C VisaC签证(爱尔兰)
The type of visa that allows a visa-required national to come to Ireland with a view to staying a maximum of 90 days(3 months).It cannot be renewed and the holder must leave the State on or before expiry of the visa.该类型签证允许需要签证的国民来爱尔兰最多停留90天(3个月)。不能更新该签证,持有人必须在签证期满时或之前离开该国。
C-1 VisaC-1签证(美)
A visa for alien in transit.颁发给过境外国人的签证。
C-2 VisaC-2签证(美)
A visa for alien in transit to United Nations Headquarters District under sec.11.(3),4),or(5)of the Headquarters Agreement.根据《联合国总部条约》第11(3)、(4)或(5)的规定,颁发给过境到联合国总部的外国人签证。
C-3 VisaC-3签证(美)
A visa for foreign alien government official,immediate family,attendant,servant or personal employee,in transit.颁发给过境的外国政府官员、直系亲属、佣人或私人雇员的签证。
Canadian Society of Immigration Consultants(CSIC)加拿大移民顾问协会(CSIC)
CSIC,the Canadian Society of Immigration Consultants is a self-regulating association of paid immigration representatives who are citizens or permanent residents of Canada.加拿大移民顾问协会是一个自律组织,为加拿大公民或永久居民的受雇移民代表。
cancellation of a passport撤销护照
The revocation of a passport.取消护照。
cancellation of a visa取消签证
The revocation of a visa.签证取消。
cancellation of business visas取消商务签证
The revocation of business visas.撤销商务签证。
cancellation of removal取消驱逐
Done at the discretion of an immigration judge,a cancellation of removal changes an alien's status from “deportable” to “lawfully admitted for permanent residence”.Cancellation of removal may be applied for during a hearing before an immigration judge.由移民法官进行酌处,取消驱逐可使外国人的身份由“可驱逐”变为“获许合法永久居留”。取消驱逐在向移民法官提出听证期间实施。
cancellation of stay取消逗留
The revocation of one's stay in another country.某人在他国的停留。
cancellation review applicant取消复议申请人
To revoke the applicant to file a review of a decision on asylum or immigration.取消对庇护或移民决定提出复议的申请人。
Cancellation review applicant means an applicant for:
(a)review of a decision to cancel a visa held by the applicant;or
(b)revocation under section 137L of the cancellation of a visa held by the applicant;or
(c)review of a decision under that section not to revoke such a cancellation.
cancellation review application取消复议申请
The revocation of the application about review of visa or asylum.取消关于签证或庇护复议的申请。
Cancellation review application,in relation to a cancellation review applicant,means the application by the applicant.与取消复议申请有关,指由申请人提出的申请。(澳大利亚1958年移民法第275条)
cancellation of temporary resident permit取消临时居留证
To revoke a resident permit of a person residing temporarily in one country by a governmental institution.由一国政府机构撤销在该国的临时居住许可证。
A foreign national loses temporary resident status on cancellation of their temporary resident permit.在取消临时居留证时,外国国民就丧失了临时居留许可。(加拿大2001年移民与难民保护法第47(c)条)
cancelled visa取消的签证
The revocation of visas.撤销签证。
Subject to subsection(5)and to section 135,if a business visa is held by another person who is or was a member of the family unit of the holder of the cancelled visa,the Minister must cancel the other person's business permit or business visa by giving written notice to that person.根据第(5)以及第135条的规定,商务签证由被取消签证持有人的家庭成员或曾为该家庭成员的人员持有,部长必须给该人员下达书面通知,取消该人员的商务许可或商务签证。(澳大利亚1958年移民法第134(4)条)
cancelled without prejudice(权益)无损害取消
Embassy or consulate stamp of cancellation that indicates an administrative mistake in the visa or that the visa is a duplicate.It does not affect the validity of other visas in the passport nor does not prejudice future visa applications.大使馆或领事馆的取消印章表明存在签证管理错误或签证为副本的错误。但并不会影响护照上其他签证的有效性,也不会妨碍下一步签证的申请。
cannabis plant大麻植物
Cannabis plant means any plant of the genus cannabis.大麻植物系指大麻属的任何植物。(联合国禁止非法贩运麻醉药品和神经药物公约第1(a)条)
Ability. In migration context, capacity means that the skills, competencies and abilities of a country's government in developing society, and establishing policies relating to the issues of immigrant and refugee and handling those problems. 能力。移徙背景下,能力指一国政府发展社会、制定与移民、难民事务有关的政策以及处理问题的能力。相关词语capacity building(能力建设)
It enables and organises immigration with due regard to the capacities for admission and integration and the interests of the Federal Republic of Germany in terms of its economy and labour market.在适当考虑入境接受能力、融合以及德意志联邦共和国的经济和劳动市场利益的前提下,有效地组织移民。(德国2004年居留法2007年修订第1.1条)
A minor's lack of legal capacity shall not preclude his or her refusal of entry or removal.未成年人缺乏法律能力并不妨碍其被拒绝入境或被驱逐。(德国2004年居留法2007年修订第80(2)条)
A person who pays a deposit or posts a guarantee must not have signed or co-signed another guarantee that is in default;and must have the capacity to contract in the province where the deposit is paid or the guarantee is posted.支付押金或交付保证金的任何人不应签署或共同签署违约保证书;且必须在支付保证金或交付保证金的省份具有合同能力。(加拿大2001年移民与难民保护法第47(1)(b)条)
capacity building能力建设
Building capacity of governments and civil society through strengthening their knowledge,skills and attitudes.Capacity building can take the form of substantive direct project design and implementation with a partner government,or in other circumstances can take the form of facilitating a bilateral or multilateral agenda for dialogue development put in place by concerned authorities.In all cases,capacity building aims to build towards generally acceptable benchmarks of management practices.通过加强政府和民间社会的知识、技能和态度,建设它们的能力。能力建设可以与伙伴政府实质性的直接项目设计和实施的形式存在,或在其他情况下,可以促进相关当局的双边或多边议程对话的形式存在。在所有情况下,能力建设的目标是建设普遍接受的管理实践基准。
capacity to subsist生存能力
The ability to support oneself.养活自己的能力。
Without limiting what is serious harm for the purposes of paragraph(1)(b),the following are instances of serious harm for the purposes of that paragraph:denial of access to basic services,where the denial threatens the person's capacity to subsist.在不限制第(1)(b)款规定的严重伤害之定义的情况下,以下为该款规定的严重伤害之具体例证:拒绝提供基本的服务,而此拒绝行为已经威胁到该人员的生存能力。(澳大利亚1958年移民法第91R(2)条)
capital equipment of an educational nature教育性质的固定设备
Capital equipment of an educational nature includes tape recording and playing equipment and portable class rooms,but does not include any other building.教育性质的固定设备包括录音机、游玩设备以及可移动的教室,但不包括其他建筑。
The method of taking a biometric sample from the end user.从最终用户身上收集生物特征样本的方法。(国际航空组织第9303号文件第2部)
capturing of biometric data获得生物数据
In terms of visas and passports, the competent authority will collect biometric data of the subjects of visa or passport so to control those entering and leaving from a country, and to prevent illegal over stayers in that country. 就签证与护照而言,一国的主管机构会采集签证或护照主体的生物数据,以有效控制该国入境、出境的人员,并预防在该国非法逾期停留人员。
carbon dioxide sensors二氧化碳感应器
Equipment(either stationary or portable)used to determine whether carbon dioxide is present in a closed container,such as a railway car or the back of a truck.Such sensors are used to determine whether persons are being moved clandestinely across a border.用来确定封闭的容器内二氧化碳是否存在的设备,如火车车厢或货车尾部是否存在二氧化碳的设备(固定的或移动的)。此类感应器被用来确定是否有人员秘密越境。相关词语 sensors(感应器)
card format卡的格式;卡的样式
A machine-readable passport or travel card issued in a credit card size format.指可机读护照或签发的信用卡大小样式的旅行卡。
One who holds the resident card,or other immigration cards in migration context.移徙背景下,指持有居留卡或其他移民卡的人员。
cargo carriers货物承运人
These are carriers that operate dedicated cargo-only flights,including mail flights.运营商经营的专用货运航班,包括邮件航班。
The EU cooperates with the United States to combat illegal drug trafficking in the Caribbean.欧盟与美国合作打击在加勒比地区的非法贩运毒品活动。相关词语 external dimension(外部范围)
Carrier in relation to conveyance means the owner or charterer of the conveyance.A carrier usually refers to an airline,bus or rail company,or cruise line.Under the laws of some States,the term includes any owner of a means of conveyance,which carries a person onto its territory.与运输有关的“承运人”是指运输工具所有者或包租人。承运人通常指航空公司、汽车、铁路公司,或邮轮公司。根据某些国家的法律,该术语包括运输方式的所有者,他们将人员运送到该国境内。相关词语 conveyance(运输工具)
Carrier means any natural or legal person whose occupation it is to provide passenger transport by air,sea or land.指以为乘客提供海上、空中或陆地交通为职业的自然人或者法人。(2000年申根协议第1条)
Carrier,in relation to a craft,means the owner or charterer of the craft;and,where the owner or charterer is not in New Zealand,includes the agent in New Zealand of the owner or charterer or,if there is no such agent in New Zealand,the person in charge.承运人指,航行器的拥有者或承揽运输业务的人;如果该物主或承运人不在新西兰,还包括该物主或承运人在新西兰的代理人,或者如果该代理人也不在新西兰,那么则为负责该航行器的人员。(新西兰1987年移民法第2条)
Carrier means any person whose occupation is to provide passenger transport by air,sea or land.承运人指通过空中、海上或陆地来进行旅客运输作为职业的人员。(马耳他1970年移民法2009年修订第2条)
carrier liability law承运人责任法
In migration context,a law imposing fines upon carriers who bring in to the territory of a State persons who do not have valid entry documents.移徙背景下指对那些将无有效入境证件的人员运送到一国境内的承运人施以罚款的法律规定。
carrier representative承运人代表(英)
The person appointed by a carrier as its main contact with British e-Borders programme.由承运人任命的作为英国电子边境计划的主要联络人。
carrier technical representative承运人技术代表(英)
This person appointed by a carrier as its main contact with British e-Borders programme.由承运人指定作为英国电子边境计划主要联络人。
carrier's liability承运人责任(英)
A charge levied under the Immigration(Carriers Liability)Act 1987 on a carrier who brings an inadequately documented passenger to the UK.The criteria which the UK Border Agency uses to determine whether a passenger is “inadequately documented” include if the passport or visa is absent or invalid or has been falsified in a way that would be reasonably apparent if a trained representative of the carrying company could reasonably be expected to detect it by examining it carefully but briefly and without the use of technological aids.根据1987年移民法(承运人责任)对将证件不齐的乘客运至英国的承运人而进行的罚款。英国边境署用来确定乘客是否“证件不齐”的标准为受过训的承运公司在通过认真仔细检查而无需技术手段就可以明显地查验出护照或签证缺失,或无效或伪造等情况。
carriers' responsibility承运人责任
Carriers' responsibility refers to the obligation of carriers(persons,companies and organisations that provide passenger transport by air,sea or land)to ensure that passengers have valid and recognised travel documents,including visas or residence permits where required.Carriers that fail to adequately control travel documents and allow unauthorised foreigners to enter a country are obliged to repatriate them at their own expense.They are also liable to fines.承运人责任指承运人(通过空中、海上或陆路为乘客提供交通运输的人员、公司以及组织)保证乘客持有有效的、承认的旅行证件包括需要的签证或居留许可的责任。不能控制旅行证件并允许未获授权外国人入境他国的承运人有义务自费遣送这些人员,而且承运人会被罚款。
case law判例法
Rulings of the Court of Justice of the European Communities.These have major legal weight,comparable to treaty texts and secondary EU legislation.欧洲共同体法院的裁决。相比于条约文本以及次要欧盟法律,这些判例法具有主要法律影响。
case number申请号码/受理号码(美国)
The National Visa Center(NVC)gives each immigrant petition a case number.由(美)国家签证中心(the National Visa Center(NVC))签发给移民申请者的编号。
case owner案件负责人(英)
The UKBA uses “case owner” to refer to an official within its New Asylum Model who is responsible for an asylum seeker's case throughout the process,from application to the granting of status or removal.Their roles include deciding whether status should be granted,handling any appeal,dealing with asylum support,integration or removal.The UKBA also uses the term to refer to an official at Senior Executive Officer level within the Case Resolution Directorate who is responsible for several teams of case workers.英国边境署(UKBA)用“案件负责人”指在新的庇护模型下负责庇护寻求者案件的整个过程的官员,从申请到身份的授予或驱逐。其作用包括:决定是否应当授予身份、处理上诉、处理庇护上诉、融合或驱逐。英国边境署也使用该术语指案件仲裁处负责案件团队的高级执行官员。
Case Processing Centre案件处理中心(加拿大)
A CIC office in Canada that receives citizenship and immigration applications. 案件处理中心指接受公民身份与移民申请的加拿大公民身份与移民办公室。
An application to remain in Canada referred to in subsection must be made to the Department's Case Processing Centre in Canada that serves the applicant's place of habitual residence.副款中所指在加拿大居留的申请必须向加拿大案件处理中心提出,该地为申请人的常住地。(加拿大2001年移民与难民保护法第11(3)条)
case resolution process案件仲裁程序(英)
The case resolution process was set up by the UKBA to deal with unresolved cases of those who claimed asylum before April 2007.Claims are being dealt with by the Case Resolution Directorate at the UK Border Agency.案件仲裁程序是由英国边境署设立的,负责2007年4月前尚未解决的提出庇护的案件。由英国边境署的案件决议处处理这些申请。
To stop happening,to end.阻止发生、结束。
The residence permit shall be subject to a time limit which takes due account of the intended purpose of residence.Should a vital prerequisite for issuance,extension or the duration of validity cease to apply,subsequent shortening of the validity period shall also be possible.居留许可应考虑居留目的受到一定期限的限制。若签发、延期或者有效期期限的重要条件不再适用,则相继的有效期限也应相应缩短。(德国2004年居留法2007年修订第7(2)条)
The largest number or amount of something that is officially allowed.上限;最高限额。
Highly qualified persons in accordance with sub-section 1 are,in particular,specialists and executive personnel with special professional experience who receive a salary corresponding to at least twice the earnings ceiling of the statutory health insurance scheme.根据第(1)款的规定,高素质人员指专家、具有特殊职业经验的、薪水为法定医疗保险计划两倍最高限额的管理人员。(德国2004年居留法2007年修订第19(2)条)
Central Intelligence Agency(CIA)中央情报局(CIA)(美)
The Central Intelligence Agency(CIA)is one of the principal intelligence gathering agencies of the United States federal government.The CIA has three traditional principal activities,which are gathering information about foreign governments,corporations,and individuals;analyzing that information,along with intelli-gence gathered by other U.S. intelligence agencies,in order to provide national security intelligence assessment to senior United States policymakers;and upon the request of the President of the United States,carrying out or overseeing covert activities and some tactical operations by its own employees,by members of the U.S.military,or by other partners.It can exert foreign political influence through its tactical divisions,such as the Special Activities Division.中央情报局(CIA)是美国联邦政府收集情报的主要机构之一。中情局主要从事三种传统活动,即收集外国政府、公司及个人的情报;分析美国其他情报机构收集的信息以便为美国高层决策者提供国家安全情报评估;并应美国总统的要求,由其雇员、美国军队成员或其他伙伴实施或监视秘密活动以及一些战术行动。通过其战术部门,如特别行动部来影响外国政治。
Central SIS申根信息中央系统(欧盟)
“C.SIS” means the technical support function of SIS 1+,containing the reference database for SIS 1+ and the uniform national interface(N.COM).申根信息中央系统指申根信息系统1+的技术支持功能,包括信息系统1+的数据库查询以及国家统一接口(N.COM)。(欧盟关于移民的第二代申根信息系统第2.b条)
Central SIS II申根信息中央系统II(欧盟)
Central SIS II means the technical support function of SIS II containing a database,the “SIS II database”,and a uniform national interface(NI-SIS).申根信息中央系统II指对II系统中的数据、“申根信息系统II数据”以及国家统一接口(NI-SIS)提供技术支持的功能。(欧盟关于移民的第二代申根信息系统2.a条)
Centre for Information,Discussion and Exchange on the Crossing of Frontiers and Immigration(CIREFI)越境及移民信息、讨论和交流中心(CIREFI)(欧盟)
This is a body to assist the Member States in effectively studying legal immigration preventing illegal immigration and unlawful residence,in effectively combating immigration crime,in better detecting forged documents and in improving expulsion practice.Specific tasks are:
1.to collate,using standard forms,statistical information concerning:(a)legal immigr-ation;(b)illegal immigration and unlawful residence;(c)facilitating of illegal immigr-ation;(d)use of false or falsified travel documents;(e)measures taken by competent authorities,and draw up regular and occasional situation reports on this basis commenting on trends,developments and changes;
2.analyse the information compiled,draw conclusions and,when appropriate,give advice;
3.conduct exchanges of information on expulsion matters,particularly in respect of countries of destination,airports of departure or arrival,carriers,flight routes,fares,reservation possibilities,conditions of carriage,escort requirements and charter possibilities as well as on problems in obtaining repatriation travel documents.
Centre for International Crime Prevention(CICP)国际犯罪预防中心(CICP)
Centre for International Crime Prevention:established in 1997,it is the United Nations office responsible for crime prevention,criminal justice and criminal law reform.国际犯罪预防中心:成立于1997年,是负责预防犯罪、刑事司法及刑事法律改革的联合国机构。相关词语 organised crime(有组织犯罪),crime prevention network(预防犯罪网),website(网络)
The agency that delivers social security payments and related services in Australia.指澳大利亚支付社会保障金以及提供相关服务的机构。
The European Police College,an academy for the training of senior and middle-ranking EU police officials;set up initially as a network of existing training institutes,CEPOL began to offer courses on European policing in 2001.欧洲警察学院,培训中高级欧洲警察的学院;最初成立是作为现有培训机构的网络,CEPOL于2001年开始讲授有关欧盟警务的课程。相关词语police(警察),European police college(欧洲警察学院)
A document in which a fact is formally attested.以官方形式证明某事实的文件。
The foreigner is to be issued with a certificate confirming the suspension of deportation.应发给外国人确认中止驱逐的证书。(德国2004年居留法2007年修订第60a(4))
Certificate of Approval(CoA)批准书(英)
People who are not EEA nationals are required to obtain permission from the Home Secretary before marrying or contracting a civil partner-ship in the UK.The permission is issued as a certificate of approval.非欧洲经济区国民的人员在英国结婚或缔结民事伴侣关系,需要持有内政大臣颁发的许可证。该许可证为批准书。
certificate of cause of death死因证明书
A certificate issued by a government office which proves the reason of which a person dies.由政府部门签授的证明某人死亡原因的证书。
certificate of citizenship公民身份证
A document issued by the competent authority as proof that the person is a citizen of a country by birth(when born abroad)or derivation(not from naturalization).由主管部门授予的证件,表明该人员出生时(国外出生)为某国的公民或继承而来(而不是归化)而成为某国公民。相关词语nationality(国籍)
Certificate of citizenship means a certificate of citizenship issued or granted under this Act or under the former Act.公民身份证指根据本法或前法签发的或授予的公民身份证。(加拿大公民身份法2009年修订第2(1)条)
certificate of company registration公司注册证书
The official document confirming a company has incorporated and registered with Companies House.确认某公司已经成立并在公司机构注册的正式文件。
certificate of departure离境证明书;离港证明书
It is a certificate that gives a person or boat permission to leave from homeport or any port of departure.指允许人员或船只离开母港或任何出发港的证书。
A removal order against a foreign national,whether it is enforced by voluntary compliance or by the Minister,is enforced when the foreign national obtains a certificate of departure from the Department.在外国人从该部拿到离境证明书时,对外国人下达的驱逐令,无论是自愿遵从或由部长下达的,都应执行。(加拿大2009年移民与难民保护条例第240(1)(b)条)
Certificate of Entitlement to the Right of Abode in the Hong Kong Special Admin-istrative Region(Certificate of Entitlement)香港特别行政区居留权证明书(居留权证明书)
Certificate of entitlement means a Certificate of Entitlement to the Right of Abode in the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region issued under section 2AB(6)(a)and includes a certified duplicate issued under section 2AC(6)(a).居留权证明书指根据第2AB(6)(a)条发出的香港特别行政区居留权证明书,并包括根据第2AC(6)(a)条发出的经核证复本。(香港移民法2009年修订第2(1)条)
certificate of identity身份证明
A document(other than a passport)issued by a government to an individual in order to facilitate his/her entry into or exit from the country.一国政府向个人发放的证件(而非护照),以帮助其离开或入境该国。相关词语 travel documents(旅行证件),visa(签证)
Certificate of identity—
(a)means a document(other than a pass-port)issued by the government of any country to any person for the purposes of facilitating that person's entry into or exit from any country,being a document that—
(i)purports to establish the identity but not the nationality of that person;and
(ii)confers on that person a right to enter the country whose government has issued the document;and
(i)any emergency travel document or refugee travel document issued under the Passports Act 1992;and
(ii)any travel document issued by any international organisation for the time being specified by the Minister for the purpose of this definition.
