Learn Ansible

Running the role

Now that we have our role written, we can add it to our playbook:


- hosts: boxes
gather_facts: true
become: yes
become_method: sudo

- group_vars/common.yml

- roles/common
- roles/apache
- roles/mariadb

Again, we can rerun the playbook using:

$ ansible-playbook -i production site.yml

This will work through the common and Apache roles before moving on to the MariaDB equivalent. This playbook output starts just before the the MariaDB role begins:

TASK [roles/apache : set the selinux allowing httpd_t to be permissive] ***************************************************************************************************
ok: [box]

TASK [roles/apache : copy the test HTML page to the document root] ********************************************************************************************************
ok: [box]

TASK [roles/mariadb : remove the packages so that they can be replaced] ***************************************************************************************************
changed: [box] => (item=[u'mariadb-libs.x86_64'])

TASK [roles/mariadb : install the mariadb packages] ***********************************************************************************************************************
changed: [box] => (item=[u'mariadb101u', u'mariadb101u-server', u'mariadb101u-config', u'mariadb101u-common', u'mariadb101u-libs', u'MySQL-python', u'postfix'])

TASK [roles/mariadb : start mariadb] **************************************************************************************************************************************
changed: [box]

TASK [roles/mariadb : change mysql root password] *************************************************************************************************************************
changed: [box] => (item=
changed: [box] => (item=::1)
changed: [box] => (item=
changed: [box] => (item=%)
changed: [box] => (item=localhost)

TASK [roles/mariadb : set up .my.cnf file] ********************************************************************************************************************************
changed: [box]

TASK [roles/mariadb : delete anonymous MySQL user] ************************************************************************************************************************
ok: [box] => (item=
ok: [box] => (item=::1)
changed: [box] => (item=
ok: [box] => (item=%)
changed: [box] => (item=localhost)

TASK [roles/mariadb : remove the MySQL test database] *********************************************************************************************************************
changed: [box]

TASK [roles/mariadb : download and unarchive the sample database data] ****************************************************************************************************
changed: [box]

TASK [roles/mariadb : create the sample database] *************************************************************************************************************************
changed: [box]

TASK [roles/mariadb : create the user for the sample database] ************************************************************************************************************
changed: [box] => (item=
ok: [box] => (item=::1)
ok: [box] => (item=
ok: [box] => (item=%)
ok: [box] => (item=localhost)

TASK [roles/mariadb : check to see if we need to import the sample database dumps] ****************************************************************************************
ok: [box]

TASK [roles/mariadb : import the sample database] *************************************************************************************************************************
changed: [box] => (item=employees.sql)
changed: [box] => (item=load_departments.dump)
changed: [box] => (item=load_employees.dump)
changed: [box] => (item=load_dept_emp.dump)
changed: [box] => (item=load_dept_manager.dump)
changed: [box] => (item=load_titles.dump)
changed: [box] => (item=load_salaries1.dump)
changed: [box] => (item=load_salaries2.dump)
changed: [box] => (item=load_salaries3.dump)
changed: [box] => (item=show_elapsed.sql)

PLAY RECAP ****************************************************************************************************************************************************************
box : ok=26 changed=11 unreachable=0 failed=0

If we were to rerun the playbook, the final part of the playbook run returns the following:

TASK [roles/mariadb : download and unarchive the sample database data] ****************************************************************************************************
ok: [box]

TASK [roles/mariadb : create the sample database] *************************************************************************************************************************
ok: [box]

TASK [roles/mariadb : create the user for the sample database] ************************************************************************************************************
ok: [box] => (item=
ok: [box] => (item=::1)
ok: [box] => (item=
ok: [box] => (item=%)
ok: [box] => (item=localhost)

TASK [roles/mariadb : check to see if we need to import the sample database dumps] ****************************************************************************************
ok: [box]

TASK [roles/mariadb : import the sample database] *************************************************************************************************************************
skipping: [box] => (item=employees.sql)
skipping: [box] => (item=load_departments.dump)
skipping: [box] => (item=load_employees.dump)
skipping: [box] => (item=load_dept_emp.dump)
skipping: [box] => (item=load_dept_manager.dump)
skipping: [box] => (item=load_titles.dump)
skipping: [box] => (item=load_salaries1.dump)
skipping: [box] => (item=load_salaries2.dump)
skipping: [box] => (item=load_salaries3.dump)
skipping: [box] => (item=show_elapsed.sql)

PLAY RECAP ****************************************************************************************************************************************************************
box : ok=25 changed=0 unreachable=0 failed=0

As you can see, the checks we put in place to not reimport the database dumps worked as expected. We can test our MariaDB installation using a tool such as Sequel Pro or MySQL Workbench; just use the following host and credentials to connect:

  • Host192.168.50.4.nip.io
  • Port: 3306
  • Username: root
  • PasswordPa55W0rd123

The following screenshot is taken from Sequel Pro and shows the employees table, which we imported into the employees database :

Now that we have MariaDB installed, configured, and some sample data imported, let's take a look at creating a role that installs PHP, the final component of our LAMP stack.