IBM Lotus Domino: Classic Web Application Development Techniques

Chapter 1. Preparation and Habits

A fresh start is invigorating, a chance to look forward with high expectations and new resolve. It's a time to put into practice all the lessons you have learned and to put behind you the issues and problems which previously bogged you down. Take advantage of every fresh start. Look forward to and accept every new challenge and opportunity.

Especially when starting a new job, it is important to take stock of your skills, both technical and non-technical. If you succeeded wildly at your last job or project, then hooray for you! Do it again! But if you fell short in some ways, resolve to do better.

The topics in this chapter address the human and organizational context within which you will develop your Domino applications. Most of these suggestions are relatively non-technical, as they deal with how you might organize yourself and your time and how you might work more effectively with your customers. Topics focus on these key issues:

  • Preparing yourself as a Domino developer
  • The importance of using standards and guidelines
  • Planning your work
  • Handling a development project
  • Documenting your design