Adding a Flourish and applying filters
The Content library in Motion is a great way to start to visualize some of the possibilities Motion has to offer. In this recipe, we'll be taking a look at some of the possibilities that are available with combining some content from Motion's library along with some filters.
How to do it...
- Launch Motion. Set the Preset to
, Frame Rate to29.97
, and Duration to10
seconds. Click OK. - Click on the Library tab. Go to the Content category. There are 1349 items to choose from. Click the magnifying glass at the bottom-left of the window. Type in Flourish, as shown in the following screenshot:
- Select Flourish and click Apply to add it to the project.
- Click the disclosure triangle to reveal the content of the Flourish group. It consists of an Ornament layer that is turned off and is referenced by a replicator. The replicator controls how many ornaments we see, while the Sequence Replicator behavior controls how the ornaments are being animated on screen. Clear the search field by clicking on the x icon in the search window.
- Go to the Filters category. Go to the Distortion subcategory and select the Mirror filter. Drag it to the Flourish group. Notice how you can change the position of the Mirror filter directly in the Canvas by dragging the onscreen control.
- Press Command + 2 to go back to the Library and select the Glow subcategory. Select Outer Glow. Drag it on to the Flourish group. Press F3 to go to the Filters tab. Set the Radius value to 4, Brightness to 50, and Outer Color to orange, as shown in the following screenshot. Press the Space bar to play back.
- Let's add some text directly over the flourish and throw on a few behaviors to have it appear to be moving together. Make sure you're on the first frame of the project. Select the group in the Layers Tab. Type
to select the type tool, or select it from the toolbar by clicking on the T icon. - Type
in the Canvas and press the Esc key to go back to the default selection tool. Press F7 to bring up the HUD. Choose Impact as the font type, set Size to121
, and make sure the alignment is set to center, as shown in the following screenshot. Position it directly over top of the flourish in the Canvas. - Option + click the Outer Glow filter to copy it to the Organic text. Make sure Outer Glow Copy is selected, and in the HUD change the Inner and Outer Color values of the text to a purple and blue color of your liking. Use the following screenshot for reference:
- Let's have the text start a bit later and have it fade in as well as grow on screen. With the Organic text selected, jump to one second and the tenth frame mark in your Timeline. Press the I key to trim the layer's in-point to that location.
- Press Command + 2 to go to the Library tab and select the Behaviors category. Select the Basic subcategory and drag the Grow/Shrink and Fade in/Fade Out behaviors to the Organic text layer in the Layers tab.
- Press F2 to go to the Behaviors tab of the Inspector. Set the Fade In Time value to
and the Fade Out Time value to0
. - Under Grow/Shrink, change the Scale value to 10, as shown in the following screenshot. Press the Space bar to play back your project.