更新时间:2021-07-02 16:38:47
Extending Docker
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Chapter 1. Introduction to Extending Docker
The rise of Docker
Everyone should be using Docker?
Life cycle of a container
What are the limits?
Chapter 2. Introducing First-party Tools
Docker Toolbox
Docker Machine
Docker Swarm
Docker Compose
Chapter 3. Volume Plugins
Zero volumes
The default volume driver
Chapter 4. Network Plugins
Docker networking
Multi-host networking with overlays
Weaving a network
Chapter 5. Building Your Own Plugin
Third-party plugins
Understanding a plugin
Writing your plugin service
Chapter 6. Extending Your Infrastructure
Why use these tools?
Puppetize all the things
Orchestration with Ansible
Vagrant (again)
Packaging images
Serving up Docker with Jenkins
Chapter 7. Looking at Schedulers
Getting started with Kubernetes
Amazon EC2 Container Service (ECS)
Chapter 8. Security Challenges and Conclusions
Securing your containers
The challenges