symptom 症状
symptom of anemia 贫血症状
amaurosis 黑矇
anorexia 厌食
anosmia 嗅觉丧失
asthenia 虚弱,无力
dizziness 头晕
dizzy 头晕的
dysphagia 吞咽困难
easy fatigability 易疲劳
exercise intolerance 运动不耐受
fatigue 疲劳,乏力
lassitude 精神不振
listlessness 精神萎靡,无力
malaise 不适
numbness 麻木
olfactory hallucination 幻嗅
parorexia 异食癖
pica 异食癖
palpitation 心悸
reduced capacity for exercise 运动能力下降
reduced exercise tolerance 活动耐量下降
shortness of breath 气短
tachypnea 呼吸急促
tingling 刺痛感
tinnitus 耳鸣
tiredness 疲乏
unsteadiness of gait 步态不稳
vertigo 眩晕
weakness 虚弱
weakness of the lower extremities 下肢无力
weariness 疲劳
symptom of leukopenia 白细胞减少症状
become feverish 发热
diaphoresis 出汗
excessive sweating 出汗过多
febrile 发热的
feel a chill 寒战
feel chilly 寒战
fever 发热
flu-like symptom 流感样症状
flu-like syndrome 流感样综合征
have a high fever 高热
have low-grade/slight fever 低热
hyperhidrosis 多汗
high fever 高热
hyperthermia 体温过高
infective fever 感染性发热
low grade fever 低热
perspiration 出汗
perspiring 出汗的
pyrexia 发热
rigor 寒战
rise of temperature 体温上升
shaking chill 恶寒,寒战
shivering 寒战
spiking fever 峰形热
sweating 出汗
symptom of thrombocytopenia 血小板减少症状
alveolar hemorrhage 肺泡出血
anal hemorrhage 肛门出血
bleeding diathesis 出血体质
bleeding from esophageal varices 食管静脉曲张出血
bleeding from stump of umbilical cord 脐带残端出血
bleeding manifestations 出血表现
blood cyst 血性囊肿
blood urine 血尿
bloody bulla 血疱
bloody stool 血便
bruise 挫伤,青肿
cephalhematoma 头颅血肿
colonorrhagia 结肠出血
colporrhagia 阴道出血
cruenturesis 血尿
cutaneous bruising 皮肤淤伤
cystorrhagia 膀胱出血
dermatorrhagia 皮肤出血
easy bruisability 易发瘀斑
easy bruising 易发瘀斑的
ecchymosis 瘀斑(单数)
ecchymoses 瘀斑(复数)
endometrorrhagia 子宫出血
enterohemorrhage 肠出血
entorrhagia 内出血
epidural hematoma 硬膜外血肿
epistaxis 鼻衄,鼻出血
esophagorrhagia 食管出血
excessive intraoperative bleeding 术中出血过多
flame-shaped hemorrhage 火焰状出血
gastric hemorrhage 胃出血
gastrointestinal (GI) bleeding 胃肠道出血
gingival hemorrhage 牙龈出血
gingivarum stomatorrhagia 牙龈性口腔出血
glossorrhagia 舌出血
gnathorrhagia 颊出血
gross hematuria 肉眼血尿
gynecologic bleeding 妇科出血
hemarthrosis 关节积血
hematemesis 呕血
hemathorax 血胸
hematocele 积血,血囊肿
hematochezia 便血
hematocolpometra 阴道子宫积血
hematocolpos 阴道积血
hematoma 血肿
hematomediastinum 纵隔积血
hematometra 子宫积血
hematomphalus 脐部积血
hematomyelia 脊髓出血
hematopericardium 心包积血
hematophthalmia 眼球积血
hematuresis 血尿
hematuria 血尿
hemopericardium 心包积血
hemoproctia 直肠出血
hemoptysis 咯血
hemorrhage 出血
hemorrhagic apoplexy 出血性卒中
hemorrhagic bullae 血疱
hemorrhagic diathesis 出血性素质
hemorrhinia 鼻出血,鼻衄
hemosalpinx 输卵管积血
internal hemorrhage 内出血
intracranial hemorrhage 颅内出血
intramuscular hematoma 肌内血肿
intraparenchymal hematoma 实质内血肿
intraperitoneal hemorrhage 腹腔内出血
joint hematoma 关节血肿
life-threatening pharyngeal or sublingual hematomas 威胁生命的咽部或舌下血肿
limb-threatening spontaneous bleeding 威胁肢体的自发性出血
macroscopic hematuria 肉眼血尿
melanorrhea 黑粪症
melena 黑便,黑粪
menorrhagia 月经过多
metrorrhagia 子宫出血
microscopic hematuria 镜下血尿
mucocutaneous bleeding 皮肤黏膜出血
muscle hemorrhage with compartment syndrome 肌肉出血伴筋膜室综合征
myelorrhagia 脊髓出血
nasal bleeding 鼻出血,鼻衄
nose bleed 鼻出血,鼻衄
oozing blood from catheter sites 从导管部位渗血
