更新时间:2021-07-14 11:21:15
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Chapter 1. Preparing for a Big Project
Overview of the game
Creating a C++ project
The project settings
The editor settings
Mapping the inputs
Migrating assets
Using MarketPlace assets
Retargeting animations
Chapter 2. Setting Up Your Warrior
The code project
Creating the C++ class
Editing and adding code
The Gladiator header (.h) file
The Gladiator source (.cpp) file
Compiling the code
Animation assets
Building the blueprint
Adding the blueprint to the GameMode
Chapter 3. Designing Your Playground
The art of level design
Building lightmaps for a level
Player Start
The navigation mesh
Chapter 4. The Road to Thinkable AI
The overall idea
The AI assets
The animation blueprint
Building the C++ logic
Building the behavior tree
Creating the blueprint
Adding notifies
What else?
Chapter 5. Adding Collectables
The idea behind collectables
The base class
The coin class
Making it collectable
Going forward
Chapter 6. The Magic of Particles
The particles editor
The viewport panel
The emitters panel
The details panel
Curve Editor
Spawning particles
Changing parameters at runtime
Chapter 7. Enhancing the Visual Quality
The lightmass
The Swarm Agent
The ambient occlusion
Lightmass settings
The post process project settings
Reflection Capture
The fog effects
Chapter 8. Cinematics and In-Game Cutscenes
Matinee actor (cinematic actor)
Bellz cinematic
The animated fog
Chapter 9. Implementing the Game UI
UMG as Unreal's UI system
The game UI widget
UMG Designer
Constructing the UI
Adding animations to the UI
Connecting the UI with the game logic
Chapter 10. Save the Game Progress
Building the SaveGame class
Saving and loading game data in C++
The *.sav file
Saving and loading game data in blueprints