Section 7 酒店投诉
194. 我能见经理吗? 我要投诉。
Could I see the manager please? I have a complaint.
A: Could I see the manager please? I have a complaint. 我能见经理吗? 我要投诉。
B: Yes, I’m the manager here. What can I do for you, Madam? 好的,我就是这里的经理。我能为您做点什么吗,女士?
195. 这儿的前台接待员很没礼貌。
The receptionist here is very impolite.
A: You seem unhappy. What’s wrong? 你看起来不太高兴。怎么了?
B: The receptionist here is very impolite. 这儿的前台接待员很没礼貌。
● 困扰我的并不是他的行为;而是他的态度。It’s not his work that bothers me; it’s his attitude.
● 你得改变你的态度。You have to change your attitude.
● 你的态度有问题。You have an attitude problem.
● 你们的服务态度很差,我想跟你们的经理谈谈。Your service has been really appalling. I’d like to talk to your manager.
● 我对他的态度非常反感。I’m so pissed-off with his attitude.
be pissed-off with对……生气
你知道吗 impolite意思是“没礼貌的”,与之相应的polite就是“有礼貌的”,常用搭配:be polite to sb.(对……有礼貌)。
196. 我要投诉你的职员。我从未遇过如此恶劣的服务。
I want to complain about your staff. I have never had such
bad service.
A: I want to complain about your staff. I have never had such bad service. 我要投诉你的职员。我从未遇过如此恶劣的服务。
B: Simmer down, please. I apologize to you. Can you tell me the details?
simmer down 平静下来,冷静下来
197. 真没想到你们的服务这么糟糕。
I can’t believe your service is so awful.
A: I can’t believe your service is so awful. 真没想到你们的服务这么糟糕。
B: I’m terribly sorry. Please take a seat. I’ll soon have something arranged for you. 很抱歉。请坐一会儿。我尽快为您安排。
198. 我放在桌子上的手表不见了。
My watch which I put on the table is missing.
A: My watch which I put on the table is missing. 我放在桌子上的手表不见了。
B: I am sorry. You should have deposited valuables with the reception.
deposit 存放
valuable 贵重物品
● 我丢了一块带蓝色花边的白手帕。I lost a white handkerchief with a blue border.
● 他丢了信用卡。He lost his credit card.
● 我的护照丢了。My passport is missing.
199. 我需要投诉。我放在房间里的钱丢了。
I’m afraid I have to make a complaint. Some money has gone missing from my hotel room.
A: I’m afraid I have to make a complaint. Some money has gone missing from my hotel room. 我需要投诉。我放在房间里的钱丢了。
B: Don’t worry. I’ll call the police. 别担心。我去给警察打电话。
200. 隔壁房间的客人很吵,打扰到了我。
The guest next door makes so much noise that disturbs me.
A: The guest next door makes so much noise that disturbs me. 隔壁房间的客人很吵,打扰到了我。
B: OK, I will deal with that. 好的,我会处理这个问题的。
● 我妻子被运送行李的电梯发出的噪声弄醒了几次。My wife was woken up several times by the noise the baggage elevator made.
● 这房间太冷了。我睡觉时感到很冷。The room is too cold for me. I feel rather cold when I sleep.
201. 能给我换个房间吗? 太吵了。
Can you change the room for me? It’s too noisy.
A: Can you change the room for me? It’s too noisy.
能给我换个房间吗? 太吵了。
B: Yes. I’m awfully sorry, sir. 好的。非常抱歉,先生。
202. 新换的被罩上还是有污迹。
There is still a stain on the newly changed quilt cover.
quilt cover 被罩
A: What’s the matter, madam? 有什么事吗,女士?
B: There is still a stain on the newly changed quilt cover. 新换的被罩上还是有污迹。
● 请给我换个干净的。Please get me a clean one.
203. 我等了很长时间,可还是没人来打扫我的房间。
I have been waiting here for a long time, but still no one comes
to tidy up my room.
A: I have been waiting here for a long time, but still no one comes to tidy up my room. 我等了很长时间,可还是没人来打扫我的房间。
B: I’m awfully sorry, sir. 非常对不起,先生。
● 她把地板扫干净了。She swept the floor clean.
● 帮我打扫打扫屋子。Help me clean up the house.
tidy up 整理
clean up 打扫
204. 我的房间有个小问题——床没整理。
I’m afraid there’s a slight problem with my room—the bed
hasn’t been made.
A: I’m afraid there’s a slight problem with my room—the bed hasn’t been made. 我的房间有个小问题——床没整理。
B: I’m really sorry. I’ll send someone to do that right now. 真的很抱歉。我马上派人去整理。
205. 我洗澡刚洗了10分钟就没有热水了。
I ran out of hot water in the middle of a 10-minute shower.
run out of 用完
A: I ran out of hot water in the middle of a 10-minute shower. 我洗澡刚洗了10分钟就没有热水了。
B: Sorry, sir. I’ll solve the problem for you as soon as possible. 很抱歉,先生。我将尽快为您解决问题。
● 没有热水。There is no hot water.
206. 送餐服务太慢了,食物也很差劲。
The room service is too slow and the food is awful.
A: What about this hotel? 这家酒店怎么样?
B: The room service is too slow and the food is awful. 送餐服务太慢了,食物也很差劲。
● 这个饭店的服务质量已经有了很大改善。The quality of service in this restaurant has improved a lot.
● 她说这使她难以忍受。She said it was too much for her.
207. 我刚才检查了你们给我洗的衣服,发现我的衬衣洗坏了。
I just examined the clothes you washed for me, and I found
my shirt has been damaged.
A: May I help you, sir? 先生,能为您效劳吗?
B: I just examined the clothes you washed for me, and I found my shirt has been damaged. 我刚才检查了你们给我洗的衣服,发现我的衬衣洗坏了。
Making Complains
Kate:Good morning, sir. What can I do for you?
Bell:I’m Bell. I’m in Room 908. Can you change the room for me? It’s too noisy. My wife was woken up several times by the noise the baggage elevator made. She said it was too much for her.
Kate:I’m awfully sorry, sir. I do apologize. Room 908 is at the end of the corridor. It’s possible that the noise is heard early in the morning when all is quiet.
Bell:Anyhow, I’d like to change our room.
Kate:No problem, sir. We’ll manage it, but we don’t have any spare room today. Could you wait till tomorrow? The American People-to-People Education Delegation will be leaving tomorrow morning. There’ll be some rooms for you to choose from.
Bell:All right. I hope we’ll be able to enjoy our stay in a quiet suite tomorrow evening and have a sound sleep.
Kate:Be sure. I’ll make a note of that. Everything will be taken care of. And if there is anything more you need, please let us know.
Bell:All right. Thank you.
贝尔:我叫贝尔。我住在908房间。你能给我换一间房间吗? 那个房间太吵了。我的妻子被运行李的电梯的噪声吵醒了好几次。她认为她已经受不了这噪声了。
凯特:没问题先生。我们会替您安排,但是今天没有空房间了。您能等到明天吗? 美国民间教育代表团在明天早上会离开。那时会有房间供您选择。
1.My wife was woken up several times by the noise the baggage elevator made.
wake up在口语中经常用于祈使句中,不仅表示“醒来,起床”。还有“振作起来”的意思。如You must wake up!(你必须振作起来!)
2.I’ll make a note of that.
make a note of ... 的意思是“把……记录下来”,如果我们想说“铭记于心”“牢记某事”,则可以用make a mental note of...来表示。如Sorry, I forget. I’ll make a mental note of it next time.(不好意思,我忘记了。下次我会记住的。)