5 简洁为美(2)——缩略词
影视剧台词追求沟通、交流效率,以简洁著称,电影尤甚。这个特点不仅体现在台词中有许多省略句,也表现在台词里夹杂不少缩略词。随着社会生活节奏加快,缩略词的使用愈趋频繁。我们在汉语中也不时遇到从英语移植过来的缩略词。今天我在网上就看到一条新闻标题,说上海地铁公司在培训员工如何使用AED,我一下没有反应过来AED是什么意思,查看详细报道,原来AED就是“自 动体外除颤仪(automatic external defibrillator)”。
经常看英语新闻,我们应该对FEMA(Federal Emergency Management Agency美国联邦应急管理署),TSA(Transportation Security Administration美国联邦运输安全管理局),CDC(Centers for Disease Control and Prevention疾病控制中心), FDA(Food and Drug Administration美国药品食品监督管理局)等英语缩略词不觉陌生,毕竟新闻报道也是缩略词出现较多的地方。
和影视剧台词里的缩略词相比,新闻里的缩略词还算比较好懂的。新闻主播或记者的发音大都比较清晰,而且如果不是常用缩略词,一般都会给出全称。记得美国大选期间,CBS记者采访美国情报局长,问到当选总统拜登有没有每天接受情报部门的汇报时,她先说了缩略词PDB,接着又给出了PDB的全称(President's Daily Briefings)。要听懂影视剧台词中的缩略语就没这么简单了。首先,影视剧台词的发音未必都很清晰,有语速很快的情况;其次,台词中不少缩略词属于专业词汇,初次听到,我们会有堕入云海的感觉。
《指定幸存者》(Designated Survivor)是一部关于美国政治和反恐话题的电视剧,主人公是一位排位靠后、不受总统待见的住房和城市发展部部长。在国会山遭到恐怖分子毁灭性的爆炸袭击后,作为总统指定继承人的他稀里糊涂地登上了总统宝座。特别值得一提的是这部电视剧的对白中缩略词较多。比如,爆炸发生后,美女特工Hanna Wells和FBI副局长Jason之间有下面的对话:
Jason: All right, listen up. No one comes in or out without tin(警徽). I want a secure perimeter, at least five blocks out. I want TSA (Transportation Security Administration)screening equipment installed now. Got it?
大伙都听好了: 所有人一律凭警徽出入。要设立封锁线,范围至少5个街区,还要马上安装安检设备,都清楚了吗?
Crowd: Yes, sir. 明白,长官。
Jason: All right, back to work. 好,大家分头行动吧。
Hannah Wells: You'll also want to send up thermal UAVs (unmanned air vehicles)and air sniffers to look for anything biological or radiological in the area.
Jason: Hannah, you were supposed to report to HQ (headquarters).
Hannah: I was 10 blocks away. Any survivors?
Jason: No. Not yet. EMS (Emergency Medical Service)is digging through the rubble. 没有,目前还没发现。紧急救援人员还在废墟中搜寻。
Hannah: Make sure that Haz-Mat (hazardous materials Unit)knows ...
Jason: Agent Wells, you're SIOC (Strategic Information and Operation Center), oaky. You're not a field agent. I need you heading up a crisis team at the operations center.
Hannah: You don't need me behind a computer. You need me here. I worked both bomb sites ...
Jason: Hannah ... 汉娜……
Hannah: On the ground in Brussels and Paris. I know what to look for. Jason, please. I need to be here.
上面的对话中,TSA, EMS, HQ, UAVs属于较常见的缩略词,但Haz-Mat和SIOC出现的频率并不高,我们听起来会有困难。
OPO (Executive Office of the President总统行政办公室)
NSC (National Security Committee国家安全委员会)
TEDAC (Terrorist Explosive Devices Analytical Center反恐爆炸装置分析中心,成立于2003年,隶属于FBI)
PECO (President Emergency Operation Center总统紧急行动中心)
IED (Improvised Explosive Device简易爆炸装置)
UXO (Unexploded Ordinance未引爆的爆炸物)
DEFCON-2 (Defense Condition-2战备状态-2级)
DHS (Department of Homeland Security国土安全部)
Command Ops (Command of Operations行动指挥部)
JSOC (Joint Special Operations Command联合特种作战司令部)
LZ (landing Zone着陆区)
ICE (Immigration and Customs Enforcement移民执法局)
POTUS (President of the United States of America)
HUD (Department of Housing and Urban Development住房和城市发展部)
一般而言,影视剧专业性越强,缩略词出现的频率也相对较高。比如,在医疗题材的影视剧里我们会碰到ICU(intensive care unit 重症监护室),OR(operating room手术室),ER (emergency room急症室),EKG (electrocardiogram心电图)等缩略词。在刑侦类影视剧里,常用的缩略词有OD (over dose服食药物过量),COD(cause of death死亡原因),DOA(dead on arrival 送到医院已死亡),NYPD (New York Police Department纽约警察局),pen (penitentiary监狱)等等。
需要注意的是,很多缩略词的意思并不固定,有多重意思。以ID为例,根据上下文它既可以作名词、当“身份”讲,也可以作动词,当“查明身份”讲。同样,Doc一词,既可以理解成医生doctor,也可以理解成文件document。再比如,con有时指骗子confidence man,有时也指犯人convict。
1. 截短词 (clipping)
(1)Some impressive fitness reps (reports)here.从报告上看,你的身体非常好。
(1)、(2)均出自《魔鬼女大兵》(G.I. Jane)
(2)Check the antenna for comms (communication)capability.