Certificate of identity means a document,other than a document of identity,which is issued by the Director of Immigration for the purpose of international travel to a person who is not the holder of,and is unable to obtain,a valid travel document.身份证明书指由入境事务处处长发给未持有及不能领取有效旅行证件的人,以作国际旅行之用的证件,但不包括签证身份证。(香港移民法2009年修订第2(1)条)
certificate of identity for a seaman海员身份证明书
A document that shows the issuing authority,the holder's full name;sex;date and place of birth;nationality;any special physical characteristics that may assist identification;digital or original photograph.即标明签发机构、持有人全名、性别、出生日期与地点、国籍、任何有助于识别的特殊身体特征、数字或原版照片的证件。
The seafarers' identity document covered by this Convention shall conform,in its content,to the model set out in Annex I hereto.The form of the document and the materials used in it shall be consistent with the general specifications set out in the model,which shall be based on the criteria set out below.Provided that any amendment is consistent with the following paragraphs,Annex I may,where necessary,be amended in accordance with Article 8 below,in particular to take account of technological developments.The decision to adopt the amendment shall specify when the amendment will enter into effect,taking account of the need to give Members sufficient time to make any ne-cessary revisions of their national seafarers' identity documents and procedures.本公约所涉及的海员身份证件在内容上应符合公约附件I中所给出的范本。证书的格式和所用材料应与该范本中所给出的一般规格相符,该规格应基于下文规定的标准。只要符合以下各款,在必要时,特别是考虑到技术的发展,可根据下文第8条对附件I予以修正。通过修正案的决定应具体规定修正案的生效时间,并考虑到需要留给成员国足够的时间对其国内海员身份证件和程序作出任何必要的修改。(2003年海员身份证件公约第3条第1款)
certificate of marriage结婚证书
A document that is executed by the religious or civil official presiding at a marriage ceremony and filed with a public authority as the evidence of marriage.在婚礼上由宗教或民事官员主持的并递交给公共主管当局作为结婚证据的文件。
certificate of naturalization入籍证;归化证
A document issued by the authority of immig-ration as a proof that the person has become a citizen(naturalized)of the host country after immigration to that country.由移民机构颁发的证明某人在移民到接收国后成为该国公民(通过归化方式)的证书。
Certificate of naturalization means a certificate of naturalization granted under any Act that was in force in Canada at any time before January 1,1947.入籍证指在1947年1月1日前任何时间生效的法律授予的入籍证。(加拿大公民身份法2009年修订第2(1)条)
No certificate of naturalization received by any clerk of court which maybe defaced or injured in such manner as to prevent its use as herein provided shall in any case be destroyed,but such certificates shall be returned to the Attorney General.法庭任何成员收到的入籍证明不得发生损毁以至影响其正常使用,一旦发生,该证明应当退还司法部长。(美国1996年移民与国籍法第339条)
certificate of no criminal conviction无犯罪记录证明书
A certificate of no criminal conviction is issued strictly for immigration-related purpose.If one has a history of committing crimes,he/she would not be admitted into another country.无犯罪记录证明书是用于移民目的而签发的文书。如有犯罪记录的人员,则其不可能得到允许入境他国。
certificate of nomination提名证书(加拿大)
A certificate issued by the Nova Scotia Nominee Program directly to a CIC visa office recommending a foreign national for permanent residence consideration under the federal Economic Class.根据联邦经济分类,由新斯科舍省提名项目办公室直接向移民局签证办事处推荐一名外国国民进行永久居留审核签发的证书。
certificate of service送达证明书
A section of a pleading or motion filed with the court,usually contained separately on the last page,in which the filing party certifies to the court that a copy has been mailed to or otherwise served on all other parties.向法院提出的诉状或请求,通常在最后一页独立装订,在诉状中申请方向法院证明副本已经寄出或已送达各当事人。
certificate of sponsorship担保人身份证书;赞助证(英)
This is a virtual document(a unique reference number)that an organisation gives to migrants they want to employ,and that the migrant uses when applying under the points-based system for coming to the United Kingdom to work,train or study.某组织给予其意欲雇佣的移民及根据计分制该移民申请来英工作、培训或学习的虚拟文件(独特的指定号码)。
certificating authority认证机构
A body that issues a biometric document and certifies that the data stored on the document are genuine in a way which will enable detection of fraudulent alteration.签发生物特征证件并以可检测篡改的方法核证该证件中存储数据的真实性的机构。
The act of attesting.证实。
The Secretary of Labor may require by regulation,as a condition of issuing the certification,the payment of a fee to recover the reasonable costs of processing applications for certification.劳工部长可以通过法律,作为签发证书条件,要求支付费用以弥补证书申请过程中合理的成本。(美国1996年移民与国籍法第218a(2)条)
certified copy核证副本
Copy of a do cument authorised,or stamped as being a true copy of the original,by a person or agency recognised by the law of the person's home country.指授权文书、或由该人员原籍国法律承认的某机构加盖公章的原件的副本。
Every alien applying for a non-immigrant visa and alien registration shall furnish to the consular officer,with his application,a certified copy of such documents pertaining to him as may be by regulations required.申请非移民签证以及外国人注册的任何外国人应向领事官员提供法律要求其有关申请的证件的核证副本。(美国1996年移民与国籍法第22(d)条)
certified copy of birth/death entry生/死档案记录核证副本
In most countries, the actual record of the event such as(birth, marriage, death etc.)is recorded in the register of the government office. It can either be a paper register or computerized record. A birth record contains information about the birth of an individual. On a birth record, one can usually find the mother's full maiden name and the father's full name, the name of the baby, the date of the birth, and the place where the birth took place.在多数国家,类似(出生、婚姻、死亡等)事件的记录要在政府机构进行登记。可以是纸质登记或计算机记录形式。出生记录包含有个人出生的信息。出生记录上,会有母亲婚前的全称、父亲的姓氏全称、婴儿的名字、出生日期以及出生地。
certified duplicate核证副本
A copy that is attested.核实的副本。
certified printout核证打印文件(澳)
Printout that has been attested.得到核实的打印件。
Certified printout means a printout certified by an authorised officer to be a printout of information kept in the movement records.指由被授权官员检验记录在案的打印信息稿件。(澳大利亚1958年移民法第5条)
cessation clauses中止条款
Legal provisions in an instrument that set out the conditions under which refugee status comes to an end because it is no longer needed,such as in Art.1(c),1951 Convention Relating to the Status of Refugees and Art.I(4),1969 Organization for African Unity(OAU)Convention Governing the Specific Aspects of Refugee Problems in Africa.法律文书中的法律条款,规定了依据这些条款当不再需要难民身份时可中止该身份,如《1951年有关难民地位的国际公约》第1(c)条以及第I(4)条的规定,《1969年管理非洲难民问题具体事务的非洲团结组织国际公约》的规定。相关词语 exclusion clauses(排除条款)
chain migration连锁移徙
Chain migration refers to a process in which initial movements of migrants lead to further movements from the same area to the same area.In a chain migration system individual members of a community migrate and then encourage or assist further movements of migration.指移民最初在同一地区流动的过程。连锁移徙体系中,某社区个体成员移徙并鼓励或协助移徙流动。相关词语family reunification(家庭团聚),family migration(家庭移徙)
A presiding officer.In migration context chairperson refers to the one who is charge of the migration/appeal board.主席。移徙背景下,主席指主管移民/上诉委员会的人员。
The Board is composed of a Chairperson and other members as are required to ensure the proper functioning of the Board.该委员会由主席和其他成员组成,保证该委员会正常运转。(加拿大2001年移民与难民保护法第152条)
1.Cause to change.2.To make different.1.使改变。2.使不同。
A foreigner who is required to leave the Federal territory and who intends to change his or her address or to leave the district covered by the foreigners authority for more than three days shall be required to notify the foreigners authority accordingly beforehand.被要求必须离境的外国人,如果想变更住所或者想离开外国人管理局主管辖区3天以上,应事先报告外国人管理局。(德国2004年居留法2007年修订第50(5)条)
change in address住址变更
To change the place of residence.改变居住地。
change of circumstances条件的变更
To change the accompanying or accessory fact or condition.改变附加的或附带的事实或条件。
change of nationality国籍变更;改变国籍
Due to some reason,such as immigration,one gives up his ex-national citizenship while adopting another country's citizenship.由于某种原因,如移民,人们放弃了前公民身份而接受另一国的公民身份。
change of residence住所变更
It means the change in address.指变更住址。
change/switching of status身份变换;改变身份
Procedure whereby an alien lawfully present in a State may seek a different immigration status.For example,provision may be made by law by which a non-national on a student visa,on completion of studies,is able to seek a change of status so that his/her student visa is replaced by a work visa.当某外国人在他国境内合法停留时,寻求不同的移民身份的程序。例如,法律可以作出规定,非该国国民的人持有学生签证,在学业结束后,可申请变换身份,以便其学生签证能转变成工作签证。相关词语 alien(外国人),immigration status(移民身份),visa(签证)
Cost;to state officially that someone is guilty of a crime.费用;正式说明某人有罪,指控。
The Secretary of State may charge the owner of the ship or aircraft,in respect of the individual,the sum of 2,000.就个人而言,国务大臣可向船主、航行器所有人收取总额为2000英镑的费用。(英国2002年国籍、移民与庇护法第13(2)条)
The authorities charged with carrying out the police control of cross-border traffic may issue exceptional visa and passport substitute documents.负责实施跨境交通管理的警察机构可以签发例外签证及护照替代证件。(德国2004年居留法2007年修订第14(2)条)
charge d'affaires代办
An official who represents their government during the absence of an ambassador or in a country where there is no ambassador.在大使空缺或没有驻在国大使的情况下,代理大使职务的外交代表。
charge d'affaires ad interim临时代办
One who performs mission function when the leader of the mission is not available to do so or when the position is vacant.履行领导职务或领导职务空缺时,履行职务的人。
charter carriers包租承运人
These are carriers(usually of passengers)that operate on routes and to schedules that are planned according to the expected seasonal demand.此类承运人(通常为乘客的承运人)根据预期季节性需求计划路线及时间表进行营运。
Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union欧盟基本权利宪章
The Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union consolidates rights contained in Community Treaties,EC Court of Justice case-law,international conventions,constitu-tional traditions common to the Member States and a range of European Parliament declar-ations.欧洲联盟的基本权利宪章加强了共同体条约、欧共体法院判例法、国际公约、成员国宪法传统以及一系列欧洲议会声明中的权力。相关词语 fundamental rights(基本权利),EU Charter(欧盟宪章)
One who pays for the use of a plane,boat,train etc.支付使用飞机、船只、火车等费用的人。
The master,owner,agent and charterer of a vessel are each guilty of an offence against this section if an unlawful non-citizen is concealed on the vessel when it arrives in the migration zone.如果在船只抵达移徙区时,非法非公民藏匿在船只上,船长、拥有者、代理人以及船只租赁者违反本条认定为犯罪。(澳大利亚1958年移民法第230(1)条)
check-in counter办理手续柜台
Check-in counter refers to the counter where one can go to have luggage and ticket checked and collect boarding pass at an airport. 办理手续柜台指机场内可以办理行李托运、验票、领取登机牌的柜台。
A location(on the land border or at an airport or seaport)where persons are stopped by border officials for inspection and clearance,in order to enter the State.有关人员受到边境官员的检查及批准以入境该国的地点(在陆地边境、机场或海港)。相关词语 border(边境),border control(边境控制),border officials(边境官员)
chemical precursors化学前体
Substances used in the illegal manufacture of synthetic drugs,or the refining of natural substances into drugs.用于非法制造合成药物或天然物质提炼药物的物质。相关词语drugs(药物),synthetic drugs and their chemical precursors(合成药物及其前体化学品)
chemical sensitizers化学防涂改剂
Security reagents to guard against attempts at tampering by chemical erasure,such that irreversible colours develop when bleach and solvents come into contact with the document.一种安全试剂,用来防止企图通过化学擦除(的方法)篡改证件。如果用此方法篡改证件,漂白剂和溶剂与证件接触时,会在证件上出现不可消除的颜色。(国际民航组织第9303号文件信息附录1第6条)
Chicago Convention on International Civil Aviation芝加哥国际民用航空公约
Also known as the Chicago Convention,established the International Civil Aviation Organization(ICAO),a specialized agency of the United Nations charged with coordinating and regulating international air travel.The Convention establishes rules of airspace,aircraft registration and safety and details the rights of the signatories in relation to air travel.也称为《芝加哥公约》,该公约建立了国际民航组织,联合国一个专门机构,负责协调国际航空旅行。该公约制定了领空、航空器注册与安全的规定,详细阐述了签署方有关航空旅行的权利。
An individual being below the age of eighteen years unless, under the law applicable to the child, majority is attained earlier.The word may also describe the relationship with a parent(such as sons and daughters of any age). 儿童指十八岁以下的任何人。除非对其适用的法律规定成年年龄低于18岁(1989年《联合国儿童权利公约》第1条)。该词还可用来指与父母的关系(如任何年龄的子女)。相关词语 minor(未成年人)
Child shall mean any person under eighteen years of age(3d,Protocol to Prevent,Suppress and Punish Trafficking in Persons Especially Women and Children,supplementing the United Nations Convention against Transnat-ional Organized Crime).儿童指所有未满18岁的人员(执行《联合国打击跨国有组织犯罪公约及议定书》预防、惩处贩卖人员,特别是妇女儿童的议定书,第3d条)。
Child includes a child adopted or legitimized in accordance with the laws of the place where the adoption or legitimation took place.儿童指根据领养或法律认可之地的法律规定确认领养的或合法的子女。(加拿大1985年移民法2009年修订第2(1)条)
Child,for the purposes of Part IIIA,means a legitimate or legitimated child,a stepchild and a child adopted in a manner recognized by law.子女就第IIIA部而言,指婚生子女、或确立婚生地位子女、继子女,以及循法律认可方式领养的子女。(香港移民法2009年修订第2(1)条)
Child means a legitimate or legitimated child or a step-child or in relation to its mother an illegitimate child,and includes an adopted child.子女指合法的或合法化的子女或继子女或其母的私生子,并包括收养子女。(斐济移民法1971年第2条)
Child means a child under 18 years of age who is outside their country of origin and separated from both parents or their previous legal/customary primary caregiver.Some may be totally alone while others may be living with extended family members.All such children are separated children and entitled to international protection under a broad range of international and regional instruments.指在原籍国境外不满18岁,且与父母或其前合法/主要监护人分开的儿童。有些可能独自一人,有些可能会与远房家人在一起生活。所有此类儿童都是独立儿童,根据国际以及地区法律文件,享有国际保护权。相关词语 unaccom-panied minor(无人陪伴未成年人)
The term “child” means an unmarried person under twenty-one years of age and includes a child legitimated under the law of the child's residence or domicile,or under the law of the father's residence or domicile,whether in the United States or elsewhere,and,except as otherwise provided in sections 320,and 321 of title III,a child adopted in the United States,if such legitimation or adoption takes place before the child reaches the age of 16 years(except to the extent that the child is described in subparagraph(E)(ii)or(F)(ii)of subsection(b)(1)),and the child is in the legal custody of the legitimating or adopting parent or parents at the time of such legitimation or adoption.子女指未满21岁的未婚者,根据该子女或其父亲的居住地或户籍所在地的法律,包括婚生子女以及在美国收养的子女,无论上述地区是在美国还是其他地区,但除第三章中320和321条规定的情况以外。如果该子女是在年满16岁之前获得合法身份或被收养(但(b)(1)分条中(E)(ii)或(F)(ii)分款规定的情况除外),该子女在获得其合法身份或被收养时处于其合法父母或养父母的合法监护之下。(美国1996年移民与国籍法第101.50c1条)
child abuse虐童
Behaviour towards young children,character-ised by physical,or emotional or sexual abuse,or neglect.对少年儿童施以身体、情感或性虐待或忽视的行为。
child adoption(international)领养儿童(国际)
Adoption of a child from a foreign country,implying the relocation of the child from his or her country of origin to the country of the adoptive family.从外国领养的儿童,暗指儿童从其原籍国移迁至领养家庭的国家。相关词语 adoption(领养)
child exploitation剥削儿童
According to the Convention on the Rights of the Child,1989 and the Convention Concerning the Prohibition and Immediate Action for the Elimination of the Worst Forms of Child Labour,1999,child exploitation includes:economic exploitation(any work that is likely to be hazardous or to interfere with the child's education,or to be harmful to the child's health or physical,mental,spiritual,moral or social development),sexual exploitation(sexual abuse,prostitution,child's pornography)and abduction of,sale of or trafficking in children,or any other forms of child exploitation.根据《1989年儿童权利公约》和《1999年禁止和立即行动消除最有害的童工形式劳动公约》,剥削儿童包括:经济剥削(任何可能危害或影响儿童教育的工作,或对儿童的健康或生理、心理、精神、道德或社会发展有害的工作)、性剥削(性虐待、卖淫、儿童色情)、诱拐、出售和贩运儿童或其他任何形式的儿童剥削。相关词语 abduction(诱拐),child labour(童工劳动),exploitation(剥削),kidnapping(绑架),trafficking(贩运)
child-headed household儿童为家长的家庭
Child-headed household means any household wherein a child has assumed the role of an adult and has taken over as the head of the household.指儿童扮演了成年人的角色并接替家长之职的家庭。
child illegal immigrant非法入境儿童
A child who illegally migrates.非法移徙的儿童。
child labour童工劳动
Any work performed by a child which is detrimental to his/her health,education,physical,mental,spiritual,moral or social development.儿童从事的任何工作,这些工作对其健康、教育、生理、心理、精神、道德或社会发展有害。相关词语 child exploitation(剥削儿童),slavery(奴役),worst forms of child labour(最有害形式的童工)
