Section 5 维修服务
166. 请问这里是维修部吗?
Is this the Maintenance Department?
maintenance department 维修部
A: Is this the Maintenance Department? 请问这里是维修部吗?
B: Yes. What can I do for you? 是的。能为您做什么吗?
● 这里是维修部。This is the Maintenance Department.
● 请找维修部。Maintenance Department, please.
167. 我房间的空调坏了。
The air conditioner in my room doesn’t work.
A: What’s wrong? 怎么了?
B: The air conditioner in my room doesn’t work. 我房间的空调坏了。
● 热水器又坏了。The water heater is broken again.
● 服务器坏了。The server’s down.
● 它出故障了。It’s on the fritz.
water heater 热水器
你知道吗 work除了“工作”的意思,还可表示“(机器等的)运作”。
168. 电视有毛病了。
The TV is not working well.
A: Is there anything I can do for you? 我能为您效劳吗?
B: The TV is not working well. 电视有毛病了。
169. 我想电视好像出问题了。画面摇摆不定。
I’m afraid there’s something wrong with the TV. The picture is wobbly.
A: What else can I do for you? 还有什么需要做的吗?
B: Ah, I’m afraid there’s something wrong with the TV. The picture is wobbly. 啊,我想电视好像出问题了。画面摇摆不定。
170. 这房间里的灯光太暗了。
The light in this room is too dim.
A: The light in this room is too dim. 这房间里的灯光太暗了。
B: I’ll give you a table lamp. 我会给您一个台灯。
171. 我房间的灯好像坏了。
There might be something wrong with the lamp in my room.
A: There might be something wrong with the lamp in my room. 我房间的灯好像坏了。
B: Sorry, sir. I will bring you a new one. 很抱歉,先生。我马上拿个新的给您。
172. 灯泡烧坏了。
The light bulb has burned out.
A: The light bulb has burned out. 灯泡烧坏了。
B: I’ll bring a new one for you right now. 马上为您换新的。
light bulb 灯泡
burn out 烧坏
● 电视机有故障了。The TV set is not working well.
● 这个钟一定是坏了。There must be something wrong with the clock.
● 我房间的电视坏了。The TV doesn’t work in my room.
173. 马桶不能冲水。
The toilet does not flush.
A: What’s wrong, sir? 先生,出什么问题了?
B: The toilet does not flush. 马桶不能冲水。
● 我房间里的抽水马桶好像出了点毛病。There seems to be something wrong with the toilet.
● 下水道又堵了。 The drain is blocked again.
=The drain is clogged again.
● 下水道堵了。There’s something clogging the drain.
flush 冲水
clog 淤滞
你知道吗 toilet除“厕所”外,还表示“马桶”,toilet bowl也可表示“马桶”。
174. 厕所好像出了点毛病。
There seems to be something wrong with the toilet.
A: What’s wrong? 怎么了?
B: There seems to be something wrong with the toilet. 厕所好像出了点毛病。
175. 堵了。
It’s clogged.
A: Oh, it’s clogged... It’s all right now. You may try it.哦,堵了……现在好了。你试试。
B: Yes. It’s working now. Thank you. 是的。现在好了。谢谢你。
176. 水龙头一整夜都在滴水。我无法入睡。
The water tap drips all night long. I can hardly sleep.
A: The water tap drips all night long. I can hardly sleep. 水龙头一整夜都在滴水。我无法入睡。
B: I’m very sorry, sir. Some part needs to be replaced. I will be back soon. 对不起,先生。有些零件需要更换。我马上就回来。
177. 麻烦你们来检查一下好吗?
Could you check it out, please?
A: Could you check it out, please? 麻烦你们来检查一下好吗?
B: Don’t worry. Let me see. 别担心。让我看看。
● 能派人来修一下吗? Could you send someone to fix it?
● 能派人来吗? Could you send someone up?
● 热水器又坏了。你能修一下吗? The water heater isn’t working again. Can you fix it?
178. 桌子有些晃动,恐怕需要修理一下。
The desk is a little bit unsteady and it seems to need fixing.
a little bit 有点
A: The desk is a little bit unsteady and it seems to need fixing. 桌子有些晃动,恐怕需要修理一下。
B: OK. I’ll be there in a few minutes. 好的。我几分钟后到。
● 您能修理一下吗? Can you fix it?
● 椅子坏了;该修了。The chair is broken; it needs fixing.
179. 可是这里现在没有人手。您能等一下吗?
But we don’t have anyone available right now. Can you wait
a moment, please?
A: But we don’t have anyone available right now. Can you wait a moment, please? 可是这里现在没有人手。您能等一下吗?
B: All right. But you should promise to send someone here as soon as possible. 好吧。但是你们得承诺尽快派人过来。
180. 我马上处理这件事。
I’ll deal with it immediately.
A: I’ll deal with it immediately. 我马上处理这件事。
B: I’m here waiting for you. 我就在这儿等着你们。
● 我们能找人修理它。We can have it repaired.
● 我派人去请维修部的电工过来。I’ll send for an electrician from the Maintenance Department.
● 我们马上派人来修。We’ll send someone to repair it immediately.
你知道吗 deal with 处理;handle也可表示“处理”。
Maintenance Department
John: Is this the Maintenance Department?
Green: Yes. Can I help you?
John: The air conditioner in my room doesn’t work.
Green: Can you tell us your room number?
John: Room 308.
Green: OK. We will be there right now.
约翰: 请问这里是维修部吗?
格林: 是的。您需要什么帮助?
约翰: 我房间的空调坏了。
格林: 能告诉我们您的房间号吗?
约翰: 308房间。
格林: 好的。我们马上就到。
1. The air conditioner in my room doesn’t work.
跟服务人员说完房间里的设备故障后,如果想问对方能不能马上派人来修,就可以说:Can you send someone to fix it right now?
2. OK. We will be there right now.
当对方听完你描述的故障后,通常还会说:I’ll have that taken care of immediately.(我马上派人来处理。)