(3)Some bastard stole my chute (parachute).哪个兔崽子偷了我的降落伞。
《第二十二条军规》(Catch 22)
(4)What's the matter? You look so sad, hon (honey).
《死囚之舞》(Monster's Ball)
(5)Give me the shock defib (defibrillator).把除颤器给我。
《生于七月四日》(Born on the Fourth of July)
2. 首字母缩略词 (initialism)
一般由几个词的首字母构成,每个字单独读出,如BBC (British Broadcasting Corporation)要读成B-B-C。
(1)The CO (commanding officer)says I can.指挥官说我可以。
《魔鬼女大兵》(G.I. Jane)
(2)Don't BS (bullshit)me. I do not look great.少哄我了,我一点也不帅气。
(3)Patty, see if this guy's got a CB (civic band). Call an ambulance.
(4)What's his GSC (gas-solid chromatography)?
(5)There is no such a thing as ESP (extra sensory perception).
《所谓人生》(Life or Something like It)
3. 缩写词 (acronym)
(1)He's wearing a SWAT uniform.他穿的是特警制服。
(SWAT=special weapon and technique,特警。是警察内部的特种武器战术分队。)
《头号通缉犯》(Most Wanted)
(2)You need to walk out from this ASAP (as soon as possible).
《单身男子俱乐部》(Old School)
(3)Excuse me, I'm in the middle of REM cycle over here.
(REM=rapid eye movement)
《特工佳丽》(Miss Congeniality)
(RICOA=Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organization Act,反敲诈和贿赂组织法。)
《傲骨之战》(The Good Fight)
(5)Fucking AWOL.他妈的,你这叫擅自离队、临阵脱逃。
(AWOL=absent without leave)
4. 拼缀词(blending)
(1)She is in pre-op (preparation of operation).她只是参加预演而已。
《楚门的世界》(The Trueman Show)
(2)Excuse me, there's call from the SecNav's (Secretary of Navy)office.
《魔鬼女大兵》(G.I. Jane)
(3)I'll brief the congressional leadership tomorrow evening at 5:00.At 7:00o'clock, all United States' Armed Forces worldwide stand up to DEFCON3 (defense condition 3).
《惊爆十三天》(Thirteen Days)
(4)Your hanging out with the G-man (government man)just got us a good gig.
《神魂颠倒》(Head Over Heels)
5. 其他词语简化形式
(1)This is my number (telephone number). Maybe we can get out for coffee sometime.这是我的电话号码。哪天有空,我们可以一起喝点咖啡什么的。
(1)、(2)均出自《心灵捕手》(Good Will Hunting)
(2)You have to have blood (blood test)and urine (urine test)? What's up?
(3)Comfy (comfortable).很舒服。
《警察学校》(Police Academy)
(4)You know what that hanky (handkerchief)remind me of?
《电子情书》(You've Got Mail)
(5)Here comes arty (artillery).大炮来了。
《越战创伤》(Casualties of War)
6. 影视剧中带有缩略词的其他例子
(1)一位女士好管闲事,上完厕所后对清洁工说: FYI, the ladies' room needs some attention.提醒一下,女厕所需要打扫。
(FYI=For your information,FYI分开读,读成F-Y-I。下同。)
(2)Just FYI, the first three letters in assistant spell “ass”.
《威尔和格蕾丝》(Will & Grace)
(3)Yeah, not possible, and FYI, we don't all look the same.