oral blood blisters 口腔血疱
oral hemorrhage 口腔出血
palatal petechiae 上颚瘀点
periorbital bruising 眶周淤伤
persistent bleeding from venipuncture sites or other skin wounds 静脉穿刺部位或其他皮肤伤口持续出血
petechia 瘀点
pneumohemorrhagia 肺出血
postsurgical bleeding 手术后出血
post-traumatic bleeding 创伤后出血
proctorrhagia 直肠出血
prolonged bleeding after dental extraction 拔牙后出血时间延长
prolonged bleeding from razor cuts 剃刀伤口出血时间延长
prolonged bleeding from sites of venipuncture or other invasive procedures 静脉穿刺或其他侵入性操作部位出血时间延长
prolonged oozing of blood 长时间渗血
pulmonary hemorrhage 肺出血
purpura 紫癜
purpuric 紫癜的
rectal bleeding 直肠出血
retinal hemorrhage and exudates 视网膜出血和渗出
retroperitoneal bleeding 腹膜后出血
retropharyngeal hematoma 咽后血肿
scattered ecchymoses 散在瘀斑
soft tissue hematoma 软组织血肿
spontaneous bleeding 自发性出血
subarachnoid hemorrhage (SAH) 蛛网膜下腔出血
subconjunctival hemorrhage 结膜下出血
subcutaneous bleeding 皮下出血
subdural hematoma 硬脑膜下血肿
surgical bleeding 外科出血
ulorrhagia 牙龈出血
upper gastrointestinal bleeding 上消化道出血
urinogenital tract bleeding 泌尿生殖道出血
vaginal bleeding 阴道出血
symptom of lymphoma 淋巴瘤症状
alcohol-induced lymph node pain 酒精诱导的淋巴结疼痛
chest pain arising from involvement of the ribs 肋骨受累引起的胸痛
cough 咳嗽
develop extranodal disease 出现结外疾病
drenching night sweats 夜间湿透性盗汗
extensive cutaneous involvement 广泛皮肤受累
grow disproportionately 不成比例地生长
heat intolerance 怕热
hypercatabolism 高分解代谢
hypermetabolic state 高代谢状态
itching 瘙痒
itchy 瘙痒的
lump 肿块
nerve-root invasion or compression 神经根侵犯或压迫
night sweating 盗汗
non-infective fever 非感染性发热
non-specific constitutional symptom 非特异性体质症状
nontender lymphadenopathy 无触痛淋巴结肿大
painless enlargement of the scrotum 阴囊无痛性增大
pruritic 瘙痒的
pruritus 瘙痒
superficial painless lymphadenopathy 无痛性浅表淋巴结肿大
systemic B symptom 全身性B症状
vague symptom 模糊不清的症状
weight loss 体重减轻
symptom of leukocytosis 白细胞增多症状
abdominal distension 腹胀
abdominal fullness 腹胀
abdominal pain 腹痛
arthralgia 关节痛
blurred vision 视物模糊
bone pain 骨痛
disturbance of consciousness 意识障碍
dyspnea 呼吸困难
heavy sensation in left upper quadrant 左上腹沉重感
hiccup 呃逆
left upper-quadrant discomfort 左上腹不适
left upper-quadrant dragging sensation 左上腹拖曳感
left upper-quadrant fullness 左上腹胀满
osteodynia 骨痛
premature satiety 早饱
sequestration of granulocytes in pulmonary circulation 粒细胞在肺循环滞留
shoulder pain on the left 左肩痛
signs of leucostasis 白细胞瘀滞征象
skin and gum infiltration 皮肤和牙龈浸润
spleen tip palpable below the level of the umbilicus 脐水平以下脾尖可触及
splenomegaly 脾大
sternalgia 胸骨痛
sternodynia 胸骨痛
symptomatic splenomegaly 症状性脾肿大
others 其他
arthralgia 关节痛
back pain 背痛
confusion 意识模糊
convulsion 抽搐,惊厥
diplopia 复视
disorientation 迷失方向
disturbance of ocular movement 眼球运动障碍
dryness of the mouth 口干
erythromelalgia 红斑性肢痛
fever of unknown origin (FUO) 不明原因发热
headache 头痛
hot flush 潮热
impairment of consciousness 意识障碍
indigestion 消化不良
joint pain 关节痛
muscle spasm 肌肉痉挛
myalgia 肌痛
nasal congestion 鼻塞
paralysis 麻痹,瘫痪
periumbilical pain 脐周疼痛
pronounced emaciation 明显消瘦
rhinorrhea 流鼻涕
visual loss 视力丧失
weakness of proximal muscle groups 近端肌群无力
wheezing 喘息