child of divorce离婚夫妇的子女
It refers to the child whose parents get divorced.指父母离婚的子女。
child of illegitimate birth非婚生子女
See illegitimate child.见非婚生子女。相关词语(born)out of wedlock(非婚生子女)
child pornography儿童色情
Child pornography is pornography that exploits children for sexual stimulation. It may be produced with the direct involvement or sexual assault of a child(also known as child sexual abuse images)or it may ne stimulated child pornography. Abuse of the child occurs during the sexual acts or lascivious exhibitions of genitals or pubic areas which are recorded in the production of child pornography.Child pornography may use a variety of media, inclu-ding writing, magazines, photos, sculpture, drawing, cartoon, film, video and video games. 儿童色情是利用儿童进行性刺激的色情作品,是儿童直接参与或对儿童性侵(也被称为儿童性虐待的图像)产生的,或刺激儿童色情。在性行为过程中或色情生殖器展览或在儿童色情作品中记录的公共区域都可能出现虐待儿童的情形。儿童色情会使用各种各样的媒体,包括文字、杂志、照片、雕塑、绘画、卡通、电影、视频和视频游戏。相关词语 organized crime(有组织犯罪),trafficking in human beings(贩卖人口)
child soldier童子军
Several international instruments prohibit the use of children in armed conflict.The 1977 Additional Protocols to the four Geneva Conventions establish a minimum age of 15 years for recruitment and participation in armed conflict.Children are protected from “forced or compulsory recruitment” for use in armed conflict in Article 3 of the 1999 Convention Concerning the Prohibition and Immediate Action for the Elimination of the Worst Forms of Child Labour.In 2000,an optional protocol to the Convention on the Rights of the Child further prohibited the involvement of children in armed conflict.许多国际法律文件禁止在武装冲突中使用儿童。《1977年对四部日内瓦公约的附加议定书》规定了在武装冲突中招募参军的最低年龄为15岁。《1999年禁止和立即行动消除最有害形式的儿童劳工公约》第3条规定,在武装冲突中,儿童受到免于“被迫或强迫招募”。2000年,《儿童权利公约》的任择议定书则禁止使儿童卷入武装冲突。相关词语 child(儿童),exploitation(剥削),worst forms of child labour(最有害形式的童工)
China(People's Rep.)travel documents中国旅行证件
These documents include travel document by national from mainland,Hong Kong(SAR China)travel documents;Macao(SAR China)travel documents.这些证件包括大陆居民旅行证件、香港旅行证件、澳门旅行证件。
chosen return选择返回
See decided return.见决定返回。
CIC Visa Office加拿大公民身份及移民签证处
Citizenship and Immigration Canada office at a Canadian embassy,high commission or con-sulate that issues visas,including permanent resident visas.设在加拿大使馆、高级公署或领事馆的加拿大公民身份与移民办事处处理签证问题包括永久居民签证的机构。
circular migration循环移徙
The fluid movement of people between countries,including temporary or long-term movement which may be beneficial to all involved,if occurring voluntarily and linked to the labour needs of countries of origin and destination.循环移徙指人员在国家间的动态迁移,包括临时或永久的迁移。当自愿发生并与原籍国或目的地国的劳务需求相联系时,此种迁移对所有涉及方都有益处。相关词语 labour migration(劳务移徙)
The conditions that affect a situation,event etc.影响形势、事件的条件。
On request,public bodies shall notify circumstances of which they obtain knowledge to the bodies specified in Section 86,sentence 1,insofar as this is necessary for the purposes stated in said Section.一经要求,公共机构应按第86条第1款的规定向该款中指定的机构公布其获知的消息。(德国2004年居留法2007年修订第87(1)条)
circumvent the checks回避检查;规避检查
The act of bypassing,avoiding a rule that restricts one,especially in a dishonest way.回避、逃避约束人们规定的行为,特别是以不诚实的方式规避。
This surveillance shall be carried out in such a way as to discourage people from circumventing the checks at crossing points.实施的监视应打消人们回避越境点的行为。(2000年申根协议第6.3条)
See national.见国民。相关词语national(国民)
Foreign national means a person who is not a Canadian citizen or a permanent resident,and includes a stateless person.外国人指不是加拿大公民或永久居民的人员,且包括无国籍人员。(加拿大2001年移民与难民保护法第2.1条)
The right of a person to become a naturalized citizen of the United States shall not be denied or abridged because of race or sex or because such person is married.成为美国入籍公民人员的权利不应由于种族、性别或已结婚而被拒绝或受到限制。(美国1996年移民与国籍法第311条)
citizen by naturalization入籍公民
A foreign-born person who attains citizenship by law.Also termed as naturalized citizen.通过法律途径获得公民身份的外国人。也称为归化的公民。
citizen of the UK and Commonwealth英国及英联邦公民
Until 1983 this was the form of British nationality held by British nationals in the UK and other people born within a UK colony.直至1983年,此种身份为在英国出生的英国国民和在英国的殖民地出生的其他人具有英国国籍的一种形式。
citizens deported from abroad来自国外的被驱逐出境的公民
Citizens returning to their country as a result of deportation procedures against them in another country.指由于他国实行了驱逐程序而返回自己国家的公民。
citizens in transit过境公民
Persons who arrive in their own country but do not enter it formally because they are on their way to another destination.在前往另一目的地的路途中抵达自己国家但尚未正式入境的人员。
Citizenship has meanings that vary from country to country and between academic disciplines.It has two primary meanings:1.A legal status of membership in a nation State.2.Membership in a community that is not necessarily defined as a nation State.For example,European citizenship,universal citizen-ship,or “post-national citizenship.” 国与国以及学术界对此持有不同看法。主要有两个含义:1.一国的合法成员地位。2.不是国家含义的团体成员,如欧盟公民身份,万有公民身份,或“后国民的公民身份”。相关词语 nationality(国籍)
citizenship(acquisition of)公民身份(获得)
Any mode of becoming a national,i.e.by birth or at any time after birth,automatic or non-automatic,based on attribution,declaration,option or application.成为某一国民的任何形式,即通过出生、或在出生后通过入籍、声明、选择或申请以自动或非自动方式而成为一国国民。相关词语 naturalization(入籍;归化)
citizenship(loss of)公民身份(丧失)
Any mode of loss of the status as citizen of a country(voluntarily or involuntarily,automa-tically or by an act by the public authorities).The main types of loss are renunciation,withdrawal and lapse of citizenship.作为一国公民而丧失身份的任何形式(自愿的或非自愿的、主动的或由公众机构以某种行为而导致的)。丧失身份的主要种类有团聚、撤销以及公民身份失效等。同义词 loss of nationality(丧失国籍)
Citizenship means the simultaneous possession of two or more citizenships by the same person.指同一人同时拥有两个或多个公民身份。同义词 multiple nationality(多重国籍),dual citizenship(双重公民身份),dual nationality(双重国籍)
A parent who is a citizen of the United States may apply to the Attorney General for a certificate of citizenship on behalf of a child born outside the United States.身为美国公民的父/母可以代表美国境外出生的子女向司法部长提出公民证书的申请。(美国1996年移民与国籍法第322a条)
Citizenship and Immigration Canada(CIC)加拿大公民身份与移民局(加拿大)
Department of the Government of Canada with responsibility for issues dealing with immigr-ation and citizenship.The website of this depa-rtment contains complete information regarding Canadian Immigration and Citizenship.加拿大政府部门,负责处理移民以及公民身份事务。该部门网站含有完整的有关移民与公民身份的信息。
Citizenship and Immigration Services(CIS)公民身份与移民服务局(CIS)(美)
An agency within the Department of Homeland Security,Citizenship and Immigration Services is responsible for the administration of immigration and naturalization adjudication functions.CIS is headed by the Director,who is appointed by the president.国土安全部的一个机构,公民身份与移民服务局负责移民与归化批准管理职责。公民身份与移民服务局受总统任命的部长领导。
citizenship by naturalization因入籍而取得的公民身份
See naturalization.见归化。
citizenship ceremony公民身份仪式
Meeting organised by public authorities where newly naturalised persons are individually or collectively welcomed as new citizens of a state,which may include a sworn oath or pledge of loyalty.由公共机构组织对于新入籍人员作为某国新公民举行的个体或集体欢迎仪式,该仪式包括宣誓或效忠。
A person of full age shall not be registered under this Act as a British citizen unless he or she has made the relevant citizenship oath and pledge specified in Schedule 5 at a citizenship ceremony.依据本法达到法定年龄的人员不应登记为英国公民,除非其作出的公民宣誓和承诺包含在附表5中。(英国2002年国籍、移民与庇护法附表I第42条)
citizenship course公民身份课程
The host country usually asks those immigrants to take some courses so that they can better integrate into the host society.接受国通常会要求移民参加一些课程以便更好地融入社会。
Citizenship course means a course of instruction designed to impart an understanding of ways of life in Australia and of the rights and duties of an Australian citizen.指专为了解澳大利亚生活方式以及澳大利亚公民权利与职责而设计的课程。(澳大利亚1971年移民(教育)法第3条)
citizenship interview公民身份面试
An administrative procedure in which an official conducts an oral interview with persons applying for citizenship.由政府官员负责对公民身份申请人进行口头面试的行政程序。
citizenship judge公民身份法官(加拿大)
A citizenship judge is an official in Canada who assesses referred applications to ensure they meet the residence requirements for Cana-dian citizenship and presides over citizenship ceremonies to administer the Oath of Citizen-ship for successful applicants. As independent decision makers, citizenship judges comprise the Citizenship Commission a body that is arm's length from the Department of Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship. The Commission is led by a senior judge who is first among equals. Citizenship judges are appointed in accordance with the Citizenship Act by the Governor General-in-Council on the recommen-dation of Minister of Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship. 公民身份法官是加拿大官员的一种,负责对提交的申请进行评估以确保申请人符合加拿大公民身份的居留要求,并主持公民身份入籍仪式,监理成功申请人的公民宣誓。作为独立的决策者,公民身份法官构成了公民身份委员会,该机构与入境、难民及公民身份部处于相对独立状态。公民身份委员会由资深法官负责,按照《加拿大公民身份法》,参考移民、难民与公民身份部长的建议由总督任命。
Where an applicant is a permanent resident who is the subject of an admissibility hearing under the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act,the citizenship judge may not make a determination under subsection(1)until there has been a final determination whether,for the purposes of that Act,a removal order shall be made against that applicant.根据《移民与难民保护法》,当申请人为入境听证主体的永久居民时,根据第(1)款的规定,公民身份法官在最终判决下达之前,不应作出裁决,而无论根据该法是否下达了对该申请人的驱逐令。(加拿大2001年移民与难民保护法第230条)
citizenship of European Union欧盟公民身份
It refers to the legal right of a person who is the national of the European union country.指为欧盟国家国民的人员的公民权利。相关词语fundamental rights(基本权利),EU citizenship(欧盟公民身份)
Anyone who is a national of a Member State is considered to be a citizen of the Union.Union citizenship confers four special rights:
1.freedom to move and take up residence anywhere in the Union;
2.the right to vote and stand in local government and European Parliament elections in the country of residence;
3.diplomatic and consular protection from the authorities of any Member State where the country of which a person is a national is not represented in a non-Union country;
4.the right of petition and appeal to the European Ombudsman.
citizenship status公民身份;国籍
See citizenship.见公民身份。
Citizenship status is a reference to his status as—
(a)a British citizen,(b)a British overseas territories citizen,(c)a British Overseas citizen,(d)a British National(Overseas),(e)a British protected person,or(f)a British subject.公民身份指下列身份——(a)英国公民,(b)英国海外领土公民,(c)英国海外公民,(d)英国国民(海外),(e)被英国保护的人员,或(f)英国臣民。(英国2002年国籍、移民以及庇护法第4(1)条)
citizenship test公民入籍测试
A standardised oral or written exam that tests the knowledge of naturalisation applicants in any of the following areas:official or dominant languages,history,constitution,political institutions,public values,behavioural norms in civil society,or other characteristics aspects of the country of naturalisation.一种测试国籍申请人知识的标准口试或笔试,测试包括以下内容:官方或主要语言、历史、宪法、政治机构、公共价值、社会行为规范,或归化国其他特点。
civil and political rights公民和政治权利
Commonly used to describe the various rights contained in the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights,1966(e.g.right of self-determination;of free disposition of natural wealth and resources;of non-discrimination;of equal rights of men and women;right to life;freedom from torture,cruel,inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment;of freedom from slavery and servitude;of freedom from arbitrary arrest or detention;of freedom of movement within a State;right to liberty and security of the person;equality before the courts;right to a fair and public hearing by an impartial tribunal in respect of criminal charges;prohibition of retroactive criminal liability;right of privacy of the family,the home or correspondence;freedom of thought,consci-ence and religion;freedom of expression;right to peaceful assembly;freedom of association and of participation in public affairs).通常用来指代包含在1966年《公民权利和政治权利国际公约》里的各项权利(例如,自决权;自由处置自然财产和资源的权利;非歧视权;男女同等权利;生命权;免受酷刑、残忍、不人道或有辱人格待遇或惩罚的自由;免受奴隶和奴役的自由;免受任意逮捕、拘禁的权利;一国境内迁徙的自由;自由和人身安全的权利;法庭面前平等的权利;不管何种刑事指控,享受不偏不倚法庭公正、公开审讯的权利;禁止追溯刑事责任的权利;家庭、住所和通信隐私的权利;思想、良心和宗教信仰的自由;言论自由;和平集会的权利;结社和参与公共事务的自由)。
Civil Code民法典
A comprehensive and systematic legislative pronouncement of the whole private,noncom-mercial law in a legal system of the continental civil-law tradition.大陆民法惯例的法系中一种综合的、系统的涵盖私法中非商业法的法律典章。
civil detainees民事被拘留人
In the law of international armed conflict,protected persons,or,occasionally,neutral civilians placed in detention by a State party to the conflict for imperative reasons of security.指国际武装冲突法中,出于安全的紧急原因,在冲突中受到一国当局羁押的受保护人员,或有时也指中立平民。相关词语 law of armed conflict(international)(武装冲突法)(国际),protected persons(受保护人员)
civil marriage民事婚姻;世俗婚姻
A wedding in which both by an official,such as judge,or by some other authorized person—as distinguished from one solemnized by a member of the clergy.由法定官员,如法官或其他获授权人员主持的婚礼——以区别于由神职人员主持的婚礼。
civil matters民事案件
All actions and proceedings dealt with by the judiciary which fall outside the criminal law.刑法以外司法机关处理的诉讼案件。相关词语judicial co-operation in civil matters(民事案件中的司法合作)
civil partnership民事伙伴关系
A marriage-like relationship,often between members of the same sex,recognized by civil authorities within a jurisdiction.一种像婚姻的关系,这种关系通常为同性成员,在某权限内民政当局认可的关系。
civil penalty民事处罚
A requirement to pay money that can be imposed for an offence without the need for a court conviction.无需法院定罪,对犯罪行为施以罚款的情况。
A vessel or aircraft may not be granted clearance if a civil penalty imposed under paragraph(1)is not paid.如果根据第(1)款制定的民事处罚尚未支付,则船只或航行器不予结关。(美国1996年移民与国籍法第243C(2)条)
An assertion made to a government agency or court seeking an action or determination of a right or benefit,such as refugee status or the right to compensation or legal redress in civil proceedings.向政府机构或法院提出的主张,寻求其就一项权利或利益,例如难民身份,或赔偿权利,或民事诉讼法律救济而采取行动或作出决定。相关词语 application(申请)
For purposes of this subparagraph,the term “credible fear of persecution” means that there is a significant possibility,taking into account the credibility of the statements made by the alien in support of the alien's claim and such other facts as are known to the officer,that the alien could establish eligibility for asylum under section 208.在本附属条款中,“害怕被迫害的可信的理由”一词表示考虑到外侨在支持其庇护要求所作的陈述的可信度以及该官员所了解的其他的事实,该外侨具备208条规定的庇护资格的可能性很大。(美国1996年移民与国籍法第235(b)(v)条)
Claim means a claim by a person in New Zealand for recognition,as the case may be,as—
(a)a refugee in New Zealand under the Refugee Convention:
(b)a protected person in New Zealand under the Convention Against Torture:
(c)a protected person in New Zealand under the Covenant on Civil and Political Rights.
claim for protection申请保护
Claim produced by a person,such as asylum seeker,to be protected by the country he/she wants to go to.由庇护寻求者提出的希望得到其前往国家保护的申请。
claimant(refugee claimant)申请人;要求者(难民申请人)
Claimant refers to a person who applied for refugee protection status while waiting for a decision on his or her claim from the concerned competent authority of another country. 申请人指已经申请难民保护身份并等待一国相关主管机构裁决的人员。相关词语applicant for asylum(庇护申请人),refugee(难民),asylum(庇护)
(a)means a person who has made a claim;but
(b)does not include a person whose claim has been finally determined(within the meaning of section 128).
If the Secretary of State is satisfied that an asylum claimant or human rights claimant is entitled to reside in a State listed in subsection(4)he shall certify the claim under subsection(2)unless satisfied that it is not clearly unfounded.如果国务大臣认为庇护申请人或人权申请人有权在第(4)款中列出的国家居留,根据第(2)款,则其应该为该申请人出示证明,除非认为理由不清。(英国2002年国籍、移民与庇护法第94(3)条)
Secret or concealed,esp.for illegal or unauthorized purposes.秘密的或隐藏的,特别是为了非法或未授权目的。
Approval may be refused if
1.the foreigner has culpably breached Section 404(1)or(2)nos.2 to 13 of Book Three of the Social Code,Section 10 or 11 of the Act to Combat Clandestine Employment or Sections 15,15a or Section 16(1),no.2 of the Act on Temporary Employment Businesses or
2.important personal grounds relating to the foreigner exist.