《护法为民》(For the People)
(4)Maybe she needs the money ASAP.也许她急需钱。
(ASAP=as soon as possible。按照正常单词读,也有分开读的,即读成A-S- A-P。下同。)
(5)When you find that sister of yours, you get out of this town ASAP.
《将错就错》(Say It Isn't So)
(6)There's no BS with her.她没有什么废话。
《神烦警探》(Brooklyn Nine-Nine)
(7)P.S., she is single, fellas.大伙,我啰唆一句,她还是单身。
(P.S.=Post Scripts)
(8)Sophomore year in college, you set me up with your TA.
(TA=teaching assistant)
《威尔和格蕾丝》(Will & Grace)
(9)Limo gets here at 4:00.豪华加长轿车4点到这来接我。
《摩登家庭》(Modern Family)
(10)Where is the fucking limo?轿车他妈的在哪儿?
《保镖》(The Bodyguard)
(11)Think his cigs could've been sabotaged.他抽的香烟可能被人下毒了。
(12)She was supposed to loan me a cig.她应该借给我香烟抽的。
《黑道家族》(The Sopranos)
(13)Hey, Lou.嘿,上尉。
(14)晚上睡觉前哄小孩用语: All right, got your PJs on, read you a story, check under the bed for monsters.
《神烦警探》(Brooklyn Nine-Nine)
(15)Everybody wears PJs which they love.大家穿上自己喜欢的睡衣。
《摩登家庭》(Modern Family)
(16)Do the meds help your voice?吃药后,你的嗓子好些了吗?
(17)There's not too many roles for Philly girls out there.
(Philly=Philadelphia,注意: 上面的There's not too many roles严格地讲应该是There're not too many roles,这里是俚俗说法。)
(18)So is the perp, writer?如此看来,行凶者是作家吗?
(19)The shock from the defib must have knocked her out, but didn't kill her.
(20)There's nothing missing from the Met.大都会博物馆没有东西被盗。
(the Met=The Metropolitan Museum of Art,大都会艺术博物馆。美国最大的艺术博物馆,与伦敦大英博物馆、巴黎卢浮宫、俄罗斯圣彼得堡的列宁格勒美术馆齐名的世界四大美术馆之一。)
(21)You date a lot of ex-cons.你跟很多有犯罪前科的人约会过。
(21)、(22)均出自《心灵猎人》(Mind Hunter)
(22)Need to get a steno to put it in writing.
(23)NSC is seeking that additional proof that you asked for, that they are responsible for the bombing.
(NSC=national security committee,国家安全委员会。下同。)
《指定幸存者》(Designated Survivor)
(24)NSC and Joint Chiefs are waiting in the Sit Room
《国务卿女士》(Madam Secretary)
(25)After he realized I wasn't ICE, he finally started talking.
(ICE=Immigration Customs Enforcement,移民海关执法局。下同。)
《无罪证明》(Proven Innocent)
(26)ICE got me arrested. I'm going to be deported.
(26)、(27)均出自《指定幸存者》(Designated Survivor)
(27)We are going to DEFCON-2.我们要准备进入二级战备状态。
(DEFCON-2=defense condition-2。DEFCON戒备状态 是美国军队活跃度和备战状态的等级。第五级最低,一级最高。下同。)
(28)I say we go to DEFCON-4.我说,我们要进入四级战备状况。
《黑道家族》(The Sopranos)
(29)Jihadist terror groups have been using them for years as their primary IEDs.
(IED=improvised explosive device,简易爆炸装置。)
《指定幸存者》(Designated Survivor)
(30)You are not gonna toss me aside for some sluts straight out of Vassar.
(Vassar= Vassar College瓦萨学院,位于纽约州波基浦西市,是一所男女合校的顶尖文理学院。下同。)
《纸牌屋》(House of Cards)
(31)Beth is an undergrads at Vassar, doing a paper on law enforcement. I'm gonna help her get an inside look.
《特工佳丽》(Miss Congeniality)
(32)And I had to juggle two temp jobs just to pay the rent.
(temp jobs=temporary jobs)
《纸牌屋》(House of Cards)
(33)I'm just a temp.我只是临时帮帮忙。
《六尺之下》(Six Feet Under)
(34)I'll make an appointment for you to see my personal GP tomorrow.
(GP= General Practitioner)
《纸牌屋》(House of Cards)
(35)I also got an 18-year-old with MS, okay?
(MS= multiple sclerosis,多样性硬化。)
《黑道家族》(The Sopranos)
(36)This is Walter White, back in Caltech, he was ... you were a master of crystallography.
