] vt. ①(用力)拔出,抽出
【同】take out, pull out
【反】obtain, get
【同】excise, remove, delete
['ekstrækt] n. 提出物,精华
【派】extraction, extractor
【真题链接 1】The founders, as was the case of almost all their successors, were long on exhortation and rhetoric regarding the value of civic education, but they left it to the textbook writers to distill the essence of those values for school children.(2014年社科院考博试题)
A. infuse
B. disseminate
C. extract
D. demonstrate
【真题链接 2】A wonder drug was_____from this common herb as a cure for cancer.(2007年中国矿业大学考博试题)
A. gambled
B. deduced
C. extracted
D. injected
extraordinary [ik'strɔːdnri] a. ①特别的,非同寻常的
【同】special, exceptional, unusual, particular, uncommon
【反】ordinary, plain, common
an extraordinary session临时会议
extravagant [ik'strævəɡənt] a. ①奢侈的,铺张的
extreme [ik'striːm] a. ①极度的,极端的
【同】excessive, exceeding, final, last
He lives at the extreme edge of the forest.
n. 极端
【同】peak, climax
【习惯用语】in the extreme极,非常
【长难例句】The attacks on ambition are many and come from various angles;its public defenders are few and unimpressive, where they are not extremely unattractive.
【真题链接】The environmental balance among ecological communities is exceedingly complex. (2003年电子科技大学考博试题)
A. almost
B. successfully
C. extremely
D. rarely
【答案】C。本题中,exceedingly的意思是“非常地,极度地”。四个选项中,extremely的意思是“极端地,非常地”,如:I'm extremely sorry. (我非常抱歉。)almost的意思是“几乎,差不多;successfully的意思是“顺利地,成功地;rarely的意思是“很少地,罕见地”。只有C项符合题意。
eye [ai] n. ①眼睛;视力,视觉
【同】sight, appreciation, viewpoint
vt. 看,注视
【习惯用语】①all eyes极为注意 ②catch sb.'s eye醒目;显眼;引人注意 ③get one's eye in看得准;(在球赛时眼睛)能跟上球的方向
eyebrow ['aibrau] n. 眉毛
eyesight ['aisait] n. 视力,视野