clandestine entrants非法进入者;非法入境者
One who arrives in another country concealed in a vehicle,ship or aircraft,passes or attempts to pass through immigration control concealed in a vehicle,or arrives in another country on a ship or aircraft,having embarked concealed on a vehicle,and at a time when the ship or aircraft was outside that country,and claims or indicates that he intends to seek,asylum in that country or evades or attempts to evade immigration control.藏匿于车辆、船只或航行器而抵达他国的,藏匿于车辆通过或企图经过移民检查的,或通过船舶或航行器抵达他国的,藏匿于车辆已经上车的,且当船舶或航行器在该国境外时提出申请或表明其打算在该国寻求庇护或逃避或企图逃避移民检查的人员。相关词语clandestine migration(秘密移徙)
clandestine migration秘密移徙
Secret or concealed migration in breach of immigration requirements.It can occur when a non-national breaches the entry regulations of a country;or having entered a country legally overstays in breach of immigration regulations.违反移民规定,私下或暗地的移徙。在某非国民违反了该国的入境法律,或已经非法入境某国,违反移民规定逾期停留时,就形成了秘密移徙。相关词语irregular migrants(非正规移民),irregular migration(非正规移徙),regular migration(正规移徙),undocumented alien(无身份证明的外国人)
A social rank whose members share certain economic,social,or cultural characteristics.具有某些共同经济、社会或文化特性的社会成分群体。
The Secretary of State may waive the requirements of paragraph(1)with respect to a particular alien or any class or classes of inadmissible aliens.国务卿可以取消第(1)款有关某特别外国人或任何类别的不予入境外国人的要求。(美国1996年移民与国籍法第212(b)(2)条)
classes of visas签证种类
There are different types of visas for a State issued for different purpose.各国都会签发不同目的多种类型的签证。
In the migration context,a host country will list different types of migration purposes for people to apply for.移徙背景下,移民接受国会有不同类型的移徙目标供人们申请。
Notwithstanding any other provision of this Act,such aliens may not have their classific-ation changed under section 248.尽管本法有其他的规定,根据第248条的规定,此类外国人不可以变更其类别。(美国1996年移民与国籍法第233(c)条)
A different section or provision of a legal document or instrument.法律文件或法律文书的不同章节或条款。
Check by immigration officers on vehicles,goods or persons at border ports. 由出入境官员在边境口岸对车辆、货物或人员实施的检查。
Authority means a person responsible for the grant or refusal of entry clearance.当局指负责授予或拒绝入境许可的人员。(英国1999年移民与庇护法65.7(c)条)
clearance counter出入境检查台
It means that passengers arriving or leaving a country can have entry or departure examin-ation here.出入境检查台指抵达或离开一国的乘客应接受入境或出境检查的柜台。
clearance officer出入境检查官
It means the border officer.指边境官员。
Clearance officer means an officer,or other person,authorised by the Minister to perform duties for the purposes of this Division.出入境检查官指由部长授权履行本章规定职责的官员或其他人员。(澳大利亚1958年移民法第165条)
clearance paper/permit出港许可证;结关文件;进出港许可证
Permits that allow vessels to stop or leave ports.允许船只停靠或离开口岸的许可证。
clearly unfounded claims无理由/无根据申请(英)
When the UKBA believes that the asylum seeker comes from a safe country and would not face a risk of being persecuted,it deems it a “clearly unfounded case”.(UKBA)英国边境署认为,庇护寻求者来自安全的国家,也不会面临被迫害的危险,因此认为这是一个“显然毫无根据的情况”。
clerk of court书记官;法庭书记员
A court officer responsible for filing papers,issuing process,and keeping records of court proceedings as generally specified by rule or statute.负责接受诉讼材料、签发传票、法庭记录等事项的人员。
The term “clerk of court” means a clerk of a naturalization court.该术语指归化法庭书记官/员。(美国移民与国家法第1101.7条)
climate change气候变化
A change of climate which is attributed directly or indirectly to human activity that alters the composition of the global atmosphere and which is in addition to other natural climate variabi-lity that has been observed over comparable time periods.除了可对比时间段检测到的其他自然气候变化外,直接或间接改变全球大气结构的人类活动造成的气候变化。
climate refugee气候难民
See environmental migrant,environmentally displaced person.见环境移民,环境流亡者。
close connection密切联系
Close connection(with a country)may be by birth,adoption,descent,marriage,registration or naturalisation.因出生、收养、血统、婚姻、登记或入籍而(与一个国家)有密切联系。
close relative近亲属
It refers to the spouse,children,parents and siblings and step relatives of the same degree.指配偶、子女及兄弟姐妹及同辈分的继子女。
The Attorney General shall,in accordance with regulations,permit the alien to return to the United States after such brief and casual trips abroad as reflect an intention on the part of the alien to adjust to lawful permanent resident status under paragraph(1)and after brief temporary trips abroad occasioned by a family obligation involving an occurrence such as the illness or death of a close relative or other family need.根据法律规定,外国人在国外进行短暂旅行后,依据(1)款的规定,显示出该人员能够调整为合法永久居留身份,并在短暂国外旅行后,由于近亲属疾病或死亡或其他家庭成员需要而承担家庭责任时,司法部长应允许外国人返回美国。(美国1996年移民与国籍法第245A(b)(3)(A)条)
closed centre for refugees禁闭式难民中心
It is a place where basic need can be provided for refugees and asylum seekers,and also they can get psychological and emotional support.指难民与庇护寻求者可以得到基本日常生活之地,而且其可以得到心理及精神上的支持。
coast guard海岸警卫队
The coast guard is a maritime security organization of a particular country.The term implies widely different responsibilities in different countries,from being a heavily armed military force with customs and security duties to being a volunteer organization tasked with search and rescue functions and lacking any law enforcement powers.However,a typical coast guard's functions are distinct from typical functions of both the navy and a transportation police.海岸警卫队是特定国家的海上安全组织。该术语在不同的国家含义差距较大,从兼具海关与安全职责的武装军事力量,到兼具搜寻救助职责但执法权不足的自愿组织等不同角色。然而,海岸警卫队最主要的责任有别于海军及交警。
coastal fisheries沿海渔业
Coastal fisheries are a form of fishing effort that is only done at beaches and surrounding areas.Coastal fisheries are conducted in shallow marine areas less than 60 miles from the shore.沿海渔业只是在海边及周围区域进行的一种渔业形式。常在离岸60英里以内的浅海区域进行作业。
Coastal fisheries means fishing carried out with the aid of vessels which return every day or within 36 hours to a port situated in the territory of a Member State without calling at a port situated in a third country.沿海渔业是指借助船只进行的捕捞,此种捕捞每天或36小时内往返于成员国境内的口岸而不需要造访位于第三国的口岸。(申根边境法第2.18条)
code of conduct操守法规
A written set of rules governing the behaviour of specified groups,such as lawyers,govern-ment employees,or corporate employees.一套约束规范团体行为,如律师、政府工作人员或公司职员的书面规定。
Code of Federal Regulations(CFR)《美国联邦法规》
The Code of Federal Regulations is the codification of the general and permanent rules and regulations published in the Federal Register by the executive departments and agencies of the federal government of the United States.The CFR is divided into 50 titles that represent broad areas subject to federal regulation.联邦法规是由美国联邦政府的执行部门与机构在联邦公报发行的一般性与永久性法律法规汇编。联邦法规可分为50部,按照联邦法律法规,涉及众多领域。
code of practice业务法规; 实施规程
Written guidelines issued by an official body or a professional association to its members to help them comply with its ethical standards.由官方机构或专业协会对其成员出具的遵守职业道德准则的书面指导规范。
Code means,in relation to England and Wales,any code of practice for the time being in force under the Police and Criminal Evidence Act 1984.与英格兰、威尔士相关,法规指根据《1984警察与刑事证据法》规定的时下有效的任何业务规程。(英国1999年移民与庇护法第145.6(a)条)
Code on Visas/Visa Code关于签证的法规(欧盟)
This regulation establishes the procedures and conditions for issuing visas for short stays in and transit through the territories of Member States.It also lists the third countries whose nationals are required to hold an airport transit visa passing through the international transit areas of Member States' airports and establishes the procedures and conditions for issuing such visas.该法规规定了到达或过境通过成员国领土时短期停留签证签发的程序与条件。同时还列出了第三国国民在经过成员国机场国际中转区域时应持有机场过境签证的国家名单,并规定了签发此类签证的程序与条件。
co-decision procedure共同决定程序(欧盟)
The co-decision procedure was introduced to the EC Treaty by the Treaty of Maastricht,and strengthened Parliament's legislative powers with regard to the free movement of workers and right of establishment.The Treaty of Amsterdam made the procedure quicker and more effective.马斯特里赫特条约引入了欧共体条约共同决定程序,强调了有关工人自由流动和权利设定的议会立法权。阿姆斯特丹条约使得该程序更快和更有效。
Compulsion by physical force or threat of physical force.Coercion may also be economic in nature,where one uses his or her control over a particular resource to influence the behaviour of another.通过身体暴力的强制或威胁。本质上胁迫还可以是经济上的,某人利用其对某特别资源的控制来影响他人的行为。相关词语 forced/compulsory labour(强迫/强制劳动),forced migration(强迫移徙)
A situation of general tolerance between communities after the cessation of hostilities and before reconciliation.Initiatives related to the co-existence approach include peace education,sustainable community develop-ment,the socio-economic empowerment of refugees,the reintegration of child soldiers and partnership development.团体间停止敌视后在和解前包容的情形。有关共存方式的措施包括和平教育、社区可持续发展、赋予难民的社会经济权利、童子军的重新融合及合作发展。
To live together without a legal marriage ceremony.无合法婚姻仪式而居住在一起。
The gathering of migration-related information from which the finished intelligence product can be produced.对相关移徙信息进行的收集,从这些收集的信息中产生最终的情报产品。
collection of personal data个人资料的收集
In countries such as China,Australia,Japan,etc.,information about passengers needs to be collected before they enter into the States.These required information consists of full name,gender,date of birth,nationality,country of residence,travel document type(normally passport),travel document number(expiry date and country of issue for passport).在像中国、澳大利亚、日本等国家,在乘客入境前需要收集其有关信息。这些信息包括姓名全称、性别、出生日期、国籍、居住国、旅行证件类型(通常为护照)、旅行证件号码(失效期及签发国)。相关词语Advance Passenger Information(先期旅客信息)
collective passport集体护照
Issued to defined groups for travel together to particular destinations,such as a group of school children on a school trip.颁发给特定团体的护照,一起旅行前往特殊目的地,如学校组织的旅行。
colour shifting ink变色油墨
Inks changing their visual characteristic depending on the viewing angle and/or the quality of a stimulating(light)source.根据观察角度和/或刺激(光)源的质量而改变其视觉特性的油墨。
come into force生效
To take effect.开始实施;开始生效。
To begin.开始;着手。
Where a person is an adjudicator under section 57 of the Immigration and Asylum Act 1999(c.33)immediately before commencement his appointment shall have effect after commen-cement as if made under section 81 of this Act.根据《1999年移民与庇护法》第57条,在开始实施前,成为审裁官的人员,其任命在开始实施后依旧有效,与依据本法第81条的任命效力相同。(英国2002年国籍、移民与庇护法列表6第2条)
commercial carrier商业承运人
Commercial carrier means any person or any public,private or other entity engaged in transporting persons,goods or mails for remuneration,hire or any other benefit.商业承运人系指为了报酬、租雇或任何其他利益而从事客运、货运或邮件运送的任何个人或公营、私营或其他实体。(联合国禁止非法贩运麻醉药品和精神药物公约第1(d)条)
commercial register商业注册
In migration context,those who migrate to other countries for investment should provide the information of commercial register or commercial code.移徙背景下,投资移徙他国的人员应提供其商业注册或工商注册号码。
Commission of the European Communities/European Commission(CEC)欧洲共同体委员会/欧洲委员会(CEC)
The European Commission(formally the Commission of the European Communities)is the executive branch of the European Union.The body is responsible for proposing legislation,implementing decisions,upholding the Union's treaties and the general day-to-day running of the Union.欧洲委员会(正式称欧洲共同体委员会)是欧洲联盟的行政部门。该机构负责立法建议,执行决议、维护欧盟条约以及一般日常联盟运行。
Commission on Filipinos Overseas海外菲律宾人委员会(菲)
The Commission on Filipinos Overseas is an agency of the government of Philippines under the Office of the President of the Philippines.It was established on 16 June 1980 through the proclamation of Batas Pambansa Blg.The agency is responsible for promoting and upholding the interest of Filipino emigrants and Filipino permanent residents in other countries.该委员会是菲律宾总统办公室管辖下的政府机构。成立于1980年6月16日,通过了巴塔斯潘巴萨宣言。该机构负责促进提高菲律宾移民的利益以及在他国菲律宾永久居民的利益。
Commission on Narcotics Drugs(CND)麻醉品委员会(CND)
Established in 1946 by the Economic and Social Council of the United Nations,it is the central policy-making body in the UN for dealing with all drug-related matters.由联合国经济和社会理事会于1946年成立,是联合国处理所有与毒品有关事项的中央决策机构。相关词语drugs(毒品),international cooperation(国际合作),website(网络)
The European Commission is composed of the independent members,each responsible for specific policy areas and assisted by an administration.欧盟委员会由独立的成员组成,分别负责具体政策的领域,由政府协助。
commissioner for oaths监誓员;监誓官
Also notary public.A Commissioner for Oaths is a person appointed law to serve the public in non-contentious matters usually concerned with estates,deeds,powers-of-attorney,and foreign and international business.The main function is to administer oaths and affirmation,take affidavits and statutory declarations,witness and authenticate the execution of certain classes of documents,takes acknowledgements of deeds and other conveyances,protest notes and bills of exchange.也称宣誓公证人。是根据法律任命的、在非诉讼事项中为公众服务,通常关于房地产、契约、委托书、国外与国际商贸。其主要职责是监督宣誓、确认、监理誓章及法律声明,见证、鉴定某些类型文件的执行,确认契约及财产,对票据、汇票提出异议。
To do something wrong or illegal.做错事或非法之事。
Anyone who incites another person to commit any of the acts specified in Section 95(1),nos.shall be punishable by up to five years' imprisonment or a fine.任何怂恿他人违犯第95(1)条规定的行为, 应受到最高5年的监禁或罚金。(德国2004年居留法2007年修订第96(1)条)
An agreement to do something in the future,especially to assume a financial obligation.未来做某事的协议,尤其承担经济义务的协议。
The order may be issued subject to the proviso that a declaration of commitment be submitted in accordance with Section 68.根据附文承诺声明,应依据第68条提交审议声明签署命令。(德国2004年居留法2007年修订第23(1)条)
Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe欧洲理事会部长委员会
The Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe is the Council of Europe's decision-making body.It comprises the Foreign Affairs Ministers of all the member states,or their permanent diplomatic representatives in Strasbourg.It is both a governmetal body,where national approaches to problems facing European society can be discussed on an equal footing,and a collective forum,where Europe-wide responses to such challenges are formulated.In collaboration with the Parliam-entary Assembly,it is the guardian of the Council's fundamental values,and monitors member states compliance with their under-takings.欧洲理事会部长委员会是欧洲理事会的决策机构,它包括所有成员国的外交部长,或其在斯特拉斯堡的常驻外交代表。既是一个政府机构,在平等基础上讨论解决欧洲社会面临的社会问题;又是一个集体论坛,制定面对挑战欧洲应采取的措施。与议会合作,部长委员会是理事会基本价值观的维护者,监督成员国遵守其承诺。
Committee on Immigration and Asylum(CIA)移民与庇护委员会(CIA)(欧盟)
A European Commission lead expert group aimed at facilitating an informal exchange of views between Member State administrations and the Commission services on political and legal issues related to migration,border and asylum.Frequently the CIA discusses up-coming legislative or other proposals in order to “measure the temperature” of Member State feelings before submitting a formal Commission proposal.旨在促进成员国政府及委员会在政治及法律问题就移民、边境及庇护等问题进行非正式意见交流的欧盟委员会首席专家小组。通常该委员会讨论即将举行的立法会议或其他建议以便在提交正式委员会建议前得知成员国的态度。
common agreement共同协议
An agreement signed by two parties or multi-parties.双方或多方达成的协议。
By way of derogation from paragraphs 1 and 2,each Contracting Party shall reserve the right to restrict the territorial validity of the visa in accordance with common arrangements deter-mined in the context of the relevant provisions of this chapter.在不违背第1款及第2款的情况下,依据本章相关条款确定的共同协议,每一缔约国在其领土内应保留限制签证有效性的权利。(2000年申根协议第10.3条)
common approach共同方法;一致方法(欧盟)
A unifying move in the EU;a key concept in the EU's campaign against organised cross-border crime.欧盟的统一行动:欧盟打击有组织跨境犯罪的主要概念。相关词语 organised crime(有组织犯罪),crime prevention(犯罪预防)
common asylum procedure共同的庇护程序;统一庇护程序(欧盟)
The European Commission identified the establishment of a common asylum procedure for dealing with asylum applications as a priority in the creation of a common European asylum system.欧洲委员会确定创建处理庇护申请的统一庇护程序作为建立欧洲共同庇护制度的优先事项。
common basic principles共同基本原则(欧盟)
Within the context of EU integration policy,these are a set of(11)simple,non-binding but thoughtful guidelines of basic principles intended to assist Member States in formulating their integration policies.They also serve to:
(a)give Member States a means by which they can judge and assess their own efforts;
(b)enable Member States to set priorities and further develop their own measurable goals;
(c)serve as a basis for Member States to explore how EU,national,regional,and local authorities can interact in the development and implementation of integration policies.
common border共同边界
It means borders between two countries.两国间的边界。
The provisions of this Article shall not preclude more detailed present or future bilateral agreements between Contracting Parties with a common border.本条规定不应妨碍缔约国间详细地对目前或未来关于共同边境的双边协议。(2000年申根协议第39.5条)
Common Consular Instructions(CCI)共同领事规定(CCI)(欧盟)
The Common Consular Instructions,as adopted by the Executive Committee established by the Convention applying the Schengen Agreement of 14 June 1985,have since been amended several occasions pursuant to the provisions of Council Regulations,including the Common Consular Instruction on visas for the diplomatic missions and consular posts of the Contracting Parties to the Schengen Covention and conditions governing the issue of uniform visas,valid for the territory of all the Contracting Parties.共同领事规定,由执行委员会批准并执行1985年6月16日申根协定的公约而确定,并根据理事会规定条款进行了几次的修订,包括申根公约缔约国使馆与领事馆有关签证的共同领事规定,以及规范统一签证的发放、在缔约国境内有效期的要求等。
common European asylum system欧盟共同庇护制度(CEAS)
Rules and principles at European Union level leading to a common asylum procedure and a uniform status,valid throughout the Union,for those granted asylum.The major aims and principles were agreed to in October 1999 at the European Council in Tampere(Finland)by the Heads of State or Government.A first phase of the common European asylum system was devised and implemented in May 2004.The second phase in the establishment of the common European asylum system started in 2005 and was completed in 2010.关于获得庇护的人员的欧盟共同庇护程序、统一地位以及有效性的法律及原则。1999年10月欧洲理事会的国家元首或政府首脑在坦佩雷(芬兰)通过了主要目标和原则。欧洲共同庇护制度的第一阶段于2004年5月制定和实施。建立欧洲共同庇护制度第二阶段始于2005年,并在2010年完成。
common law普通法
The legal system that originated in England and is now in use in the United States that relies on the articulation of legal principles in a historical succession of judicial decisions.法律制度起源于英国,目前在美国也适用这种类型的法,这种法依托司法裁决的历史演替阐明法律原则。
common law marriage普通法婚姻
An agreement between a man and woman to enter into marriage without a civil or religious ceremony.It may not be recognized as a marriage for immigration purposes.在无法律或宗教仪式的男女之间订立的婚姻协议。作为移民目的的这种婚姻不被承认。
common-law partner事实婚伴侣
In migration context,a common-law partner is a person who has been living with the principal applicant in a conjugal relationship for a number of years,but not married.The term refers to opposite-sex and same-sex relation-ships.移徙背景下,如果某人能够证明与其伴侣在一起连续生活一定年限,则可证明其为事实婚。事实婚伴侣可为同性或异性。
Common-law partner,in relation to an individual,means a person who is cohabiting with the individual in a conjugal relationship,having so cohabited for a period of at least one year.就个体而言,事实婚伴侣指与他人以夫妻名义同居一处,时间至少为一年的人员。(加拿大1985年移民法2009年修订第2(1)条)
common policy共同政策
In the migration context,several countries or a community such as European Union adopt common policies so to prevent influx of refugees or asylum seekers or the number of immigrants.移徙背景下,几个国家或共同体如欧盟采取相同政策预防难民或庇护寻求者或大量移民涌入。
The Contracting Parties undertake to adopt a common policy on the movement of persons and,in particular,on the arrangements for visas.缔约国保证采取有关人员流动,特别是签证安排的共同政策。(2000年申根协议第9.1条)
common travel area共同旅行区(英)