这位是Walter White。我们在加州理工学院那会,他是,(转过身来,朝向Walter White)你可是……晶体学方面的权威。
(Caltech=California Institute of Technology,下同。)
《绝命毒师》(Breaking Bad)
(37)I think I can die peacefully without seeing the Stanford-Cal game.
(38)She is MIA.她失踪了。
(MIA=missing in action)
(38)、(39)、(40)均出自《六尺之下》(Six Feet Under)
(39)Oh, I don't feel like carbs this morning.今天早上我不想吃碳水化合物。
(40)Mom and I have the hugest crush on this spinning instructor at the Y. he's hot, hot, hot!
(Y=YMCA,Young Men's Christian Association基督教青年会,是全球性基督教青年社会服务团体,具有160 多年的历史。)
(41)Are you coming over here to do recon?你到这里来,是来一探虚实的吗?
(41)、(42)均出自《广告狂人》(Mad Men)
(42)I was pudgy as a girl. I came into Home Ec in the eighth grade with a pattern for big girl pajamas.
(Home Ec=Home Economics,家政课。)
(43)I like BLTs, Your Honor, but I'm not biased against kosher food.
(BLT=bacon, lettuce, potato)
《傲骨之战》(The Good Fight)
(44)NYPD turned it over to the feds.
(NYPD=New York Police Department,feds=federal investigating personnel。)
《护法为民》(For the People)
(45)There's a cab leaving the cemetery. Have NYPD pick it up.
(NYPD=New York Police Department)
《美国警官》(U.S. Marshals)
(46)Anyway, I'd rather be at BPD where you can keep an eye on me.
(BPD=Boston Police Department)
《妙女神探》(Rizzoli & Isles)
(47)After all, we are supposed to be the LAPD, for God's sake.
(LAPD=Los Angeles Police Department)
《好莱坞标记》(The Hollywood Sign)
(48)Moore was suffering from something that seemed PTSD.
(PTSD=post traumatic stress disorder,创伤后应激障碍,指个体经历不幸事件如死亡、严重受伤后出现的精神障碍,从战场回来的士兵中发病率较高。)
(48)、(49)均出自《无罪证明》(Proven Innocent)
(49)You can't ask me any more info.你休想再从我这里得到任何消息。
(49)、(50)、(51)、(52)、(53)、(54)、(55)均出自《无罪证明》(Proven Innocent)
(50)He was a real perv.他这个人很变态。
(51)The main mics were off, but I left the room mics on.
(52)It's such a hottie.这东西好用。
(53)I never met a ho that didn't look out for anyone but herself.
(54)You are like a rom-com character.你很像浪漫喜剧肥皂剧里的角色。
(rom-com=romantic comedy)
(55)To prep you, we want to go over your story one more time, okay?
(56)A: She said to put down the phone. 她说把电话放下。
B: Okay, gramps, got it. 好的,爷爷奶奶,知道了。
(56)、(57)、(58)、(59)均出自《护法为民》(For the People)
(57)Well, you cannot sub her out with a friend who has a prior.
(58)The DEA left a witness in a holding cell for four days.
(DEA= drug enforcement administration,缉毒局。)
(59)I've a meeting with the ATF. I need you to back me up.
(ATF=Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives agents)
(60)Doc, with all due respect, you are an idiot.
(61)Get a doc.去叫医生来。
《生于七月四日》(Born on the Fourth of July)
(62)You're going to be the handsomest gent at your friend's retirement party.
(63)This way, gents.先生们,这边请。
(64)The EMT's on the way.急救人员马上就到。
(EMT=emergency medical technician紧急医疗救护技术员,下同。)
《妙女神探》(Rizzoli & Isles)
(65)EMTs are here in two minutes. ETMs are their way in.
(66)I'm not with the IRS.我不是国税局的。
(IRS=Internal Revenue Service国内税务局,下同。)
(67)And it will take the IRS a year to comply with a subpoena.
《妙女神探》(Rizzoli & Isles)
(68)How you earn your money is of no interest to the IRS. Now how could I put this in language you will understand? We just want our cut.
(69)Yeah, I am. I am a pharmaceutical rep.
嗯,我是 …… 我是医药公司的销售代表。
《生活大爆炸》(The Big Bang Theory)
(70)Man, look at this picture. It's worse than DMV.