The common travel area is a “free movement” area comprising the United Kingdom,the Republic of Ireland,the Bailiwick of Guernsey,the Bailiwick of Jersey and the Isle of Man.The United Kingdom currently makes no routine immigration checks on passenger travel within this area,and passengers do not need to carry a passport or national identity document for immigration purposes.共同的旅行地区包括英国、爱尔兰共和国、格恩西的巴利维克、泽西的巴利维克及马恩岛。英国目前在这一地区没有对出入境旅客旅行进行例行检查,如果为移民目的,乘客无需携带护照或国民身份证件。
common visa普通签证
This type of visa is issued to average foreigners.All foreigners holding passports can be granted this type of visa who want to apply for immigration,residence,tourism,visiting relatives,studying abroad,vocational studies,business and trade.此类签证的对象为普通外国人。想申请移民、定居、旅游、探亲、出国学习、进修、经商贸易持普通护照的人员均可获得此签证。
common visa agreements共同签证协议(欧盟)
The visa policy of the Schengen Area is set by the European Union and applies to the Schengen Area and to other EU member states without opt-outs.If someone other than a European Union,European Economic Area or Swiss national wishes to enter the Schengen Area,Bulgaria,Crotia,Cyprus or Romania,they must have a visa or be a citizen of a visa exempt country.申根地区签证政策是由欧盟制定的,并适用申根地区及其他未退出的欧盟成员国。若非欧盟、欧洲经济区或瑞士国民的人员要入境申根地区、保加利亚、克罗地亚、塞浦路斯或罗马尼亚,则必须持有签证或为签证免签国的公民。
A Contracting Party may in exceptional cases derogate from the common visa arrangements relating to a third State where overriding reasons of national policy require an urgent decision.缔约国可以在特殊情况下,在有关第三国取消国民政策原因需要紧急决定时,不受共同签证协议的限制。(2000年申根协议第9.2条)
The Commonwealth of Nations,i.e.,a group of independent nations recognising the British monarch as Head of the Commonwealth.英联邦国家,即承认英国君主作为联邦首脑的一组独立的国家。
Commonwealth citizens英联邦公民
This group includes all types of British national,except British Protected Persons,and all citizens of Commonwealth countries.除受英国保护的人员外,包括所有英国国民,以及所有英联邦国家公民。
Commonwealth force英联邦武装力量
Commonwealth force means a force of any country to which provisions of the Visiting Forces Act 1952 apply without an Order in Council under section 1 of the Act.指根据第1条无须枢密院命令适用《1952年武装力量访问法》的英联邦国家的部队。(英国1971年移民法第8.6条)
Commonwealth Immigration Act《英联邦移民法令》
The Commonwealth Immigration Act was an Act of the Parliament of the United Kingdom.The Immigration Act has been modified rights of citizens of the Commonwealth of Nations countries.联邦移民法是英国议会法律。移民法已经修订了英联邦国家公民的权利。
commonwealth ship英联邦船只
Commonwealth ship means a ship that is in the service of the Commonwealth and flying the ensign prescribed for the purposes of the definition of Commonwealth ship in subsection 4(1)of the Customs Act 1901.英联邦船只指为联邦提供服务的并悬挂《1901年海关法》第4(1)条含义之下的联邦规定国旗的任何船只。(澳大利亚1958年移民法第245A条)
communal or collective remittances社区或集体汇款
Monies sent by migrant associations or church groups to their home communities.移民社团或教会团体寄送至其家乡社区的款项。
communicable disease传染病
Also termed infection disease.It is a medical specialty dealing with infection.It is often practiced together with tropical medicine,as many disease acquired in tropical and subtr-opical areas are infective in nature.Significant diseases are HIV/AIDS,pneumonia,osteomy-elitis,tuberculosis.也称为传染病(infection disease)。传染病是研究感染的医学专业。常见于热带医学,因为热带及亚热带地区的许多疾病具感染性。主要疾病有人体免疫缺陷病毒/艾滋病、肺炎、骨髓炎、肺结核。
See European Community.见欧洲共同体。
community development群体发展
A process to improve the economic,social and cultural conditions of communities.Community development aims to integrate refugees into their host countries or to reintegrate them upon return to their country of origin,while improving the living standards of the whole community.促进社会群体的经济、社会以及文化条件的过程。团体发展旨在提高整个群体的生活水平,同时,促进难民融入收容国或在其返回国籍国时能够重新融入国籍国。
Community law共同体法律(欧盟)
Also termed European Union law,it is a body of treaties and legislation,such as Regulations and Directives,which have direct effect or indirect effect on the laws of European Union member states.The three sources of European Union law are primary law,secondary law and supplementary law.The main sources of primary law are the Treaties establishing the European Union.Secondary sources include regulations and directives which are based on the Treaties.The legislature of the European Union is principally composed of the European Parliament and the Council of the European Union,which under the Treaties may establish secondary law to pursue the objective set out in the treaties.也称为欧盟法律,是立法与条约的主要内容,对欧盟成员国的法律具有直接或间接的影响。欧盟法律的三个主要来源是主要法、次要法及补充法。主要法的主要来源是建立欧盟的条约;次要法包括基于条约的法律法规与指令。欧盟的立法机构主要包括欧洲议会、欧盟理事会,根据欧盟条约,这些机构可以制定实现条约中设定目标的二级法律。
In accordance with Community law,the Contracting Parties shall waive,for certain types of plant and plant products,the plant health inspections and presentation of plant health certificates required under Community law.根据共同体法律,对于某些类型的植物以及植物产品,根据共同体法律要求,缔约国应延缓植物健康检查并应提交植物健康证。(2000年申根协议第121.1条)
Community part of the Treaties or Community pillar共同体条约部分或共同体支柱
Community part of the Treaties or Community pillar refers to the provisions concerned with the cooperative affairs in different area in the EU Treaties.There are three pillars. The first pillar is the community dimension, which conc-erns Union citizenship, Community policies, economic and monetary union. The second pillar takes care of security and foreign policy. The third pillar refers to the intergovernmental cooperation in police and judicial cooperation in criminal matters, which was originally named as Justice and Home Affairs. 共同体条约部分或共同体支柱指欧盟条约中在不同领域有关合作事项的规定。共同体支柱共有三个。第一支柱称为共同体方面支柱,有关欧盟公民权、共同体政策、经济与货币联盟等方面事项。第二支柱涉及安全、外交政策。第三支柱指在刑事司法方面政府间的警务与司法合作,该支柱以前称为司法与内政事务。
The process of comparing a biometric sample with a previously stored reference template or templates.将生物特征样本与以前储存的一个或多个参考模板进行比对的过程。
compelled return强迫返回
In the framework of the research activities of the MIREM project,It refers to a migrant who returns to his/her country of origin as a result of unfavourable circumstances and factors which abruptly interrupt the migration cycle.Enforced return is a form of compelled return.Compelled return is the opposite of decided or chosen return.在MIREM项目研究活动的框架内,指由于不利的情况和因素突然中断移徙循环的移民返回其原籍国。被迫返回是一种强迫返回的形式。强迫返回与决定或选择返回相对。
Remuneration and other benefits received in return for services rendered;esp.salary or wage.因提供服务而获得的酬金或其他好处,特别是工资或薪水。
No migrant worker or member of his or her family shall be arbitrarily deprived of property, whether owned individually or in association with others. Where, under the legislation in force in the State of employment, the assets of a migrant worker or a member of his or her family are expropriated in whole or in part, the person concerned shall have the right to fair and adequate compensation. 移徙工人或其家庭成员的财产,不论个人所有或与他人共有,不应被任意剥夺。根据就业国现行法律,移徙工人或其家庭成员的财产全部或部分被没收时,当事人应有权获得公平和适当的赔偿。(保护所有移徙工人及其家庭成员权利国际公约第15条)
The capacity of an official body to do something.政府机构做事的能力。
States Parties shall take measures that they deem appropriate and that fall within their competence to facilitate the reunification of migrant workers with their spouses or persons who have with the migrant worker a relat-ionship that, according to applicable law, produces effects equivalent to marriage, as well as with their minor dependent unmarried children. 缔约国应采取其认为妥当并符合其权限范围的措施,便利移徙工人同他们的配偶或依照适用法律与移徙工人的关系具有相当于婚姻效力的个人以及同受他们抚养的未成年未婚子女团聚。(保护所有移徙工人及其家庭成员权利国际公约第44.2条)
This Protocol is subject to ratification, accep-tance or approval. Instruments of ratification, acceptance or approval shall be deposited with the Secretary-General of the United Nations. A regional economic integration organization may deposit its instrument of ratification, accep-tance or approval if at least one of its member States has done likewise. In that instrument of ratification, acceptance or approval, such organization shall declare the extent of its competence with respect to the matters governed by this Protocol. Such organization shall also inform the depositary of any relevant modification in the extent of its competence. 本议定书须经批准、接受或核准。批准书、接受书或核准书应交存联合国秘书长。如果某一区域经济一体化组织至少有一个成员国已交存批准书、接受书或核准书,该组织也可照样办理。该组织应在该批准书、接受书或核准书中宣布其在本议定书管辖事项方面的权限范围。该组织还应将其权限范围的任何有关变动情况通知保存人。(联合国打击跨国有组织犯罪公约关于打陆、海、空偷运移民的补充议定书第21.3条)
competent authority主管当局;主管机关
It means the authority which has the legal power to deal with something in a court of law.指有法定权力的机构。
Competent authority means the minister,government department or other authority having power to issue and enforce regulations,orders or other instructions having the force of law in respect of the subject matter of the provision concerned.主管当局一词系指有权就公约规定的事项颁布和实施具有法律效力的条例、命令或其他指令的部长、政府部门或其他当局。(海事劳工公约第2.1(a)条)
A foreign national referred to in subsection 9(1)must also establish,to become a permanent resident,that they hold a document issued by the province indicating that the competent authority of the province is of the opinion that the foreign national complies with the province's selection criteria.第9(1)条款中提及的外国国民要成为永久居民,也必须证实其持有由省颁发的证件,表明该省主管当局认为该外国人符合该省的选拔标准。(加拿大2001年移民与难民保护法第20(2)条)
competent jurisdiction合法的管辖权
A court's power to decide a case or issue a decree.法院判案或签发命令的权力。
complementary protection额外保护
Protection offered by States to asylum seekers in particular circumstances,that goes further than the protection set out by the 1951 Geneva Convention.在特殊情况下由国家向庇护寻求者提供的保护,该保护超出1951年日内瓦公约所规定的保护。相关词语asylum(庇护), aubsidiary protection of asylum-seekers(寻求庇护者的额外保护)
To finish doing something.完成。
If the arrest cannot be made because an investigation has not been completed or because a requested Contracting Party refuses,the latter must regard the alert as being an alert for the purposes of communicating the place of residence of the person concerned.如果由于调查尚未完成或由于缔约国拒绝他国请求而不能执行逮捕,则后者必须视该通知为传递有关该人员居所的通知。(2000年申根协议第95.5条)
complete application完整申请
An application that provides all of the information and documentary evidence required to decide the visa application,at the time of lodgement.在递交时提供了签证申请所有需要的材料和信息的申请。
complete examination彻底检查
See examination.见检查。
An inspection carried out aboard a means of transportation bringing persons to Canada or the questioning of persons embarking on or disembarking from a means of transportation is part of an examination but does not constitute a complete examination.对将人员运至加拿大的运输工具而实施的检查,或对于登陆或离开运输工具有问题人员的检查构成检查的一部分而不是彻底检查。(加拿大2009年移民与难民保护条例第36条)
An officer must impose the following conditions on every person authorized to enter Canada under section 23 of the Act...to report in person at the time and place specified for the completion of the examination or the admissibility hearing.根据本法第23条, 官员必须对每个授权入境加拿大人员规定下列条件……在规定时间及地点亲自报告完成检查情况或入境听证。(加拿大2009年移民与难民保护条例第43(1)(a)条)
compliance mechanisms遵守机制
Institutional and administrative arrangements that encourage and ensure compliance with established requirements.促进、确保遵守所制定规定的机构、管理办法。
comply with遵守;服从
To obey.遵守。
A permanent resident must comply with any conditions imposed under the regulations.永久居民必须遵守条例规定的任何条件。(加拿大2001年移民与难民保护法第27.2条)
A general customs official must comply with the directions of the Secretary of State in the exercise of general customs functions. 海关官员在履行海关职责时必须遵守国务大臣的指令。(2009年英国边境、公民身份与移民法第5条)
Any foreigner sojourning in the Republic of Korea shall carry at any time his/her passport, seaman's pocketbook, written foreigner entry permission, foreigner registration certificate or written landing permission(hereinafter referred to as “passport, etc.”), except in case the foreigner is under seventeen years of age. When the immigration control official or a competent public official demands to present the passport, etc. in carrying out his/her duty, the foreigner as referred to in the text of paragraph(1)shall comply with it. 在韩国逗留的外国人应随时携带护照、海员证书、外国人书面入境许可证、外国人注册许可证或书面入境许可证(后称护照等),17岁以下的外国人除外。履行职责的移民管理官员或主管官员要求出示护照等证件时,第(1)款所指的外国人应服从命令。(韩国2002年移民法第27条)
Comprehensive Plan of Action(CPA)综合行动计划(CPA)
The Comprehensive Plan of Action is a program,adopted in June,1989 at a conference in Geneva held by The Steering Committee of the International Conference on Indo-Refugees,which was designed to deter and to stop the continuing influx of Indo-chinese boat people and to cope with an increasing reluctance by thrid countries to maintain resettlement oppor-tunities for every Vietnamese or Laotian exile,with the threat of countries of first asylum in Southeast Asia to push-backs the asylum seekers.综合行动计划是1989年6月在日内瓦举办的关于印支难民国际会议指导委员会大会上通过的一项议程。旨在防止、制止印支船民不断涌入,应对第三国不愿接受越南和老挝流亡人员的安置,给东南亚第一庇护国带来威胁进而推回庇护寻求者。
Compelled;mandated by legal process or by statute.强迫性的;通过合法程序或法律而命令的。
Foreigners under sixteen have the right and duty to education, including access to basic education free and compulsory. Foreigners under eighteen are also entitled to post-compulsory education. This right includes the taking of appropriate academic qualifications and access to public system of scholarships and grants under the same conditions as Spanish. 16岁以下的外国人有权利和义务接受教育,包括免费的基础教育和义务教育。18岁以下的外国人也有权享有后义务教育。这一权利包括在同等条件下,与西班牙人一样获得适当学历以及接受公共系统的奖学金和助学金。(西班牙2009年移民法第9.1条)
National laws or regulations may provide that a ship owner shall cease to be liable to bear the costs of a sick or injured seafarer from the time at which that seafarer can claim medical benefits under a scheme of compulsory sickness insurance, compulsory accident insurance or workers’ compensation for accidents. 国家法律或条例可以规定:从患病或受伤海员能够根据疾病强制保险计划、事故强制保险计划或工人事故赔偿计划索取医疗保险之日起,船东不再对支付其费用负有责任。(2006年海事劳工公约导则第B4.2.2条)
computer assisted immigration processing system(CAIPS)计算机辅助移民处理系统(CAIPS)(加拿大)
Electronic system that is used by CIC to keep records of all immigration and visa applications in process.The abbreviation CAIPS is also used to describe the electronic file containing details of particular case.An applicant can have access to CAIPS information to check the status of the application.电子系统是加拿大公民身份以及移民局(CIC)用来记录所有审核的移民和签证申请。此缩写形式用来指含有特别个案详细内容的电子文件。申请者可以使用该系统查阅申请状态。
To hide.隐藏。
Concealed includes being concealed in any freight,stores or other thing carried in or on the vehicle,ship or aircraft concerned.藏匿人包括藏身于车辆、船只或相关航空器中货箱内、储藏箱内或其他物品内的人。(英国1991年移民与庇护法第43条)
Detection and monitoring of the movements of proceeds of crime, property, equipment or other instrumentalities and methods used for the transfer, concealment or disguise of such proceeds, property, equipment or other instru-mentalities, as well as methods used in com-bating money-laundering and other financial crimes. 侦查和监测犯罪所得、财产、设备或其他工具的去向和用于转移、隐瞒或掩饰此种犯罪所得、财产、设备或其他工具的手法,以及用以打击洗钱和其他金融犯罪的方法。(联合国打击跨国有组织犯罪公约第29.1(d)条)
conclusive evidence确实证据
Evidence so strong as to overbear any other evidence to the contrary,also termed conclusive proof.证据非常强,压倒其他相反证据,也称为确实的证据(conclusive proof)。
conclusive presumption不可推翻的推定
A presumption that cannot be overcome by any additional evidence or argument.Also termed absolute presumption;irrebuttable presum-ption;mandatory presumption,presumption juris et de jure.其他附加证据或理由不可推翻的推定。也称为绝对推定(absolute presumption)、不可推翻推定(irrebuttable presumption)、法定推定(mandatory presumption)、合理合法推定(presumption juris et de jure)。
condition of entry入境条件
For some countries,foreign nationals must meet some conditions set out by countries which they want to enter.就一些国家而言,外国国民必须满足其入境的某些条件才可以入境。
Conditions include conditions precedent as well as conditions subsequent(whether imposed by an immigration officer,the Minister,or the Tribunal).条件包括先前的条件以及后来的条件(无论是由移民官员、部长或法庭规定的)。(新西兰2009年移民法第4条)
In principle the visas referred to in Article 10 may be issued only if an alien fulfils the entry conditions laid down in Article 5(1)(a),(c),(d)and(e).原则上,第10条中所指的签证只有当外国人符合第5(1)(a),(c),(d)以及(e)款的入境条件才可以签发。(2000年申根协议第15条)
The following conditions are imposed on a foreign national who enters Canada as a member of a crew:to join the means of transportation within the period imposed as a condition of entry or,if no period is imposed,within 48 hours after they enter Canada.下列条件制约以船员身份入境加拿大的外国国民:在规定的入境条件期间内,如果没有规定的期间,在入境加拿大48小时内应待在交通工具上。(加拿大2009年移民与难民保护条例第184(2)(a)条)
condition of restriction(visa)条件限制(签证)
Also called qualification restriction,it refers to the factor that the applicant does not meet or completely meet the legal requirements of issuing a visa and therefore can not obtain his or her entry visa.也称资格限制,指申请人不具备或不完全具备发给签证的法定条件而难以获得入境签证的因素。
condition of stay逗留条件
In migration context,foreigners including visitors to other countries must obey the law and other conditions if they want to stay in the country they visit(reside).移徙背景下,到他国的外国人包括游客必须遵守其游玩(居住)国家的法律法规,才可以停留。
conditional entrant有条件入境者
An individual who was admitted to another country under the provisions of immigration law of that country,because the individual was persecuted or feared persecution in his or her home country.根据他国移民法规定,由于在其母国受到迫害或害怕受到迫害,而被允许入境该国的人员。
conditional removal order有条件驱逐令(加拿大)
Conditional removal order refers to the deportation order with some conditions. 规定了附加条件的驱逐令。
A conditional removal order made under the former Act continues in force and is subject to subsection 49(2)of the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act.根据前法下达的有条件驱逐令继续有效,并受到《移民及难民保护法》第48(2)条规定的约束。(加拿大2009年移民与难民保护条例第319(4)条)
conditional residence有条件居留(美)
See conditional resident.见有条件居民。
conditional resident有条件居民(美)
A lawful permanent resident(LPR)whose status was granted subject to a condition.After two years in this status,conditional residents must apply to the Department of Homeland Security to remove the condition.The agency is thereby given the opportunity to confirm that the basis for the grant of residence was genuine.There are two circumstances in which applicants for LPR status obtain conditional,rather than unrestricted,LPR status.First,where an immigrant obtains LPR status based upon a marriage that occurred less than two years before his or her admission as a resident,the residence is conditional.The second situation in which residence is conditional pertains to immigrants admitted as resident entrepreneurs,for the purpose of establishing a business in the United States.In both cases,immigrants who are unable to meet the requirements for petitioning to remove the condition may in some circumstances obtain a waiver of the requirement.要遵守某条件才能授予合法的永久居民身份。拥有这种身份两年后,有条件的居民可以向国土安全部申请撤销这一条件。该机构在适当时机对授予居留身份进行确认。申请合法永久居民的申请人获得有条件居留有两种情况。第一种,基于婚姻关系,获得合法永久居民身份的移民作为居民入境前的婚姻关系不少于两年,为有条件居留。第二种情形,因在美国设立公司与作为居留企业家入境的移民有关的为有条件居留。两种情形中,不符合提出撤销该条件要求的移民某些情形下可获得条件宽宥。
Secrecy;the state of having the dissemination of certain information restricted.秘密;限制传播有关信息的状态。
The act of imprisoning or restraining someone;the state of being imprisoned.拘禁或限制某人的行为;拘禁状态。
1.To give formal approval to.2.To verify.1.给予正式确认。2.查证。
The foreigner is to be issued with a certificate confirming the suspension of deportation.发给外国人核实暂缓驱逐的证书。(德国2004年居留法2007年修订第60a(4)条)
To appropriate(property)as forfeited to the government.将没收的(财产)归于政府。
Seizure of property for public treasury.没收财产纳入国库。
Confiscation,which includes forfeiture where applicable,shall mean the permanent deprivation of property by order of a court or other competent authority.在适用财产没收的情况下,没收系指由法院或其他主管当局永久性剥夺财产的命令。(联合国打击跨国有组织犯罪公约第2g条)
Confiscation,which includes forfeiture where applicable,means the permanent deprivation of property by order of a court or other competent authority.“没收”系指由法院或其他主管当局下令对财产的永久剥夺。(联合国禁止非法贩运麻醉药品和精神药物公约第1(f)条)
confiscation of assets of criminals没收犯罪分子的财产
Legislation on this issue is necessary to ensure that criminals are not allowed to keep the proceeds generated through criminal activities.In general,criminal assets can also be seized,without compensation,if they have been transferred to another person.The confiscation of criminal proceeds must be based on a court decision which establishes that a crime was committed.有关此问题的立法对确保犯罪分子不得持有通过犯罪活动获得的收益非常必要。通常,如果犯罪分子将财产进行转移,可以没收犯罪分子的财产而无须补偿。没收犯罪分子的财产必须建立在证明犯罪的法院裁决的基础上。
conflict-affected population受冲突影响的人口
Conflict-affected population means a group of people who are affected by an armed conflict.指受到武装冲突影响的人群。
conjugal partner婚姻伴侣
conjugal rights夫妻同居权
The rights and privileges arising from the marriage relationship,including the mutual rights of companionship,support,and sexual relations.因婚姻关系而产生的权利与特权,包括相互陪伴、抚养及性关系权利。
Relationship by blood.血缘的关系。
Consent means any free,voluntary and informed decision that is expressed or implied and which is given for a specified purpose.指表达的或暗示的且具有特别目的的自由的、自愿的及明智的决定。
The Contracting Parties shall adopt amen-dments to this Convention by common consent.缔约国应经过公众的同意批准本协议的修正案。(2000年申根协议第141.2条)
Something that happens as a result of a particular action or set of conditions.由于某特殊行为或条件而引发的事件。
consolidated wage合并工资
Consolidated wage means a wage or salary which includes the basic pay and other pay-related benefits;a consolidated wage may include compensation for all overtime hours which are worked and all other pay-related benefits,or it may include only certain benefits in a partial consolidation.合并工资一词系指包括基本工资和与工资有关的其他津贴在内的工资或薪资;合并工资可包括对所有加班工作给予的补偿和所有其他与工资相连的津贴,或者,它也可以包括部分合并工资内的某些津贴。(海事劳工公约导则B2.2工资)
Police whose duties are to protect and preserve the peace of the community.主要职责是保护和维护社区和平的警察。
A constable or immigration officer may arrest without warrant anyone who has,or whom he,with reasonable cause,suspects to have,committed or attempted to commit an offence under this section other than an offence under subsection(l)(d)above.治安官或移民官员无须命令可逮捕任何有、或有合理缘由怀疑已经犯有、或试图犯有本款罪行而非以上第(1)(d)款罪行的人员。(英国1971年移民法第24.2条)
The fundamental and organic law of a State,establishing the conception,character,and organization of its government,as well as prescribing the extent of its sovereign power and the manner of its exercise.一个国家最根本的组织法,确定了政府的概念、性质和组成,规定了主权的范围和实施方式。
The Contracting Parties undertake,in accordance with their constitutions and their national legal systems,to adopt measures to allow controlled deliveries to be made in the context of the illicit trafficking in narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances.根据缔约国的宪法以及其国家法律制度, 缔约国确保采取措施以在条件允许的情况下管制非法运输麻醉药品以及精神药物。(2000年申根协议第73.1条)
consular assistance领事协助
Consular assistance is help and advice provided by the diplomatic agency to citizens of that country who are living or travelling overseas.领事协助指由外交机构向居住在国外或在国外旅行的本国公民所提供的帮助与建议。
consular district领馆辖区
Consular district means the area assigned to a consular post for the exercise of consular fuctions.领馆辖区指领馆履行领事职能设定的区域。(1963年维也纳领事关系公约第1(b)条)
consular employee领馆雇员
Consular employee means any person employed in the administrative or technical service of a consular post.领馆雇员指受雇担任领馆行政或技术事务的任何人员。(1963年维也纳领事关系公约第1(e)条)
consular functions领事职能
Consular functions consist in protecting in the receiving State the interests of the sending State and of its nationals in the receiving State;furthering the development of commercial,economic,cultural and scientific relations between the sending State and the receiving State and otherwise promoting friendly relations between them in accordance with the provisions of the present Convention.包括保护派遣国的利益和其国民在接受国的利益;进一步增进派遣国和接受国之间的商业、经济、文化和科学关系的发展,并促进两国其他方面的友好关系。(1963年《维也纳领事关系公约》,第5(a)及(b)条)。
consular officers领事官员
Government officials representing the State abroad in visa and residency issues.Art.1(d),Vienna Convention on Consular Relations,1963 provides that a consular officer is “any person,including the head of a consular post,entrusted in that capacity with the exercise of consular functions”.在国外代表国家管理签证和居留事务的政府官员。《1963年维也纳领事关系公约》第1条(d)规定,领事官员是“派任此职承办领事职务之任何人员,包括领馆馆长在内”。相关词语 consular functions(领事职能)
Consular officer means any consular,diplo-matic,or other officer or employee of the United States designated under regulations prescribed under authority contained in this chapter,for the purpose of issuing immigrant or nonimmigrant visas or,when used in subchapter III of this chapter,for the purpose of adjudicating nationality.指根据本法包含的职权而制定的有关规则所任命的、旨在签发移民签证或非移民签证的任何一位领事官员、外交官员或其他美国官员或雇员。在本法第三编中所指的领事官员,其职责为裁定国籍。(美国1996年移民与国籍法第101.9条)
consular post领事馆;领馆
Consular post means any consulate-general,consulate,vice-consulate or consular agency.领事馆指总领事馆、领事馆、副领事馆或领事代理处。(1963年维也纳领事关系公约第1(a)条)
The Contracting Party responsible for issuing such a visa shall in principle be that of the main destination.If this cannot be determined,the visa shall in principle be issued by the diplomatic or consular post of the Contracting Party of first entry.原则上签证的签发应为缔约国的主要功能。如果不能担负此种责任,原则上应由首先入境的该缔约国的外交或领事使馆来签发。(2000年申根协议第12.2条)
consular premises领馆馆舍
Consular premises means the buildings or parts of buildings and the land ancillary thereto,irrespective of ownership,used exclusively for the purposes of the consular post.领馆馆舍指专供领馆使用之建筑物或建筑物之各部分,以及其所附属之土地,至于所有权谁属,则不考虑。(1963年维也纳领事关系公约第1(j)条)
consular processing领事馆程序(美)
This is the process of obtaining an immigrant visa from U.S.consulates abroad.Eligibility is determined by priority dates and numerical limits of eligible persons based upon applicant's home country.在美国海外领事馆获得移民签证的程序,合格的人员是根据优先日期及申请人国家的有限合格人数来确定的。
consular protection领事保护;外国领事保护权
Consular functions aiming at helping nationals abroad,assisting in the protection of their rights and interests before local courts.In particular,protection extended to migrants arrested or committed to prison or custody pending trial or detained in any other manner;such migrants must be informed without delay of the right to communicate with consular authorities.领事职能,目的是帮助在国外的国民,并在当地法庭协助保护其权力和利益。尤其是,向被逮捕、宣判入狱、羁押待审或以其他任何方式遭到拘禁的移民提供保护。此类移民必须被毫不耽搁地告知,他们有与领事当局联络的权利。
consular registration领事注册;领事登记
Inscription in a consular register of a national of that State's principal details(identity,family situation,place of residence,etc.).The object of consular registration is to facilitate the action of the consular mission,particularly the exercise of consular protection.对本国国民的主要详细信息(身份、家庭情况、居住地等)进行领事注册的文字。领事注册的目的是为领事任务行动,特别是为行使领事保护提供便利。相关词语consular function(领事职能),consular protection(领事保护)
(pre)consular support services(预先)领事帮助服务
Services that assist governments and migrants in facilitating visa applications prior to the submission of the application.They may include:assistance in completing and filling visa application forms;assistance in compiling supporting documentation for the visa application;verification of legal,educational and employment related papers;translation of documents.在提交签证申请前,帮助政府和移民做好申请工作的服务。包括:帮助完成和填写签证申请表格;帮助整理签证申请辅助材料;法律核实、教育和就业相关文件;证件翻译。
consular staff领馆馆员
Members of the consular staff means consular officers,other than the head of a consular post,consular employees and members of the service staff.领馆馆员指除馆长以外之领事官员、领馆雇员及服务人员。(1963年维也纳领事关系公约第1(h)条)
The office or jurisdiction of a consul;the location of a consul's office or residence.领事的办公处或管辖区域;领事的办公处或居住所。
A governmental representative living in a foreign country to oversee commercial and other matters involving the representative's home country and its citizens in that country.驻在外国、对有关母国商业与其他事项及住在该国的本国公民进行指导的政府代表。
contactless integrated circuit非接触式集成电路
An electronic microchip coupled to an aerial(antenna)which allows data to be commu-nicated between the chip and an encoding/reading device without the need for a direct connection.一种与天线进行耦合的微电子芯片,它使数据能够在该芯片与编码/阅读设备之间进行转换,无需进行直接的电气连接。(国际民航组织第9303号文件第2部分)
contiguous zone相邻区;毗邻区;毗连区
An area abutting and extended beyond the territorial sea,in which countries have limited powers to enforce customs as well as fiscal,sanitary and immigration law.连接领海并扩展至公海的区域,在该区域中,国家行使有限权力执行海关、卫生及移民法。相关词语 high seas(公海),territorial sea(领海)
A maritime area adjoining the territorial sea of a coastal State.In its contiguous zone,a State may exercise the necessary control to(a)prevent infringement of its customs,fiscal,immigration or sanitary laws and regulations within its territory or territorial sea and(b)punish infringement of the above laws and regulations committed within its territory or territorial sea.与某国沿海领土水域相邻的近海地区。在毗连区内,该国可行使其必要的控制权以防止(a)在其领土或领海内,违反海关、财政、移民或卫生法及规定,及(b)在其领土或领海内,惩罚违反上述规定的法律及法规的行为。(联合国海洋法公约第33条)
continental shelf大陆架
The continental shelf of a coastal State comp-rises the seabed and subsoil of the submarine areas that extend beyond its territorial sea throughout the natural prolongation of its land territory to the outer edge of the continental margin,or to a distance of 200 nautical miles from the baselines from which the breadth of the territorial sea is measured where the outer edge of the continental margin does not extend up to that distance.沿海国的大陆架包括其领海以外依其陆地领土的全部自然延伸,扩展到大陆边外缘的海底区域的海床和底土,如果从测算领海宽度的基线量起到大陆边的外缘的距离不到二百海里,则扩展到二百海里的距离。(联合国海洋法公约第76.1条)
Continuing to happen for a long time.连续的;反复的。
Within 48 hours after a permanent resident or a foreign national is taken into detention,or without delay afterward,the Immigration Division must review the reasons for the continued detention.在永久居民或外国人羁押后48小时内,或羁押后无滞留,移民法庭必须就继续羁押原因进行审核。(加拿大2001年移民与难民保护法第57.1条)
Continuing to happen or exist without stopping or without any interruptions.不间断或未中断地连续出现或存在。
The Secretary of State may not arrange for the provision of accommodation for a person in an accomodation centre if he has been a resident of an accommodation centre for a continuous period of six month.如果某人员连续6个月为膳宿中心的居民,国务大臣可不在膳宿中心为其安排住宿必需品。(英国2000年国籍、移民与庇护法第25(1)条)
In international law,contraband means goods which are ultimately destined for territory under the control of enemy and which may be susceptible for use in armed conflicts.Tradi-tionally,contraband is classified into two cate-gories:absolute contraband and conditional contraband.The former category includes arms,munitions,and various materials,such as materials and certain types of machinery that may be used directly to wage war or to be converted into instrument of war.Conditional contraband consists of such material as provisions and livestock feed.国际法中,禁运品指最终运至敌控区并在武装冲突中用于敏感方面的物品。传统意义上,禁运品分为两类:绝对禁运品、有条件违禁品。前一种包括武器、弹药及各种材料,如可直接用于发动战争或转变为战争武器的材料及某些机器。有条件违禁品包括像储备物、牲畜饲料等物质。
Contract Detention Facility(CDF)合同拘留所(美)
In the United States,it denotes privately run prisons and detention centres that have federal contracts to confine convicted criminals and/or immigration detainees.在美国,指私人经营的与联邦签订合同用来关押被定罪的罪犯以及/或移民被拘留者的监狱和拘留中心。
contract migrant workers合同移民工人
Persons working in a country other than their own under contractual arrangements that set limits on the period of employment and on the specific job held by the migrant(that is to say,contract migrant workers cannot change jobs without permission granted by the authorities of the receiving State).根据合同对移民就业的期限及应聘特别工作的限制(即合同移民工人无接受国当局的允许不得变换工作)条款在另一国而非其母国工作的人员。
contract of employment就业合同
A contract between an employer and employee in which terms and conditions of employment are stated.雇主与雇员间的合同,在该合同中清楚地写明了雇佣的期限与条件。
Contract of employment means any agreement,whether in writing or oral,express or implied,whereby one person agrees to employ another and that other agrees to serve his employer as an employee and includes a contract of apprenticeship.雇佣合同指书面或口头、明示或默示的协议,根据该协议,其中一方同意雇用另一方,该另一方则同意以雇员身份为雇主服务;雇佣合约亦包括学徒合约。(香港移民法2013年修订第17G条)
contract state缔约国家
See contract party.见缔约国。
contracting party缔约国
A party to an international or regional convention or agreement.国际或区域性公约或协议的一方。
A party to a contract.合同的一方当事人。
contractual clause合约条款
Contractual clause means a special clause in a written contract to avoid problematic ambiguities.合约条款指以书面合约的形式来避免问题出现歧义的特殊条款。
contractual labour合同劳工
Labour supplied for a specific purpose over a fixed period of time by a contractor.由承包商提供的在某固定时段带有具体目的的劳动力。
An act of violating a legal condition or obligation.违反法律条件或义务的行为。
A person shall not disembark a person or group of persons at sea for the purpose of inducing,aiding or abetting them to come into Canada in contravention of this Act.任何人不得以引诱、协助或教唆某人或某群人在海上违反本法入境加拿大。(加拿大2001年移民与难民保护法第119条)
control authorities管控机构;控制当局;管理机构
The administrative and organizational units within a national government that are responsible for managing the orderly movement of regular migrants,and for control of irregular and illegal migration.一国政府负责管理正规移民有序流动以及管理非正规与非法移徙的行政与组织单位。
control number控制编号
A number assigned to a document at the time of its manufacture for record-keeping and security purposes.为记录和安全目的,在制造时为证件指定的序号。
control point管制站;入境管制站;出入境管制站
See port of entry.见入境口岸。
control tower管制塔台
It is a service provided by ground-based controllers who direct aircraft on the ground and through controlled airspace,and can provide advisory services to aircraft in non-controlled airspace.The purpose is to prevent collision,organize and expedite the flow of traffic,and provide information and other support for pilots.指由地面控制人员在地面引导飞行器并使飞行器通过控制领空所提供的服务,并在非管制空域内提供咨询服务。其主要目的是防止碰撞、组织并改善空中交通流量,为飞行员提供信息及其他支持。
controlled delivery控制下交付
Controlled delivery shall mean the technique of allowing illicit or suspect consignments to pass out of,through or into the territory of one or more States,with the knowledge and under the supervision of their competent authorities,with a view to the investigation of an offence and the identification of persons involved in the commission of the offence.控制下交付系指在主管当局知情并由其进行监测的情况下,允许非法或可疑货物运出,通过或进入一国或多国领土的一种做法,其目的在于侦查某项犯罪并辨认参与该项犯罪的人员。(联合国打击跨国有组织犯罪公约第2i条)
Controlled delivery means the technique of allowing illicit or suspect consignments of narcotic drugs,psychotropic substances,substances in Table I and Table II annexed to this Convention,or substances substituted for them,to pass out of,through or into the territory of one or more countries,with the knowledge and under the supervision of their competent authorities,with a view to identifying persons involved in the commission of offences established in accordance with article 3,paragraph 1 of the Convention.控制下交付系指一种技术,即在一国或多国的主管当局知情或监督下,允许货物中非法或可疑的麻醉药品、精神药物、本公约表一和表二所列物质或它们的替代物质运出、通过或运入其领土,以期查明涉及按本公约第3 条第1 款确定的犯罪的人。(联合国禁止非法贩运麻醉药品和精神药物公约第1(f)条)
Though controls previously exercised at internal EU borders have been removed inside the Schengen area,Member States retain the power to impose temporary checks through a safeg-uard clause under the Schengen agreement.虽然以前在欧盟内部申根地区内实行的边界控制已取消,通过申根协定的保障条款,成员国保留实行临时检查的权力。相关词语freedom to travel(自由旅行)
Formal international agreements among nations(to which states become party),which create binding legal obligations.Such agreements may have different names:treaty,convention,covenant,or pact.Conventions are one of two main types of UN human rights instruments,the other being UN standards.国家(成为条约成员国的)间设立了法律约束义务的正式国际条约。此种条约有不同的称谓:条约、公约、契约或协定。公约是联合国人权法律文书的主要两种类型之一,另一种为联合国准则。相关词语 treaty(条约)
convention against torture反虐待公约/反酷刑公约
The Convention against Torture and Other Cruel,Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment is an international human rights instrument,under the review of the United Nations,that aims to prevent torture and cruel,inhuman degrading treatment or punishment.The convention requires states to take effective measures to prevent torture within their borders,and forbids states to transport people to any country where there is reason to believe they will be tortured.The text of the Convention was adopted by the United Nations General Assembly on 10 December 1984,following ratification by the 20th state party,it came into force in 26 June 1987.As of April 2014,the Convention has 155 state parties.《反对酷刑和其他残忍、不人道或有辱人格的待遇或处罚公约》是经过联合国审议的国际人权文书,旨在预防酷刑和残忍的、不人道、有辱人格的待遇或处罚。该公约要求各国采取积极措施防止在其境内酷刑的发生,禁止各国将人口运至有理由认为会受到酷刑的国家。该公约文本于1984年12月10日由联合国大会通过,随后20个国家批准了该公约,并于1987年6月26日生效。至2014年4月止,已有155个国家成为该公约的缔约国。
Convention against torture means the Convention against Torture and Other Cruel,Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punish-ment,signed at New York on December 10,1984.Article 1 of the Convention Against Torture is set out in the schedule.《反酷刑公约》指1984年12月10日在纽约签署的《反对酷刑和其他残忍、不人道或有辱人格的待遇或处罚公约》。《反酷刑公约》第1条在列表中列出。(加拿大2001年移民与难民保护法第2.1条)
Convention on the Reduction of Stateles-sness《减少无国籍人员的公约》
A Convention that provides for the acquisition of nationality by those who would otherwise be stateless and who have an appropriate link with the State through birth on the territory or through descent from a national.The Convention also provides for the retention of nationality by those who would become stateless if they were to lose the State's nationality.The Convention was adopted in August 1961 and came into force in December 1975.UNHCR has been mandated with specific functions under Article 11 of the 1961 Convention on the Reduction of Statelessness.通过出生地或通过血统方式赋予那些无国籍人员国籍的公约。该公约还制定了为那些失去国籍的人保留国籍的规定。该公约于1961年8月获得通过并于1975年12月生效。根据《1961年减少无国籍人员的公约》第11条规定,联合国难民署获得授权履行具体职能。
Convention on the Rights of the Child(CRC)儿童权利公约
Adopted in 1989,this treaty sets compre-hensive standards for the protection of the rights of children.It is underpinned by four guiding principles,one of which is non-discrimination in the application of its standards to all children.Therefore,refugee children come fully within its scope.The other guiding principles are the “best interest” of the child,the right to life,survival and development,and the right to participation.1989年通过,该公约规定了保护儿童的全面的标准。以四个指导原则为基础,其中之一就是其标准适用于所有儿童的不歧视原则。因此,难民儿童也包括在该范围中。其他几项指导原则是儿童“利益最大化”、生命、生存和发展权以及参与权。
convention passport公约护照
This passport is issued to those foreigners who have been granted asylum in accordance with the rules of the UN's Refugee convention.签发给那些根据《联合国难民地位公约》被授予庇护身份的外国人的护照。
convention reasons公约原因
Under the 1951 United Nations Convention relating to the status of refugees a person outside their country of origin is only a refugee if they face persecution on the grounds of their race,religion,nationality,membership of a particular social group,or political opinion.These five are together known as the “Conven-tion reasons”.根据1951年联合国关于难民地位的公约,在原籍国境外的人员由于种族、宗教、国籍、社会团体成员或政治见解的原因而面临迫害,则该人员为难民。以上统称为“公约原因”。
convention refugee公约难民
Persons recognized as refugees by States under the criteria in Article 1 A of the Convention relating to the Status of Refugees,and entitled to the enjoyment of a variety of rights under that Convention 根据《有关难民地位公约》第1条标准,由各国承认作为难民,根据该公约并享有各种权利的人员。