(DMV=department of motor vehicle车辆管理局,下同。)
(71)DMV reports indicate that she came to the town from South Dakota three years ago.车辆管理局的报告表明她三年前从南达科他州来到本市。
(72)I'm sorry, sis, it was my secret.对不起,姐姐,这是我个人的隐私。
《无罪证明》(Proven Innocent)
(73)Hi, little sis.嗨,小妹妹好。
(74)If the NRA make me a target, the next election, I lose, plain and simple.
(NRA=National Rifle Association of America美国全国步枪协会,总部位于弗吉尼亚州的Fairfax,拥有会员近500万人。)
《白宫风云》(The West Wing)
(75)DOD is monitoring the situation.国防部正在密切注意事态的发展。
(DOD=department of defense)
(75)、(76)、(77)均出自《国务卿女士》(Madam Secretary)
(76)Jay give you our sad budget sitch?
(77)If there is any reason at all to pull the plug on the Op, do it.
(78)I want the entire Op plan in place now.
《纽约市长朱利亚尼》(The Rudy Giuliani Story)
(79)We had to open up an Ops Center at NSA.
(Ops Center=operations center,NSA=National Security Agency)
《指定幸存者》(Designated Survivor)
(80)Congratulations on the op.祝贺这次行动成功。
《特工佳丽》(Miss Congeniality)
(81)I think we need to take the exfiltration op off the table.
(exfiltration op= exfiltration operation)
(81)、(82)均出自《国务卿女士》(Madam Secretary)
(82)Do you have any actual intel on the situation?
(83)I will keep my eyes on that SOB, too.
(SOB=son of bitch)
《绝望的主妇》(Desperate Housewives)
(84)The guy is a real pro.这家伙很狡猾,有反侦察能力。
(85)They are pros.他们是职业杀手。
《对抗性游戏》(Fair Game)
(86)The doctor in 3E told Catherine she performed CPR on the victim.
(CPR=cardiopulmonary resuscitation,包括进行人工呼吸和体外心脏按压。)
(87)A: Hey, is that from the deli? 嘿,那是你从熟食店买来的吗?
B: Egg sandwich. You want half? 鸡蛋三明治,分一半给你怎么样?
(88)Dead or alive, your vic's epidermis is yellow.
(89)Good, I'm running it through AFIS right now.
(AFIS=Automatic Fingerprint Identification System自动指纹识别系统,通过特殊的光电转换设备和计算机图像处理技术,对活体指纹进行采集、分析和比对,可以自动、迅速、准确地鉴别出个人身份。)
(90)One of you cons trying for parole?你们这些犯人是不是有人想假释?
(91)We feel like we caught the Jap carrier steaming for Pearl Harbor.
《惊爆十三天》(The Thirteen Days)
(92)I don't even know the Japs were sore at us.我根本不知道日本人恨我们。
《珍珠港》(Pearl Harbor)
(93)We have IDed the man who broke into your home.
《超完美谋杀案》(A Perfect Murder)
(94)I IDed her body through AFIS and located her husband.
(95)A Russian sub.发现一艘俄国潜艇。
《惊爆十三天》(Thirteen Days)
(96)One man is a waste of ammo.对一个人开火是浪费弹药。
《拯救大兵瑞恩》(Saving Private Ryan)
(97)Here is your ammo.这是你的弹药。
《头号通缉犯》(Most Wanted)
(98)I was doing a delivery for Corky last week out of State and I ran into your ex.
《幼儿园特警》(Kindergarten Cop)
(99)I will put you in a great condo.我会为你买一套豪华的公寓房。
《风月俏佳人》(Pretty Woman)
(100)I'm trying to find an I.V. here.我去拿打点滴的东西来。
《魔鬼女大兵》(G.I. Jane)
(101)There is a large hematoma in the right front lobe. Let's get him to the OR.
(OR=operating room,下同。)
(102)Get others to the OR.让其他的病人到手术室去。
(103)Maybe I should get a M.R.I.也许我该做一个核磁共振成像扫描。
(M.R.I.=magnetic resonance imaging,核磁共振成像扫描。)
《所谓人生》(Life or Something like It)
(104)Why is there no APB on you?他们为什么没有对你下发全境通缉令?
《暗杀十三招》(The Parallax View)
(105)You gotta tell the police. They gotta put an APB.
《水舞》(Water Dance)
(106)It's POW camp.这是战俘营。
(POW=prisoner of war,战俘。)
《聚焦人生》(Auto Focus)
(107)Get your EMS people up here now.让医护人员马上赶到这里。
(EMS=emergence medical service,紧急医疗救护。)
《美国警官》(U.S. Marshals)
(108)And another woman in Boston. She is on life-support system after she Oded on something.