A Convention refugee is a person who,by reason of a well-founded fear of persecution for reasons of race,religion,nationality,memb-ership in a particular social group or political opinion,(a)is outside each of their countries of nationality and is unable or,by reason of that fear,unwilling to avail themselves of the protection of each of those countries;or(b)not having a country of nationality,is outside the country of their former habitual residence and is unable or,by reason of that fear,unwilling to return to that country.公约难民是指有理由担心因种族,宗教,国籍,某特殊社会团体之成员资格或政治观点而遭到迫害的下列人员:(a)不在国籍所在国并且无法或因恐惧,不愿受到国籍国的保护的;或者(b)没有国籍国,不在前惯常居住国,并且无法或因恐惧不愿回到惯常居住国的。(加拿大2001年移民与难民保护法第96条)
Convention Relating to the Status of Refugees关于难民地位公约
A Convention that establishes the most widely applicable framework for the protection of refugees.The Convention was adopted in July 1951 and entered into force in April 1954.Article 1 of the 1951 Convention limits its scope to “events occurring before 1 January 1951”.This restriction is removed by the 1967 Protocol relating to the Status of Refugees.As of 1 July 2005,there are 145 States who are parties to the 1951 Convention and/or the 1967 Protocol.确立难民保护广泛适用框架的公约。该公约于1951年7月通过,1954年4月生效。1951年公约第1条限定了“在1951年1月1日前发生的事件”的范围。《1967年关于难民地位议定书》中删除了该限制。2005年7月1日,有145个国家成为《1951年公约》及/或《1967年议定书》的缔约方。
Convention Relating to the Status of Stateless Persons关于无国籍人员公约
A Convention that provides the definition of a stateless person and establishes a framework by which a stateless person who is lawfully resident in a State can have legal status.The Convention was adopted in September 1954 and entered into force in June 1960.对无国籍人员进行界定,并建立在他国合法居留的无国籍人员可拥有合法身份的框架的公约。该公约于1954年9月通过,1960年6月生效。
convention travel document(CTD)条约旅行证(CTD)
A convention travel document,also known as “blue document” is given to people with refugee status to use as a valid travel document in place of passport to travel overseas.This document is valid for all countries except the one from which the person sought asylum.也称蓝色证件,颁发给具有难民身份人员一种替代护照的到海外旅行的有效旅行证。这种证件可在所有国家使用,除了其寻求庇护的国家外。
A thing that converts.进行交换的器物。
Converter means a technical tool to allow consistent and reliable communication between C.SIS and Central SIS II,ensuring the functionalities provided for in Article 10(3).交换器指可使申根信息中央系统与申根信息中央系统II保持通畅联络的技术工具,以确保第10(3)条中的功能正常运转。(欧盟有关移民的第二代申根信息系统第2(e)条)
Any form of aircraft,ship,train,automobile or other vehicle or vessel capable of being used to transport a person to or from a State.任何形式的飞行器、轮船、火车、汽车或其他任何能用来将人员运输进、出国家的工具和船只。相关词语 carrier(承运人)
Conveyance means any vehicle or beast of burden or any other object(s)which may be used in conveying persons from one place to another.运输工具指任何车辆或畜力车辆或其他可用来将人员从一地运至另一地的物体。(泰国移民法B.E.2522第4条)
1.(Law)a person found guilty of an offence against the law,esp.one who is sentenced to imprisonment.2.(Law)a person serving a prison sentence.3.(Law)pronounce(some-one)guilty of an offence.1.(法律)发现违反法律犯罪的人员,特别是被判监禁的人员。2.(法律)服刑人员。3.(法律)声称(某人)有罪。
A person who contravenes section 118 or 119 is guilty of an offence and liable on conviction by way of indictment to a fine of not more than $1,000,000 or to life imprisonment,or to both.违反第118条或119条的人员为犯法行为,并应判处不超过1,000,000美元的罚金或终身监禁,或两者并罚。(加拿大2001年移民与难民保护法第120条)
The judgment of a jury or judge that a person is guilty of a crime as charged.陪审团或法官对某人犯有被指控罪行的审判。
In the case of inadmissibility by reason of a conviction in Canada,the conviction is for an offence under an Act of Parliament punishable by a maximum term of imprisonment of at least 10 years and for which a sentence of at least two years was imposed.鉴于在加拿大被判有罪而不予入境的情况, 依据《议会法律》可处罚的罪行,最高刑期至少10年,并对于该判决至少加刑2年。(加拿大2001年移民与难民保护法第101(2)(a)条)
co-operation on Justice and Home Affairs司法与内政事务的合作(欧盟)
Also known as the third pillar,this is a mainly intergovernmental arrangement initially cover-ing areas such as immigration,asylum and visa policies and police and judicial co-operation.The Treaty of Amsterdam has bought much of this into the first pillar.The third pillar is now restricted to police and judicial co-operation in criminal matters.也称为(欧盟一体化)的第三个支柱,主要涉及的领域包括移民、庇护和签证政策、警察和司法合作等政府间的工作安排。《阿姆斯特丹条约》将此合并到第一支柱,第三支柱目前仅限于在刑事事务方面的警察和司法合作。
Copenhagen criteria哥本哈根标准
The basic criteria to be fulfilled by countries applying to join the EU,as established by the European Copenhagen Council in 1993:stable institutions guaranteeing democracy,the rule of law,human rights and respect for minorities;a functioning market economy;and adherence to the acquis communautaire.申请加入欧盟的国家应达到的基本标准,在1993年欧洲哥本哈根理事会规定如下标准:保障民主的稳定机构、法治、人权和尊重少数民族的权利;市场经济运作;以及遵守共同体法律。相关词语EU legislation(欧盟立法)
An imitation or reproduction of an original;a duplicate.There are soft copy,meaning a digital copy of a document,and hard copy,meaning a printed copy of a digital document.原件的复制品;复印件。有软副本,指证件的数码副本;及硬副本,指数码证件的印刷副本。
Where the Secretary of State receives a report under subsection(4)(a)he shall lay a copy before Parliament as soon as is reasonably practicable.在国务大臣接到依据第(4)(a)的报告时,应尽快向议会提交副本。(英国2002年国籍、移民与庇护法第34(5)条)
A public officer whose primary function is to investigate by inquest any death thought to be of other than natural causes.主要职能是调查任何被认为是非正常死亡原因的政府官员。
correction of errors错误更正;更正错误
If,after the authentication of a text,the signatory and contracting states are agreed that it contains an error,it can be corrected by intialing the corrected treaty text,by executing or exchanging an instrument containing the correction or by executing the corrected text of the whole treaty by the same procedure as in the case of the original text.If there is a depositary,the depositary must communicate the proposed corrections to all signatory and contracting states.In the UN practice,the Secretary-General,in his function as depositary,informs all parties to a treaty of the errors and the proposal to correct it.If,on the expiry of an appropriate time-limit,no objections are raised by the signatory and contracting states,the depositary circulates a proces-verbal of rectification and causes the corrections to be effected in the authentic text(s).条约约文经认证后,倘签署国及缔约国均认为约文有错误时,可以通过签署更正的条约文本来更正,制成或交换错误文书或与原始文本相同的程序制成条约更正的、完整文本来更正。如有保管机构,该机构应将更正错误提议通知各签署国及缔约国。在联合国的实践中,秘书长作为保管机构的履职者,将错误条约及更正错误提议知会所有缔约国。如在期限届满时,签约国及缔约国未提出反对意见,则保管机构应在约文上作更正加以草签,并制成订正条约文本。
Under the family sponsorship category,if the sponsor is unable to demonstrate a financial ability to provide for the essential needs of the Sponsored Person(s),his or her spouse,common-law partner,or conjugal partner may act as a co-signer,if:their combined income meets the minimum necessary income;and the co-signer meets all the other sponsorship requirements.如果赞助人不能出示其为受助者提供生活必需品的经济能力,在家庭赞助移民的类别中,如果共同收入达到规定的最低收入,且共同签署人符合所有其他赞助要求,其配偶、事实婚伴侣或婚姻伴侣可以作为共同签署人。
cost-recovery fee/government processing fees成本回收费用;政府手续费用(加拿大)
Each person applying for a Canada immigration visa must pay this processing fee,including:the principal applicant;an accompanying spouse,common-law or conjugal partner;and dependent children.每个申请加拿大移民签证的人员必须支付这项手续费;包括主要申请人;偕行配偶、事实婚伴侣或者婚姻伴侣;及受抚养子女。
Cotonou Agreement科托努协议
The “Partnership Agreement between the members of the African,Caribbean and Pacific Group of States of the one part and the European Community and its Member States of the other part” was signed on 23 June 2000 in Cotonou,Bénin—hence the name “ ACPEC Partnership Agreement” or “Cotonou Agree-ment”.The Cotonou Agreement is a global agreement,introducing important changes and ambitious objectives while preserving the “acquis” of 25 years of ACPEC cooperation.“非洲、加勒比和太平洋国家、欧洲共同体及其成员国的伙伴关系协议”于2000年6月23日在贝宁的科托努签署——因此称为“ACPEC伙伴协议”或“科托努协议”。科托努协议是个全球性的协议,在保留ACPEC合作25年法规的同时,提出重要变化及宏伟目标。
Council Decision委员会决议
See Community law.见共同体法律(欧盟)。
Council for Multicultural Australia澳大利亚多元文化理事会(澳)
The Australian Multicultural Council is a ministerially appointed body that provides advice to the Government on multicultural affairs policy and programmes, with a parti-cular focus on:harnessing the economic and social benefits of Australia's culturally diverse population; promoting social acceptance and fostering engagement with Australian values, identity and citizenship, within the framework of Australian law; building stronger and more cohesive communities and addressing barriers to participation, including racism and discri-mination; promoting greater intercultural and interfaith understanding and dialogue; establi-shing partnerships with the business sector and harnessing the experience of established communities in developing the capacity of newer communities. 澳大利亚多元文化理事会是部长任命的机构,为政府提供有关多元文化事务政策与计划方面的建议,该理事会尤为关注以下方面:利用澳大利亚多元文化人口的经济和社会效益;促进社会接纳并在澳大利亚法律框架内促进澳大利亚的价值观、身份与公民权的实现;建立强大的、有凝聚力的社区,解决包括种族主义和歧视问题;促进文化和宗教间的理解与对话;通过与商界建立合作关系,利用成熟社区的经验提高新社区的能力。
Council of Europe欧洲理事会
An intergovernmental political organisation of 43 European democracies,set up in 1949 and based in Strasbourg,France(the Council is not a European Union institution);its main aim is to strengthen political,social,legal and cultural cooperation and to promote human values throughout Europe.43个欧洲民主国家政府间的政治组织,于1949年成立,总部设在法国斯特拉斯堡(理事会不是欧洲联盟的机构);其主要目的是加强政治、社会、法律和文化等领域的合作并促进欧洲的人类价值观。
Council of Ministers欧盟理事会
See Council of the European Union.见欧洲联盟理事会。
Council of the European Union欧洲联盟理事会
The EU's main decision-making institution,consisting of the ministers of the Member States responsible for each policy area,one of which is justice and home affairs.欧盟的主要决策机构,由成员国的部长负责每个政策领域,其中之一是司法和内政事务。
Council Regulation理事会法令(欧盟)
See Community law.见共同体法律(欧盟)。
Council visa理事会签证(欧盟)
See common visa agreements.见共同签证协议。
An unauthorized copy or reproduction of a genuine security document made by whatever means.真实的安全证件未经授权进行仿造或复制,不管它是采用什么手段制作的。.counterfeiting伪造
Counterfeiting involves the creation of all or part of a document which resembles the genuine document, including alteration, forging with the intention that it can be used as if it were genuine. In migration context, it is an offence to counterfeit documents, or to possess a false document which he knows to be false. Those who commit such a crime will be sentenced to imprisonment or fine or both. 伪造是指对证件的全部或部分进行造假,包括变更、仿造,使其看起来像真的一样,目的是为了将其当做真的证件使用。移民背景下,伪造证件或持有其明知是虚假证件行为的为犯罪行为。犯有这种罪行的人会判处监禁或罚金或两者并罚。
To sign(a previously signed document),as for authentication.签署(已签文件)作为认证。
country C1C1国家(欧盟)
Country under consideration,i.e.country whose rules for acquiring or losing nationality are described.被考虑的国家,即规定获得或丧失国籍的国家。
country C2C2国家(欧盟)
Particular country which is not C1,but for which special regulations apply.非C1的国家,但适用特别法律规定的国家。
country code国家代码
A two or three-letter code as defined in ISO 3166-1,used to designate a document issuing authority or nationality of the document holder.Only three-letter codes are used in Doc 9303.根据 ISO 3166-1 规定,用于标示证件签发机关或持证人国籍的二字母或三字母代码。国际民航组织第9303号文件中只用三字母代码。.country of birth出生国
Country of birth means the country of residence(in its current borders,if the information is available)of the mother at the time of the birth or,in default,the country(in its current borders,if the information is available)in which the birth took place.出生国指在出生时,母亲的居留国(可获得信息的目前边境),或默认情况下,出生时所在国(可获得信息的目前边境)。相关词语 country of nationality(国籍国),country of origin(原籍国)
country of chargeability移民配额国(美)
The independent country to which an immigrant entering under the preference system is accredited for purposes of numerical limitations.依据优先制度,认为符合限制条件的移民入境(美国)的独立国家。
country of citizenship公民身份国
The country in which a person is born(and has not renounced or lost citizenship)or naturalized and to which that person owes allegiance and by which he or she is entitled to be protected.某人出生或入籍的国家,此人应忠于该国家并享有被保护的权利。
country of departure离境国
The country that people leave for another one.人们前往他国时由此出境的国家。
country of destination目的地国
The country that is a destination for migratory flows(regular or irregular).移徙流动(正规或非正规的)目的地的国家。
country of domicile原居国
The country a person lived before living in another one.在他国居住前曾居住的国家。
country of first asylum第一收容国/第一庇护国
The first country in which an asylum seeker has been granted an effective hearing of his/her application for asylum.庇护寻求者对其庇护申请已获得有效听证的第一国家。
country of former allegiance前效忠的国家
The former country of citizenship of a person who became a citizen of a State through naturalization or derivative citizenship.某人通过入籍归化或衍生公民身份前拥有公民身份的前国家。
country of habitual/usual residence惯常/通常居住国
The country in which a person lives,that is to say,the country in which he or she has a place to live where he or she normally spends the daily period of rest.Temporary travel abroad for purposes of recreation,holiday,visits to friends and relatives,business,medical treatment or religious pilgrimage does not change a person's country of usual residence.某人生活的国家,也就是说,某人有居所以供其日常生活的国家。以消遣、度假、走访亲友、商务、就医治疗或宗教朝圣的目的而进行的短期出境旅行,不会改变一个人的通常居住国。相关词语 residence(住所)
country of nationality国籍国
The country of a person's citizenship or country in which the person is deemed a national.某人公民身份的国家或该人员被视为国民的国家。
country of normal residence通常居住的国家
See country of habitual/usual residence.见常住国/通常居住国。
country of origin来源国;原籍国
The country that is a source of migratory flows(legal or illegal).This may differ from “country of return” in cases of ethnic returns and in the case of returns to first country of asylum.作为移徙流动(合法或非法的)来源地的国家。与外国人返回和返回第一庇护国情况时的“返回国”不同。相关词语state of origin(原籍国)
Country of origin means the country of which the alien is a national or,in the case of a stateless person,the country of his or her former habitual residence.原籍国指外国人为国民的国家,或对无国籍人员来说,其前居住国。(奥地利1997年庇护法2002年修订第1.4条)
Country of origin—in the case of a person who holds more than one nationality,the term country of origin shall mean each of the countries of which she or he is a national,and in the case of a stateless person,the country where that person is domiciled.原籍国——指对于拥有不只一国国籍的人员而言,原籍国应指该人员为国民的国家,而对于无国籍人员而言,应指其居住国。(罗马尼亚2006年庇护法第2(e)条)
country of refuge避难国
The country where a person can get protection from harm,persecution or war conflicts.可以得到保护免于伤害、迫害或战争冲突的国家。
country of residence居留国;驻在国
The country in which a person habitually resides.某人惯常居留的国家。
country of return返回国
This refers to a third country(e.g.country of origin or transit)to which a third country national returns.In most cases,it is the country of origin to which a return is made,but this definition is used here in order to indicate other(possible)destinations.指第三国国民返回的第三国(如原籍国或过境国)。通常情况下,为原籍国,但也有其他(可能)目的地。
country of transit过境国(移徙)
The country through which migratory flows(legal or illegal)move.移徙流动(合法或非法的)经过的国家。相关词语 state of transit(过境国),country of destination(目的地国)
course of study or training学习或培训课程
Course of study or training refers to the courses provided by educational institutions for students home and abroad.学习或培训课程指由教育机构提供给国内、国外学生的课程。相关词语integrated course(融合课程)
Course of study or training means any course of tuition or instruction for children under 15 years of age,or for children entitled to free education under section 85(1)of the Education Act 1964,conducted by any primary,intermediate,composite,secondary,or special school,whether State,private,or integrated;and includes any other course of tuition or instruction conducted by any school,college,institute,university,or other body or person,and leading to any educational or vocational qualification the attainment of which by any person would be likely to enhance the employment prospects of that person,either generally or in respect of any particular profession or occupation;and,in relation to any particular person,also includes any other course of tuition or instruction if the undertaking of that course is the principal reason why that person wishes to be or is in New Zealand.“课程学习或培训”指为15岁以下儿童,或根据1964年教育法第85条(1)款规定由初级的、中级的、复合的、中等的、或特殊学校实施的,不论是在公立的、私立的或合而为一的学校享受免费教育的儿童收费课程或训练课程;并包括任何其他支付学费的课程或由学校、学院、机构、大学或其他机构或个人组织的教育,并使该人获得提高就业机会的教育或职业资格,不论是普通职业还是专门职业;并就特殊人员而言,包括任何付费课程或接受的教育,如果所上课程是该人希望或留在新西兰的主要原因。(新西兰1987年移民法第2条)
A body consisting of one or more judges who sit to adjudicate disputes and administer justice.包括一个或多个对争议进行裁决的法官并行使审判权的机构。
Court of Appeal(CA)上诉法庭
Any court which hears appeals from judgments and rulings of trial courts or lower appeals courts.受理对初审法院或初级上诉法院的判决及裁决上诉的法院。
courtesy visa礼遇签证
This type of visa is issued by a small number of countries to ex-foreign state leaders,former important officials of foreign governments,internationally well-known personages and friendly personages with comparatively high status to show special respect and preferential treatment to them;they enjoy similar treatment with those holders of diplomatic visas.此签证是少数国家发给外国前国家领导人、前政府重要官员、身份较高的国际知名人士及友好人士,以示对其尊重与优待;这类人享有与外交签证持有人同等的待遇。
See treaty.见条约。
CPA(Comprehensive Plan of Action)综合行动计划
See Comprehensive Plan of Action.见综合行动计划。
Comprehensive Plan of Action means the Comprehensive Plan of Action approved by the International Conference on Indo Chinese Refugees,held at Geneva,Switzerland,from 13 to 14 June 1989.指1989年6月13至14日在日内瓦举行的关于印支难民国际大会上批准的综合行动计划。(澳大利亚1958年移民法第91b条)
A ship or other vessel or aircraft.船只或其他舰船或飞行器。
Craft means any form of aircraft,ship,or other vehicle or vessel capable of being or intended to be used to transport any person to or from New Zealand from or to any country outside New Zealand.航行器指任何形状的飞艇、船只或其他车辆或能够用于或打算用来运输人员到或从新西兰去往或到达新西兰以外国家的船只。(新西兰2009年移民法第4条)
The quality of being believed or trusted.得到信任或受到信任的品质。
The Refugee Protection Division must take into account,with respect to the credibility of a claimant,whether the claimant possesses acceptable documentation establishing identity,and if not,whether they have provided a reasonable explanation for the lack of documentation or have taken reasonable steps to obtain the documentation.有关申请人的诚信问题,难民保护法庭必须考虑申请人是否拥有证明身份的证件;如果没有,对于证件缺失,申请人是否给予合理的解释,或是否考虑采取合理措施获取证件。(加拿大2001年移民与难民保护法第106条)
credibility assessment可信度评估
Step taken in adjudicating an application for a visa,or other immigration status,in order to determine whether the information presented by the applicant is consistent and believable.对签证或其他移徙身份的申请作出决定时采取的措施,以确定申请者提供的信息是否一贯和可信。
credible fear of persecution害怕被迫害的可信理由
See persecution.见迫害。
For purposes of this subparagraph,the term “credible fear of persecution” means that there is a significant possibility,taking into account the credibility of the statements made by the alien in support of the alien's claim and such other facts as are known to the officer,that the alien could establish eligibility for asylum under section 208.本条规定,“害怕被迫害的可信的理由”一词指表示考虑到外侨在支持其庇护要求所作的陈述的可信度以及该官员所了解的其他的事实,该外侨具备208条规定的庇护资格的可能性很大。(美国1996年移民与国籍法第235(b)(1)(B)(v)条)
All personnel operating or serving aboard an aircraft or a ship.在航行器或船只上操作或服务的人员。
Crew includes every seaman on a vessel,and every person employed in the operation of an aircraft or in any service rendered to the crew or passengers of such aircraft while in flight.全体船员(机务人员)包括船只上的每个海员,以及受雇在航行器工作的人员或向航班的机务人员或乘客提供服务索取报酬的人员。(汤加移民法1988年修订第2条)
Crew,in relation to a craft,—
(a)means every person employed or engaged in working or providing a service in or on the craft;and
(b)includes the person in charge of the craft.