(Oded=over dosed)
《战栗情谋》(Guilty as Sin)
(109)I don't care if it's your husband of 10 years or some hot sailor you met at TGIF's.
(TGIF=thank God it's Friday,周末。)
《单身男子俱乐部》(Old School)
(110)Dogs at JFK caught a whiff of something in this package postmarked to Bosnian refugee camp.
(JFK=JFK Airport,下同。)
《勇闯夺命岛》(The Rock)
(111)Our guys in New York will meet you at JFK.
《美国警官》(U.S. Marshals)
(112)Just till I got my PGA tour card.
(PGA=professional golfers association)
《我为玛丽狂》(There's Something About Mary)
(113)The DA will come up with plenty of reasons.
(DA=district attorney,下同。)
《律政俏佳人》(Legally Blonde)
(114)What if D.A. suspected they had drugs?
《白宫风云》(The West Wing)
(115)They got too many DOAs already.他们在医院见的死人太多了。
(DOA=dead on arrival,下同。)
《丑态百出》(Life Stinks)
(116)He was a DOA.到医院时,他已经死了。
(117)That will never happen, G.I.傻大兵,别做梦了。
(G.I.=government issue,大兵。)
(117)、(118)均出自《越战创伤》(Casualties of War)
(118)You are KIA.你完蛋了!
(KIA=killed in action)
(119)You know I got 720 on my SAT verb.
(SAT=scholastic aptitude test)
《美国派》(American Pie)
(120)We have finals tomorrow.我们明天有期末考试。
(finals=final examinations)
《楚门的世界》(The Trueman Show)
(121)I have played gofer for 7 capital murder cases; I have witnessed 2 executions; I have written briefs for the ACLU.
(ACLU=American Citizen Liberties Union)
(121)、(122)均出自《杀戮时刻》(A Time to Kill)
(122)They got the NAACP and the ACLU, even the Federal government.
(NAACP=National Association for the Advancement of Colored People美国有色人种促进会,ACLU=American Civil Liberties Union美国公民自由联盟。)
(123)And there is a PTA meeting at the school on Tuesday at 4:00.
(PTA=parent-teacher association)
《克莱默夫妇》(Kramer VS Kramer)
(124)You are not the new VP.你又不是新来的副总裁。
(VP=vice president)
(125)I have the highest GPA in Delta Minnesota.
(GPA=grade point average)
《律政俏佳人》(Legally Blonde)
(126)The YWCA gets a busload of women to see us.
(YWCA=Young Women's Christian Association)
《大兵的故事》(A Soldier's Story)
(127)Give me that RT.给我报话机。
(RT=radio transmission)
(128)A: What's up? 什么事?
B: Well, her husband was just picked up at the bus station with a ‘32 caliber in his BVDs.
(BVDs=Bradley, Vorhees & Day,布沃戴内衣。)
《满月疑云》(China Moon)
(129)For that I lived 4 months in a crap hotel without cable.
(cable=cable TV)
(130)When was the last time you did a physical?你上次做体检是什么时候?
(physical=physical check)
《父子战争》(Memories of Me)
(131)They say it could puncture the skin of a rhino from a hundred.
(a hundred=a hundred meters)
《单身男子俱乐部》(Old School)
(132)You will get 3 hots and a cot.你有单独的小床,每天可洗3次热水澡。
(hots=hot showers)
《沉默的羔羊》(The Silence of the Lambs)
(133)A: How did you two meet? 你俩是怎么认识的?
B: I was a volunteer at a vet center, where we were placing wounded vets back in the workplace.
(vet center=veterans center)
《天才医院》(Pure Genius)
(134)Take him to the vet.带它去看兽医。
《猫屎先生》(As It Good As It Gets)
(135)And you can go with Carol and Susan to the OB-GYN.
(OB-GYN=obstetrician-gynecologist 妇产科医生。)
(136)But the actual theft will be pulled off by Don Mccreary, aka “fingers.”
具体调包的活由Don Mccreary来完成,他也被称为“金手指”。
(aka=also known as)
《神烦警探》(Brooklyn Nine-Nine)
(137)Coffee is better at AA.还是匿名戒酒互助会的咖啡更好喝一些。
(AA=alcohol anonymous)
《无罪证明》(Proven Innocent)
(138)One OJ coming up for the kid.孩子,来了一份橘子汁!
(OJ=orange juice,下同。)
《克莱默夫妇》(Kramer VS Kramer)
(139)OJ's in the top, grapes in the bottom drawers.