Crew,in relation to a ship or aircraft,means all persons actually employed in the working or service of the ship or aircraft,including the captain,and “member of the crew” shall be construed accordingly.就船只或飞机而言,全体船员、全体机员指实际在船只或飞机上工作或服务的全部人员,包括船长或机长;而船员、机员亦须据此解释。(香港移民法2009年修订第2(1)条)
See crew.见全体船员/乘务员。
The term “crewman” means a person serving in any capacity on board a vessel or aircraft.指船只或航空器上服务的人员。(美国1996年移民与国籍法第101.10条)
crewman's landing permit(I-95)海员登陆证(I-95)(美)
An INS Form I-95(Crewman's Landing Permit)shows the date one arrived in the United States and the “Admitted Until” date,the date when his or her authorized period of stay expires.船员登陆证指证明其抵达美国的日期,以及入境截止日期,即授权居留失效日期的移民归化局I-95表格。
An act that the law makes punishable,also terms criminal wrong.法律进行惩罚的行为,也称为刑事过错行为。
A permanent resident or a foreign national is inadmissible on grounds of organized crimin-ality for engaging,in the context of transn-ational crime,in activities such as people smuggling,trafficking in persons or money laundering.任何永久居民或外国人如果从事跨国犯罪、走私人口、贩卖人口或从事洗钱的有组织犯罪,则不予入境。(加拿大2001年移民与难民保护法第37(1)(b)条)
Under international law,crimes against peace,war crimes,crimes against humanity,piracy,genocide,apartheid and terrorism are considered as international crimes.Every State has a duty to prosecute or extradite individuals responsible for the commission of those crimes;individual responsibility for those crimes is also enforceable at the international level(International Criminal Tribunals for Former Yugoslavia and Rwanda,International Criminal Court).根据国际法,反和平罪、战争罪、反人类罪、海盗、种族屠杀、种族隔离和恐怖主义被视为国际犯罪。每个国家有义务起诉和引渡犯有这些罪行的人员,对犯有此种罪行的人员也可在国际层面上进行惩处(前南斯拉夫、卢旺达国际刑事法庭,国际刑事法院)。相关词语 genocide(种族屠杀),terrorism(恐怖主义)
A permanent resident or a foreign national is inadmissible on grounds of organized crimin-ality for engaging,in the context of transn-ational crime,in activities such as people smuggling,trafficking in persons or money laundering.任何永久居民或外国人如果从事跨国犯罪、从事走私人口、贩卖人口或从事洗钱有组织犯罪,则不予入境。(加拿大2001年移民与难民保护法第37(1)(b)条)
Crimes Act 1914《1914年犯罪法案》(澳)
The Crimes Act 1914 is a piece of Federal legislation in Australia.Pursuant to the Australian Constitution,it prevails in any conflict with State laws dealing with the subject of crime.《1914年犯罪法案》是澳大利亚的联邦立法。根据澳大利亚宪法,此法经常用于与州法律冲突的涉及犯罪主体的案件中。
crimes against humanity违反人道的犯罪
Crimes against humanity means any of the following acts when committed as part of a widespread or systematic attack directed against any civilian population,with knowledge of the attack:(a)murder;(b)extermination;(c)enslavement;(d)deportation or forcible transfer of population;(e)imprisonment or other severe deprivation of physical liberty in violation of fundamental rules of international law;(f)torture;(g)rape,sexual slavery,enforced prostitution,forced pregnancy,enforced sterilization,or any other form of sexual violence of comparable gravity;(h)persecution against any identifiable group or collectivity on political,racial,national,ethnic,cultural,religious,gender as defined in para-graph 3,or other grounds that are universally recognized as impermissible under international law,in connection with any act referred to in this paragraph or any crime within the jurisdiction of the Court;(i)enforced disappearance of persons;(j)the crime of apartheid;(k)other inhumane acts of a similar character intentionally causing great suffering,or serious injury to body or to mental or physical health.违反人道犯罪指以下对任何平民实施大范围的或系统的攻击行为:(a)谋杀;(b)灭绝;(c)奴役;(d)人口的驱逐或强迫转移;(e)监禁或其他严重违反国际法基本原则剥夺人身自由;(f)酷刑;(g)强奸、性奴役、强迫怀孕、强迫绝育或任何其他类似形式严重的性暴力;(h)第3条款规定的,对任何同一团体或集团在政治、种族、国家、民族、文化、宗教、性别的迫害,或国际法禁止的其他公认的,与本条中所指的相关的任何行为或本法院裁决内的任何犯罪行为;(i)强迫人员失踪;(j)种族隔离罪;(k)故意造成重大痛苦,或对人体或身心健康造成严重伤害的其他性质的不人道行为。(国际刑事法院罗马规约第7条)
crimes against peace违反和平犯罪
Acts including the planning,preparing,initiating,or waging of a war of aggression or a war that is in violation of international treaties,agreements or assurances.违反和平犯罪包括计划、筹划、实施或发动侵略战争或违反国际条约、协议或保证的战争。相关词语 international crime(国际犯罪),crimes against humanity(违反人道犯罪),war crimes(战争犯罪)
criminal activity犯罪活动
See crime.见犯罪。
Paragraph(1)(a)does not lead to a determination of inadmissibility by reason only of the fact that the permanent resident or foreign national entered Canada with the assistance of a person who is involved in organized criminal activity.如果仅仅由于该永久居民或外国人进入加拿大时帮助涉嫌有组织犯罪活动的人员,第(1)(a)款的规定不会导致拒绝入境。(加拿大2001年移民与难民保护法第37(2)(b)条)
criminal alien犯罪外国人
Term used in various countries for a non-citizen convicted of a crime that results in his/her loss of residence status.在许多国家该术语用于在非公民因被判有罪而导致其丧失居留身份的情形。
Criminal Code《刑法》
A compilation of criminal laws,usu.defining and categorizing the offenses and setting forth their respective punishments.Also termed Penal Code.指刑法的汇编,通常将各种犯罪进行定义、分类并规定相应的惩罚。也称为刑法(Penal Code)。
criminal court刑事法庭
A court with jurisdiction over criminal matters.对刑事案件具有管辖权的法院。
criminal equivalency刑事相等(加拿大)
In determining whether an individual is criminally inadmissible,Citizenship and Immigration Canada(CIC)will assess the individual's criminal record in respect of the criminal code of Canada.A criminal act committed outside Canada will first be compared to an equivalent act in the Canadian criminal code.The act committed outside Canada will then be considered to have received the punishment that would have been received had it been committed in Canada,regardless of the actual punishment issued in the country where the act occurred.在确定某个体是否因为犯罪不可准入时,加拿大公民及移民局(Citizenship and Immigration Canada(CIC))会依据加拿大刑法对该人员进行犯罪记录评估。在加拿大境外所犯的罪行会首先与加刑法中的对等行为进行比较。在加境外的犯罪行为会被视为已经与在加境内所犯罪行一样受到了惩罚,尽管该惩罚是在犯罪事实发生地作出。
criminal gangs or networks犯罪团伙或网络
Groups of criminals,often acting across national borders to smuggle and sell illegal drugs.群体的罪犯,往往跨越国界走私和销售非法毒品。相关词语drugs(毒品),drugs-related crime(毒品有关的犯罪),action plan on drugs(毒品的行动计划)
criminal inadmissibility因犯罪不准入境(加拿大)
Individuals wishing to enter Canada either permanently or temporarily as visitors,foreign workers and international students may be denied entry if they or their dependents are deemed criminally inadmissible.A person may be considered inadmissible on the grounds of either:criminality;or serious criminality 作为访问者、外国工人以及留学生希望永久性或临时进入加拿大的,如果其或其家属由于犯罪而不予准入的,则不能进入加拿大。下列情形的人员不能进入加拿大:犯罪;或严重犯罪行为。
criminal investigation犯罪调查;刑事调查
An investigation which police officers or other persons have a duty to conduct with a view to it being ascertained whether a person should be charged with an offence,or whether a person charged with an offence is guilty of it.警察或其他有责人员确定某人是否应受到犯罪指控,或受指控的人员是否无辜而进行的调查。
Officers of one of the Contracting Parties who,as part of a criminal investigation,are keeping under surveillance in their country a person who is presumed to have participated in an extraditable criminal offence shall be authorised to continue their surveillance in the territory of another Contracting Party where the latter has authorised cross-border surveillance in response to a request for assistance made in advance.作为刑事调查的一部分,某一缔约国的官员在其领土境内对被认定参与了可引渡刑事犯罪的人员进行监视,应得到授权在另一缔约国境内继续监视,该另一缔约国要批准跨境监视回应事先提出的协助请求。(2000年申根协议第40.1条)
criminal jurisdiction刑事管辖(权)
A court's power to hear criminal cases.法院受理刑事案件的权力。
criminal justice刑事司法
The methods by which a society deals with those who are accused of having committed crime.社会对待受到指控犯罪的人员的方法。
criminal justice certificate刑事司法证书
For those who are not properly present in another country,a certificate with a statement that it is to be a criminal justice certificate will be issued.对于那些在他国不应居留的人员,会签发一种称为刑事司法证书的文书。
Criminal justice certificate means(a)a criminal justice entry certificate;or(b)a criminal justice stay certificate.指(a)刑事司法入境证书;或(b)刑事司法停留证书。(澳大利亚1958年移民法第142条)
criminal justice stay certificate刑事司法停留证
If a foreigner is to be likely removed, or a person for the purpose of Extradition Act, or the International War Crimes Tribunals Act, or that the person remains in another country temporarily for the purposes of the admini-stration of criminal justice in relation to an offence against a law of the State, a criminal justice stay certificate may be given as the stay of that person's removal or deportation is required for the administration of criminal justice. 如果外国人即将受到驱逐,或为《引渡法》中规定的人员,或《国际战争罪行法庭法》中提及的人员,或者违反他国法律犯罪而需要在该国因刑事司法管辖原因临时在该国停留,此时就需要签发刑事司法停留证书,因为受到驱逐或遣返人员的停留出于刑事司法管辖目的。
Criminal justice stay certificate means a certificate given under section 147 or 148.刑事司法停留证指依据第147条或148条授予的证书。(澳大利亚1958年移民法第142条)
criminal matters刑事案件
Criminal matters are those relating to illegal conduct considered to be harmful to society. The criminal division hears all criminal matters including felony, misdemeanor and serious traffic case. 刑事案件是指那些被认为对社会造成伤害的严重违法行为。刑事法庭对所有刑事案件进行审理,包括重罪、轻罪及严重交通案件。
Information requested shall be communicated to the requesting Party in accordance with national law and the Conventions in force on mutual assistance in criminal matters.根据国家法律以及生效的刑事事项互助协议的规定,被要求的信息应传送给提出要求的缔约国。(2000年申根协议第98.2条)
criminal offences刑事犯罪
(Criminal law)an act punished by law,usually considered an evil act.受到法律(刑法)处罚的行为,通常为恶行。相关词语judicial-criminal(司法-刑事),economic and financial offences(经济和金融犯罪)
criminal organization犯罪组织
Criminal organization means a group,that is composed of three or more persons in or outside a country;and has as one of its main purposes or main activities that facilitation or commi-ssion of one or more serious offences that,if committed would likely result in the direct or indirect receipt of material benefits,including a financial benefit,by the group or by any of the persons who constitute the group.犯罪组织指由三人或以上人员组成的在一国境内或境外的团伙;主要目的或主要活动是协助或犯有一次或多次严重犯罪。严重犯罪的结果就是该团伙或构成团伙的任何人员直接或间接获得巨大利益,包括经济利益。
Criminal organization means an organization that is believed on reasonable grounds to be or to have been engaged in activity that is part of a pattern of criminal activity planned and organized by a number of persons acting in concert in furtherance of the commission of an offence punishable under an Act of Parliament by way of indictment or in furtherance of the commission of an offence outside Canada that,if committed in Canada,would constitute such an offence.“犯罪组织”是指有充分证据相信某组织从事或曾经从事某种形式的犯罪活动,其由若干人计划组织,依照《议会法案》以控诉方式,可对其进行惩处的犯罪活动,或在加拿大境外进行违法活动,若此罪行发生在加拿大,会构成此类的犯罪。(加拿大2001年移民与难民保护法第121.2条)
criminal proceedings刑事诉讼
A proceeding instituted to determine a person's guilt or innocence or to set a convicted person's punishment;a criminal hearing or trial.决定一人有罪或无罪或对判决有罪人员处罚的诉讼;刑事听证或审判。
Mutual assistance shall also be afforded in civil actions joined to criminal proceedings,as long as the criminal court has not yet taken a final decision in the criminal proceedings.在联合参与的刑事诉讼中的民事行为,只要刑事法庭尚未在刑事诉讼中作出最后裁决,就应该提供互助。(2000年申根协议第49(d)条)
criminal record犯罪记录;前科
A criminal record or police record is a record of a person's criminal history,generally used by potential employers,lenders etc.to assess his or her trustworthiness.The information included in a criminal record and the existence of a criminal record varies between countries and even between jurisdictions within a country.In some counties the record is limited to actual conviction,while in others it includes arrests,charges dismissed,charges pending,and even charges of which the subject has been acquitted.犯罪记录或警察记录是一个人的犯罪历史,雇主、贷款人等常用此来评估该人的信誉。犯罪记录包括的信息、犯罪记录的形式国家间各不相同,甚至一国内的司法管辖都有差异。在一些国家,记录只限于实际的犯罪,而在其他国家,则包括逮捕、驳回的指控、待决指控,甚至包括主体免于起诉的指控。
criminal removal刑事驱逐(美)
The deportation,exclusion,or removal of an alien who has(1)been charged under a section of the Immigration and Nationality Act that requires a criminal conviction and that charge is the basis for the removal or(2)a criminal conviction noted in the Deportable Alien Control System(DACS)for a crime that renders the alien removable.An alien with an appropriate criminal conviction is considered a criminal alien regardless of the section of law under which the alien was removed.对于下列人员的递解出境、驱逐或遣送离境,(1)根据《移民与国籍法》的条款受到指控的,需进行刑事定罪的且该指控为驱逐前提的;(2)驱逐外籍人士控制系统中列出的外籍人受到驱逐的犯罪。无论依据哪条法律对该外国人驱逐,量刑适当的外籍人士应视为犯罪的外国人。
criminality checks犯罪核实
Checks made with authorities to find out if someone has a criminal record.与相关部门所进行的调查以发现某人是否有犯罪记录。
cross border farming permit过境耕作许可证
A permit that allows border residents to farm cross the border between two countries.允许边民越过边境到对方边境地区农耕的许可证。
cross-border assistance跨境援助(欧盟)
The Commission is currently preparing minimum standards that citizens who are involved in cross-border legal cases can expect with regard to obtaining legal aid.Direct financial assistance would be included.委员会目前正在制定使涉及跨境案件的公民得到司法援助的最低标准。包括直接的财政援助。相关词语legal aid(法律援助)
cross-border cooperation跨境合作
In migration context, some countries cooperate with each other so to effectively manage the flow of persons and goods, particularly in the field of criminality. Currently the Chinese government has established the Shanghai Cooperation Organization with Russia and other countries. China also has carries out joint patrol along the Mekong River with Thailand, Vietnam and Burma. China has conducted cooperation with some countries in Europe to fight crime in migration. In other regions of the world, the EU has introduced mechanisms to support cooperation between the Member States' police, notably Europol, the European Police College, and a European Rapid Reaction Force. 移徙背景下,一些国家之间开展合作以更有效地管理人员、货物的流动,特别是加强了犯罪领域的合作。目前中国已与俄罗斯等国建立了上海合作组织。与泰国、越南、缅甸开展了湄公河联合巡逻。与欧洲一些国家建立了合作关系打击移徙领域的犯罪。在其他地区,欧盟推出了支持各会员国的警察特别是欧洲刑警组织、欧洲警察学院和欧洲快速反应部队之间合作的机制。相关词语 immigrant(移民),alien(外国人),cross-border crime(跨境犯罪)cross-border disputes跨境争端
Parties who find themselves involved in disputes across different States may wish to cooperate to find a solution.This can be done through alternative dispute resolution(ADR).卷入不同国家纠纷的当事人,希望进行合作以找到解决办法。这可以通过替代性争端解决(ADR)。
cross-border migration跨境移徙
A process of movement of persons across international borders.跨越国际边界人员流动的过程。
cross-border surveillance跨界监视(欧盟)
Given that police controls at internal borders have been removed,the Schengen agreement introduced provisions for improving police cooperation in the area of cross-border surveillance.考虑到内部边界的警察管制已经取消,申根协定对跨边界监管区域的警务合作作出了规定。
crossing point过境点;越境点
See check point.见检查站。
Border crossing point shall mean any crossing point authorised by the competent authorities for crossing external borders.过境点指由主管当局批准的跨越外部边境的任何过境站。(2000年申根协议第1条)
C.SIS means the technical support function of SIS 1+,containing the reference database for SIS 1+ and the uniform national interface(N.COM).申根信息中央系统指申根信息系统1+的技术支持功能,包括信息系统1+的数据库查询以及国家统一接口(N.COM)。(欧盟有关移民的第二代申根信息系统2(b)条)
Cuban/Haitian entrant古巴/海地入境者(美)
A national of Cuba or Haiti who(1)was paroled into the U.S.,whether the parole document expressly states “Cuban/Haitian entrant” or not(except those paroled solely for criminal prosecution or to give testimony),or was granted any other special status established by immigration law for nationals of Cuba or Haiti,or(2)was paroled for criminal prosecution or to give testimony,or has a pending exclusion or deportation case,or applied for asylum,provided that he or she is not subject to a final order of deportation or exclusion.Cuban/Haitian entrants are included within the refugee exemption for benefits.指下列情况的古巴或海地国民:(1)临时入境美国,无论是否持有标注“古巴/海地入境者”的临时证件(除那些由于刑事诉讼或作证临时入境外),或根据专为古巴或海地国民制定的移民法,被授予其他身份的人员,或(2)由于刑事诉讼或作证临时入境的,或涉及中止驱逐或递解出境案件临时入境的,或申请庇护临时入境的,只要其不是递解出境或最终驱逐令的主体。古巴/海地入境者包括利益豁免的难民。
cultural affinity-based acquisition(acquisition of nationality based on cultural affinity)基于文化亲和力而获得国籍(基于文化亲和力的国籍获得)
Any mode of acquisition of nationality after birth on the basis of a particular cultural background,e.g.for persons of a particular ethnicity,mother tongue or colloquial language and/or religious affiliation.出生后,在特定文化背景基础上,对于某特别族群、母语或口头语言及/或宗教关系的人员而言获得国籍的方式。
cultural diversity文化多样性
Culture takes diverse forms across time and space.This diversity is embodied in the uniqueness and plurality of the identities of the groups and societies making up humankind and is a source of exchange,innovation and creati-vity.文化在时间和空间具有多样形式。这种多样性体现在群体身份及组成人类社会的独特性和多元性,这种多样性是交流、革新和创造的源泉。相关词语multiculturalism(多元文化)
cultural orientation文化导向;文化定位
Training courses provided to migrants that seek to impart knowledge of the host country,and may include its history,geography,language.为那些希望增加接受国知识的移民提供的培训课程,包括其历史、地理、语言。相关词语culture(文化),integration(融合)
cultural pluralism文化多元化
Taken to mean,in increasingly diverse societies,ensuring harmonious interaction among people and groups with plural,varied and dynamic cultural identities as well as their willingness to live together.Policies for the inclusion and participation of all citizens are guarantees of social cohesion,the vitality of civil society and peace.Thus defined,cultural pluralism gives policy expression to the reality of cultural diversity.指在日益多元化的社会,确保具有多元的、不同的及动态的文化特性民族及团体间的和谐互动、共处。主张全体公民融入并参与的政策是社会团结、公众社会活力及和平的保证。因此,这种文化多元化是与文化多样性这一现实相对应的政策。
Culture should be regarded as the set of distinctive spiritual,material,intellectual and emotional features of society or a social group,and that it encompasses,in addition to art and literature,lifestyles,ways of living together,value systems,traditions and beliefs.文化应视为社会或社会团体独特的精神、物质、智力及情感特征,除艺术、文学外,并包括生活方式、共处方式、价值观体系、传统及信仰。
curtailment of leave缩短居留;缩短停留
Curtailment means “cutting short” and in immigration law the term is a reference to cutting short a person's leave.This might be done where the person does not observe the conditions on which the leave was granted,or where they have ceased to satisfy the requirements of the Immigration Rules for their particular category of leave.就移民法而言,该术语指缩短某人停留期限。原因是该人员未遵守授权停留的条件,或者其不能满足移民法某特别类型停留的要求。
custodial functions监管职责
Custodial functions means custodial functions at a detention centre.监管功能指羁押中心的监管职责。
A detainee custody officer exercising custodial functions has power—(a)to search(in accordance with rules made by the Secretary of State)any detained person in relation to whom the officer is exercising custodial functions; and(b)to search any other person who is in, or is seeking to enter, any place where any such detained person is or is to be held, and any article in the possession of such a person. 行使监管职能的拘留看管人员有权——(a)对其行使监管职责的被羁押人员进行搜查(根据国务大臣制定的规定);并(b)搜查那些进入或即将进入关押被羁押人员的或即将关押被羁押人员场所的任何其他人员及其携带的所有物品。(英国1999年移民与庇护法列表11第2(1)条)
A person or institution that has charge or custody(of a child,property,papers or other valuables).负责掌管或拥有监护权(儿童、财产、公文或其他贵重物品)的人员或机构。
Responsibility for the care and control of an individual.A court might assign custody of a minor to a relative or other guardian.A person who is detained by authorities is “in custody”.监护指对某人有责任进行照顾和管理。法院可将未成年人交与亲属或其他监护人进行监护。被当局拘禁的人被称作“处于监禁中”。
custody awaiting deportation安置等待驱逐人员
For those who have been issued deportation order, they can not be removed immediately to their home country or to the country they come from. They need to wait for some time, hence the immigration authority need arrange those people in removal center or detention center if they committed crimes. 对于驱逐令签发对象而言,不可能在驱逐令下达时立即被驱逐至其祖国或之前这些人来的国家。得需要等待一些时日,因此移民机构就需要对这些人进行安置,或在驱逐中心或如果其为犯罪人员就要被羁押在拘留中心。
custody decree管养令;监护令
A decree awarding or modifying child custody.判决或改变儿童监护的命令。
customary law,international习惯法,国际的
A source of international law.The two criteria for a norm to be recognized as “customary law” are state practice and opinion juris(a conception that the practice is required by or consistent with the prevailing law).国际法的来源之一。规范的“习惯法”的两个标准是,国家实践和法律确认(现有法律要求实践要与现有法律的概念保持一致)。相关词语general principles of international law(国际法一般原则),international law(public)(国际法(公共的)),subject of international law(国际法主体)
Customs & Border Protection(CBP)海关及边境保护局(CBP)(美)
An agency with the Department of Homeland Security,Customs and Border Protection is responsible for immigration enforcement at the port-of-entries into the U.S.CBP is headed by the Commissioner,who is appointed by the president.美国国土安全部的一个机构,海关和边境保护局负责美国入境口岸的移民执法,海关和边境保护局的局长由总统任命。
Customs & Border Protection(CBP)Officer海关及边境保护局官员(美)
Customs and Border Protection Officers are stationed at all United States ports of entry to provide the actual determination of a foreign national's period of legal stay in the United States,which will be noted upon a Form I-94 presented upon entry.CBP officers are authorized to instigate a secondary investigation to determine in a more detailed manner a traveler's eligibility to enter the US.海关及边境保护局的官员分散在美国所有的入境口岸,以确定外国人在美国合法停留的期限,该期限的长短在入境时标注在I-94表格上。CBP官员得到授权进行二次调查以更详细地确定入境美国旅行人员符合条件。
Customs Cooperation Working Group(CCWG)海关合作工作组(CCWG)(欧盟)
Collective body comprising EU Member States' law enforcement agencies,set up to fight serious cross-border crime.工作组为包括欧盟成员国法律执行机构在内的集合体,该工作组的建立旨在打击严重跨境犯罪。
customs duty关税
A customs duty is an indirect tax levied on the import or export of goods in international trade.关税是一种对进口或出口货物征收的间接税。
customs information system海关信息系统(欧盟)
A secure electronic database between Member States' customs services designed to assist in preventing,investigating and prosecuting serious breaches of national laws by increasing,through exchange of information,the effectiveness of customs administrations.成员国的海关机构间的安全电子数据库,通过信息交流,预防、调查和起诉对国家法律严重违背情况,以增加海关管理的有效性。相关词语customs(海关)
customs officers海关官员
A customs officer is a law enforcement agent who enforces customs laws,on behalf of a government.海关官员指代表一国政府实施海关法的执法官员。
Customs officer has the meaning given to it by section 2(1)of the Customs and Excise Act 1996.海关官员指《1996年海关关税与消费税法案》第2(1)条规定的人员。(新西兰2009年移民法第4条)
cut-off date截止日期(美)
Since certain aliens are subject to the restrictions of the annual immigrant visa quota and the quota is periodically full for some categories, the State Department publishes a monthly waiting list based on applicants’ priority dates to regulate those who are eligible to apply for adjustment of status to permanent resident or Consular Processing. On the list, the State Department provides a date for each category of preferences for both family-based and employment-based immigrant applications. This date is known as cut-off date. 由于某些外国人受到年度移民签证名额和某些类别名额已满的限制,美国国务院会发布一个基于优先日期的月度签证排期表以调控符合身份调整为永久居民的申请人优先日期或进行领事程序日期。在这个列表上,国务院会分别为家庭移民申请和就业移民申请的每个优先类别规定一个日期,这个日期即为截止日期。
Crime committed through the Internet involving,for example,illegal pornographic material or hacking.通过因特网的犯罪行为,如通过互联网进行非法色情材料传播或黑客。
Denotes the platform for information and communication offered by the Internet.指由互联网提供的信息和通信的平台。